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Last active September 7, 2022 19:53
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vim notes
# show number all tabs
:tabdo windo set number
# copy to clipboard fix
sudo apt-get install vim-gtk
# editorconfig
# autocomplete
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
git submodule update --init --recursive
brew install cmake
python3 --go-completer
# enable jenkinsfile syntax highlighting
au BufNewFile,BufRead Jenkinsfile setf groovy
au BufNewFile,BufRead setf groovy
# enable indent lines
# send command to pane 1 and redraw vim to avoid press enter message
exe "silent !tmux send -t 1 '(cd ~/ && pwd)' Enter" | redraw!
# send commands to tmux pane
exe "!tmux send -t 1 'echo cool' Enter"
# count selected words
# select words
ctrl + g
# eg: Selected 1 of 999 Lines; 4 of 2089 Words; 28 of 25511 Bytes
# create new file in current dir
:e %:h/filename
# restore syntax highlighting
# full-screen
ctrl + w _
# undo full-screen
ctrl + w =
# undo
:earlier 1f
# count lines
# select lines
ctrl + v
# g - ctrl + g
# set tab to 2-spaces
set tabstop=2
# screen resize
# vertical
:resize -v 40
:resize -h 50
# screen resize
# left
ctrl-w + 45 <
# right
ctrl-w + 45 >
# bottom
ctrl-w + 10 -
# up
ctrl-w + 10 +
# resize
:10winc -
# search, count pattern within file
# visual selection tags
# outer
# inner
# visual selection
# place cursor on curly or paren then
# within curly brances
# within parenthesis
# within double quotes
# inclusive selection
# find only in visual selection
# select a block using ctr-v and arrows
# close all execept active one
# new file current tab
# jump to column
# redo
ctrl + r
# show explorer
# jump to changes
# turnoff autoident when pasting text
:set paste
# turnon autoindent when pasting text
:set nopaste
# select current cursor's word
# show numbers
:set number
:set nonumber
# pass current path file to a command
:!mycommand %:p
# spell off
:set spell!
