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Created May 22, 2012 23:34
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Playing around with ways of defining a group as a 2-category in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List as List
-- Group stuff
class Group g where
eye :: g
(%) :: g -> g -> g
inv :: g -> g
instance (Group g, Group h) => Group (g,h) where
(a,b) % (c,d) = (a % c, b % d)
inv (a,b) = (inv a, inv b)
eye = (eye, eye)
cross xs ys = [(x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys]
conj g = \h -> g % h % inv g
center gs = filter commutes gs where
commutes g = all (\x -> g % x == x % g) gs
directProduct gs hs = [(g,h) | g <- gs, h <- hs]
-- Cyclic groups
data Cyclic = C { cn :: Int, k :: Int } deriving (Eq)
instance Show Cyclic where
show (C n 0) = "1"
show (C n k) = "c" ++ if k == 1 then "" else show k
instance Group Cyclic where
(C n k) % (C n' k') = if n /= n'
then error "Incompatible"
else C n $ (k+k') `mod` n
inv (C n k) = C n ((-k) `mod` n)
eye = undefined
cyclic n = map (C n) [0..n-1]
-- Dihedral groups
data Dihedral = D { dn :: Int, r :: Int, m :: Int } deriving (Eq)
instance Show Dihedral where
show (D n 0 m) = if m == 0 then "1" else "m"
show (D n r 0) = "r" ++ (if r == 1 then "" else show r)
show (D n r 1) = "mr" ++ (if r == 1 then "" else show r)
instance Group Dihedral where
(D n r m) % (D n' r' m') = if n /= n'
then error "Incompatible"
else case (m, m') of
(0, 0) -> D n ((r' + r) `mod` n) 0
(0, 1) -> D n ((r' - r) `mod` n) 1
(1, 0) -> D n ((r' + r) `mod` n) 1
(1, 1) -> D n ((r' - r) `mod` n) 0
inv (D n r m) = case m of
0 -> D n (-r `mod` n) 0
1 -> D n r 1
eye = undefined
dihedral n = map (uncurry $ D n) (cross [0..(n-1)] [0,1])
-- Actions of one group on another (used to define semi-direct product)
class Acts g h where
act :: g -> h -> h
instance Acts Cyclic Cyclic where
(C n k) `act` c = if n /= 2
then error "Only the action of C2 is defined"
else case k of
0 -> c
1 -> inv c
newtype Semi g h = S { unS :: (g, h) } deriving (Eq)
instance (Show g, Show h) => Show (Semi g h) where
show (S g) = show g
instance (Group g, Group h, Acts h g) => Group (Semi g h) where
(S (a,b)) % (S (c,d)) = S (a % act b c, b % d)
inv (S (a,b)) = S (inv b `act` inv a, inv b)
eye = S (eye, eye)
semiDirect gs hs = [ S (g,h) | g <- gs, h <- hs ]
data Morphism2 g = T { from :: g, via :: g, to :: g } deriving (Eq)
instance (Show g) => Show (Morphism2 g) where
show (T from via to) = "T[" ++ show via ++ "](" ++ show from ++ "->" ++ show to ++ ")"
make2morphism g h = T g h (h % g)
get2morphisms gs = [ make2morphism g h | g <- gs, h <- center gs]
class TwoCell c where
v :: c -> c -> Maybe c
h :: c -> c -> Maybe c
instance (Group g, Eq g) => TwoCell (Morphism2 g) where
(T a v b) `v` (T a' v' b') = if b' /= a
then Nothing
else Just $ T { from = a', via = v % v', to = b }
(T a v b) `h` (T a' v' b') =
Just $ T { from = a % a', via = v % v', to = b % b' }
justs = map fromJust . filter isJust
testComposition o gs =
let ms = get2morphisms gs
cs = List.nub $ justs [ a `o` b | a <- ms, b <- ms]
in and $ map (\m -> to m == via m % from m) cs
testVerticalComposition :: (Group g, Eq g) => [g] -> Bool
testVerticalComposition = testComposition v
testHorizontalComposition :: (Group g, Eq g) => [g] -> Bool
testHorizontalComposition = testComposition h
testMorphismComposition gs =
let ms = get2morphisms gs
vs = List.nub $ justs [ a `v` b | a <- ms, b <- ms ]
hs = List.nub $ justs [ a `h` b | a <- ms, b <- ms ]
in length ms == length vs && length ms == length hs
testAlt a b c d = do
ab <- a `v` b
cd <- c `v` d
ac <- a `h` c
bd <- b `h` d
return $ (ab `h` cd) == (ac `v` bd)
testAlternatingLaw gs =
let ms = get2morphisms gs
in and $ justs [ testAlt a b c d | a <- ms, b <- ms, c <- ms, d <- ms ]
run = mapM_ (\n -> putStrLn $ "n = " ++ show n ++ ": " ++
(show $ testAlternatingLaw $ dihedral n)) [1..10]
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