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Last active December 14, 2015 19:59
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import sbt._
import Keys._
object Build extends sbt.Build {
lazy val jooqProject = Project("jooq", file("."), settings = Seq(
schemata = Seq("___________"),
includes = """(?i)__________\.(%s)""".format(Seq(
"pkg (foobar | xyzzy) bundle",
"foobar_ ( one | two | three | four_ (a|b) )",
"xyzzt_ ( one | two | three | four_ (a|b) )",
).mkString("|").replaceAll("""\s""", "")),
packageName = "__________.____.____________"
lazy val jooqCodegenTask = TaskKey[Unit]("jooq-codegen")
lazy val jooqCodegenConfig = SettingKey[JooqCodegenConfig]("jooq-codegen-config")
def jooqSettings(config: JooqCodegenConfig): Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
libraryDependencies += Seq(
"" % "ojdbc6" % "",
"org.jooq" % "jooq" % "3.0.0-RC1"
jooqCodegenConfig := config,
javaSource in Compile <<= (sourceDirectory in Compile)(_/"jooq"),
jooqCodegenTask <<= (streams, baseDirectory, jooqCodegenConfig) map {
(s, bd, jc) => {
if (jc.enable) {
import org.jooq.util.{GenerationTool=>G}
val xml = jc.asXml(bd).buildString(stripComments = false)
G.main(G.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("utf-8"))))
case class JooqCodegenConfig(schemata: Seq[String] = Seq(), includes: String = "",
packageName: String = "", enable: Boolean = true) {
def asXml(baseDirectory: File) =
for (schema <- schemata) yield {

Demonstration of using SBT to invoke jOOQ-codegen

The "jooq-codegen" task generates sources under "src/main/jooq" (which is added as a Java source directory). I put them here instead of "src/main/java" because the directory must be emptied before generation, so I don't want to chance emptying a directory that might contain other sources.

I check the jOOQ-generated code into version control. This makes it easier to work away from the office where I don't have easy access to the database. It also gives me a better picture of database changes, because they are reflected as commits.

import sbt._
import Keys._
object ProjectBuild extends sbt.Build {
lazy val root = Project("build", file("."), settings = Seq(
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"" % "ojdbc6" % "",
"org.jooq" % "jooq-codegen" % "3.0.0-RC1"
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