# spell checking
:setlocal spell
:setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
# sync/unsync tabs if opened same files
:set scrollbind
:set noscrollbind
# re-open closed tabs
:ls " get the buffer number
:tabnew +Nbuf " where N is the buffer number
# jump to byte offset
# bookmarks ->
# add/remove
# all
# open a file withing cwd
# softtabstop -> tab's width.
# shiftwidth -> shifth's width.
# tabstop -> width of tabs to be shown like.
# noexpandtab -> to use tab-base indent
# autoindent -> copy indentation from prev. line
# format json file
:%!python -m json.tool
# count match pattern
# shows stash content
git stash show -p stash@{1}
# next/prev '{' '}'
# jump to previous } of func definition
# readonly option set
:w !sudo tee %
# previous location
ctrl + o
# details(word, byte info ...) of current cursor word.
g + ctrl - g
# sort selected lines alphabetically
# select lines -> v + arrows to select lines
:{select lines}!sort
# spelling suggestion
# close other tabs, except active one
# and buffers
ctrl-w o
# jump next/previous
# changed lines - git
# go back, after going to def
ctrl + o
# list all buffers
# go to one specific buffer
# open errors tab
# indent guides
# toggle shortcut
# wrap current line within a tag
# enter
# convert vertical split to horizontal split
Ctrl-w t - Ctrl-w K
# horizontal to vertical
Ctrl-w t Ctrl-w H
# fold/unfold
# for go:
# set foldmethod=syntax
# set nofoldenable
`za` - toggles
`zc` - closes
`zo` - opens
`zR` - open all
`zM` - close all
# convert to: snakecase/camelcase
# should be use alogn to work
# uppercase/lowercase, highlight the word then:
# quite recording vim
# set config per language, eg for html files:
# file: ~/.vim/ftplugin/html.vim
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
# create files directories with NERDTree
# open nerdtree, place cursor where you want
# to create the file or dir
# then 'a' then the name of dir/file, for
# directories make sure
# too write '/' at the end.
# move current line to middle of screen
# move current line to top of screen
# move current line to bottom of screen
# search match exactly
# keyarrows stop working
# diplay current file name
ctrl + g
# install plugin using Vunble
clone git repo within ~/.vim/bundle
then add plugin in ~/.vimrc.local
Plugin 'abc/efg.vim'
# select matching words of the current cursor
shift + 3
# having multiple tabs open, you want to fullwidth one temporary with:
:tab split
# to close
# ^^^ to add a short cut
:noremap tt :tab split<CR>
# to close, as always
# match exact
# square selection
ctrl + v
# some files does not highlight syntax, remove dir:
# make windows same size
:winc =
# increase size of tab
ctrl w + <
ctrl w + >
# open new file in vertical new tab
:vert new filename.extension
# eleminate line, move line top, paste
# eleminate line, move line bottom, paste
# replace word under cursor
# list buffer
# go next/prev file
# search for text
:vimgrep "PublishableKey" **/*
# search and replace
# go to next/prev matching
# jump to def
# split vertically
# horizontal (straight) split
# stop highlighting what u searched for
" size of a hard tabstop *** to new line
set tabstop=4
" size of an "indent"
set shiftwidth=4
" a combination of spaces and tabs are used to simulate tab stops at a width
" other than the (hard)tabstop *** tab indent
set softtabstop=4
# delete current line
# copy current line
# comment block with nerdcommenter
# copy/paste block selected on visual mode
v <enter> (use arrows to selec block)
# to copy
# to paste
# reveal file in nerdtree
# go to matching { (
Cursor movement
h - move left
j - move down
k - move up
l - move right
w - jump by start of words (punctuation considered words)
W - jump by words (spaces separate words)
e - jump to end of words (punctuation considered words)
E - jump to end of words (no punctuation)
b - jump backward by words (punctuation considered words)
B - jump backward by words (no punctuation)
0 - (zero) start of line
^ - first non-blank character of line
$ - end of line
G - Go To command (prefix with number - 5G goes to line 5)
Note: Prefix a cursor movement command with a number to repeat it. For example, 4j moves down 4 lines.
Insert Mode - Inserting/Appending text
i - start insert mode at cursor
I - insert at the beginning of the line
a - append after the cursor
A - append at the end of the line
o - open (append) blank line below current line (no need to press return)
O - open blank line above current line
ea - append at end of word
Esc - exit insert mode
r - replace a single character (does not use insert mode)
J - join line below to the current one
cc - change (replace) an entire line
cw - change (replace) to the end of word
c$ - change (replace) to the end of line
s - delete character at cursor and subsitute text
S - delete line at cursor and substitute text (same as cc)
xp - transpose two letters (delete and paste, technically)
u - undo
. - repeat last command
Marking text (visual mode)
v - start visual mode, mark lines, then do command (such as y-yank)
V - start Linewise visual mode
o - move to other end of marked area
Ctrl+v - start visual block mode
O - move to Other corner of block
aw - mark a word
ab - a () block (with braces)
aB - a {} block (with brackets)
ib - inner () block
iB - inner {} block
Esc - exit visual mode
Visual commands
> - shift right
< - shift left
y - yank (copy) marked text
d - delete marked text
~ - switch case
Cut and Paste
yy - yank (copy) a line
2yy - yank 2 lines
yw - yank word
y$ - yank to end of line
p - put (paste) the clipboard after cursor
P - put (paste) before cursor
dd - delete (cut) a line
dw - delete (cut) the current word
x - delete (cut) current character
:w - write (save) the file, but don't exit
:wq - write (save) and quit
:q - quit (fails if anything has changed)
:q! - quit and throw away changes
/pattern - search for pattern
?pattern - search backward for pattern
n - repeat search in same direction
N - repeat search in opposite direction
:%s/old/new/g - replace all old with new throughout file
:%s/old/new/gc - replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations
Working with multiple files
:e filename - Edit a file in a new buffer
:bnext (or :bn) - go to next buffer
:bprev (of :bp) - go to previous buffer
:bd - delete a buffer (close a file)
:sp filename - Open a file in a new buffer and split window
ctrl+ws - Split windows
ctrl+ww - switch between windows
ctrl+wq - Quit a window
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