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Last active March 9, 2019 02:08
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Parse Census Bureau address range data
# Parse Census Bureau address range data
# Problem:
# We need a way to match incidents (that have address-level data) to the blockface they occur on.
# By blockface, I mean the houses on either side of a street between two cross streets (i.e.
# the 100-block of Main Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues).
# Typically, census block and city block shapefiles do not represent a blockface. Instead,
# they have parts of up to four different streets, typically representing half of a blockface
# for each of the included streets. So a block bounded by Main Street on the south, 1st Avenue
# on the west, Washington Street on the north, and 2nd Avenue on the east would contain addresses
# from each of the four streets that form the block's boundaries. Joining addresses to traditional
# blocks therefore produces entities that are distinct from the way we think about a blockface.
# We need to be able to do two things - identify incidents that occur on "marked" blocks, and then
# also produce counts of incidents for all blocks.
# The census bureau pubishes something that could be helpful - line data with block segements.
# These include the low and high address numbers for both sides of the street (i.e. the blockface).
# However, I need a quick way to apply the blockface identification numbers to individual
# addresses in the incident data.
# dependencies
# custom function to create a list-column with every other integer value between the low
# and high values for a given side of the blockface
parse_range <- function(x){
# convert item to numeric
vector <- as.numeric(x)
# expand vector to include every other integer between low and high values
out <- = vector[1], to = vector[2], by = 2)
# return output
# sample block data
blocks <- tibble(
bfId = c(1,2,3,4),
rightLow = c(400,500,600,700),
rightHigh = c(498,598,698,798),
leftLow = c(401,501,601,701),
leftHigh = c(499,599,699,799),
street = c("Main St", "Main St", "Main St", "Main St"),
# sample incident data
incidents <- tibble(
callId = c(101, 102, 103, 104, 105),
address = c("424 Main St", "447 Main St", "504 Main St", "667 Main St", "773 Main St"),
date = c("1/1/14", "3/6/14", "5/12/14", "4/19/14", "2/12/14"),
call = c("Graffiti", "Graffiti", "Pothole", "Lights Out", "Vacant Building")
# convert ranges into individual records, right side of street
blocks %>%
select(-c(leftLow, leftHigh)) %>%
rightRange = str_split(string = str_c(as.character(rightLow), "-", as.character(rightHigh)), pattern = "-")
) %>%
mutate(rightRange = map(.x = rightRange, .f = parse_range)) %>%
unnest() %>%
select(-c(rightLow, rightHigh)) %>%
rename(house = rightRange) %>%
select(bfId, house, street, marked) -> right
# convert ranges into individual records, left side of street
blocks %>%
select(-c(rightLow, rightHigh)) %>%
leftRange = str_split(string = str_c(as.character(leftLow), "-", as.character(leftHigh)), pattern = "-")
) %>%
mutate(leftRange = map(.x = leftRange, .f = parse_range)) %>%
unnest() %>%
select(-c(leftLow, leftHigh)) %>%
rename(house = leftRange) %>%
select(bfId, house, street, marked) -> left
# combine left and rigt side of street data
bind_rows(right, left) %>%
arrange(bfId, house) %>%
mutate(address = str_c(house, street, sep = " ")) -> master
# combine master and incident data to apply blockface ids and
# the logical indicator of a "marked" block to each incident
master %>%
select(bfId, address, marked) %>%
left_join(incidents, ., by = "address") -> incidentsWithBlock
# calculate counts per blockface
incidentsWithBlock %>%
group_by(bfId) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
left_join(blocks, ., by = "bfId") -> countsByBlock
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