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Created April 9, 2012 21:40
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Exercise in 3.3 of SICP
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.STRef
-- Primitive actions
getSignal wire = wire GetSignal
setSignal wire x = wire (SetSignal x)
addAction wire proc = wire (AddAction proc)
-- Wire implementation
data WireAction b a = GetSignal | SetSignal a | AddAction b
data WireReturn a = Done | Signal a deriving (Show)
makeWire = do
signalValue <- newSTRef 0
actionProcedures <- newSTRef []
return $ \arg -> case arg of
GetSignal -> do
signal <- readSTRef signalValue
return (Signal signal)
(SetSignal newSignal) -> do
signal <- readSTRef signalValue
if newSignal /= signal
then do
writeSTRef signalValue newSignal
procs <- readSTRef actionProcedures
callEach procs
else return ()
return Done
(AddAction proc) -> do
modifySTRef actionProcedures (proc:)
return Done
callEach [] = return ()
callEach (p:procs) = do
callEach (procs)
testMakeWire = runST $ do
a <- makeWire
x <- getSignal a
setSignal a 1
y <- getSignal a
return [x,y]
-- Compound actions
--inverter input output = addAction input invertInput where
-- invertInput = setSignal output newValue where
-- newValue = logicalNot (getSignal input)
--andGate a1 a2 output = do
-- addAction a1 andActionProc
-- addAction a2 andActionProc
-- where
-- andActionProc = setSignal output newValue where
-- newValue = (&&) (getSignal a1) (getSignal a2)
--orGate o1 o2 output = do
-- addAction o1 orActionProc
-- addAction o2 orActionProc
-- where
-- orActionProc = setSignal output newValue where
-- newValue = (||) (getSignal o1) (getSignal o2)
-- Logical functions
logicalNot 0 = 1
logicalNot 1 = 0
logicalNot _ = error "Invalid signal (NOT)"
logicalAnd 0 0 = 0
logicalAnd 0 1 = 0
logicalAnd 1 0 = 0
logicalAnd 1 1 = 1
logicalAnd _ _ = error "Invalid signal (AND)"
logicalOr 0 0 = 0
logicalOr 0 1 = 1
logicalOr 1 0 = 1
logicalOr 1 1 = 1
logicalOr _ _ = error "Invalid signal (OR)"
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