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Created January 9, 2014 10:28
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module AI.Search.Examples.Graph where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Applicative
import Data.STRef
import Data.Map (Map, (!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Graph.Inductive (LNode, LEdge, Gr)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as G
import AI.Search.Uninformed
type EdgeList v e = [(v,e)]
type VertexList v e = [(v, EdgeList v e)]
posInf :: Double
posInf = 1 / 0
mkGraphProblem :: (Ord v) => v -> v -> VertexList v Double -> Problem v v
mkGraphProblem initial final vertices = Problem
{ probInitialState = initial
, probSuccessor = successor
, probGoalTest = goaltest
, probCost = cost
graph = mkGraphMap vertices
successor v = [ (x,x) | x <- neighbors graph v ]
goaltest s = s == final
cost s a s' = case edge graph s s' of
Nothing -> posInf
Just c -> c
-- | An abstraction around the graphs from fgl, allowing nodes
-- to be referred to via their labels, as opposed to by an abstract
-- node reference. This requires that labels are unique (a constraint
-- not imposed in fgl).
data Graph v e = Graph
{ graphRep :: G.Gr v e
, label2key :: Map v Int
, key2label :: Map Int v
deriving (Show)
-- | Return the label of an edge between two nodes of a graph, or
-- return 'Nothing' if no such edge exists.
edge :: (Ord v) => Graph v e -> v -> v -> Maybe e
edge (Graph gr label2key key2label) v1 v2 = result
k1 = label2key ! v1
k2 = label2key ! v2
(Just ctxt, _) = G.match k1 gr
(adj, _, _, _) = ctxt
result = lookup k2 [ (k,e) | (e,k) <- adj ]
-- | Return the neighbors of a given vertex in a graph.
neighbors :: (Ord v) => Graph v e -> v -> [v]
neighbors (Graph gr label2key key2label) node =
case Map.lookup node label2key of
Nothing -> error "AI.Search.Example.Graph.neighbors"
Just k -> nub [ key2label ! v | v <- G.neighbors gr k ]
-- | Make an undirected graph from a vertex list.
mkGraphMap :: (Ord v) => VertexList v e -> Graph v e
mkGraphMap vertices = runST $ do
labelToKey <- newSTRef Map.empty
keyToLabel <- newSTRef Map.empty
nextKey <- newSTRef 0
edgeList <- newSTRef []
mkGraphMap' labelToKey keyToLabel nextKey edgeList
mkGraphMap' labelToKeyRef keyToLabelRef nextKeyRef edgeListRef = do
forM_ vertices $ \(u, conxns) -> do
registerVertex u
forM_ conxns $ \(v, e) -> do
registerVertex v
keys <- readSTRef labelToKeyRef
let uKey = keys ! u
vKey = keys ! v
modifySTRef edgeListRef (\l -> (uKey, vKey, e) : (vKey, uKey, e) : l)
label2key <- readSTRef labelToKeyRef
key2label <- readSTRef keyToLabelRef
edges <- readSTRef edgeListRef
let graph = G.mkGraph (Map.toList key2label) edges
return $ Graph graph label2key key2label
registerVertex label = do
labels <- readSTRef labelToKeyRef
when (Map.notMember label labels) $ do
key <- readSTRef nextKeyRef
modifySTRef labelToKeyRef (Map.insert label key)
modifySTRef keyToLabelRef (Map.insert key label)
modifySTRef nextKeyRef (+1)
Australia Example
--australia :: Gr String Double
--australia = mkGraphMap
aus :: VertexList String Double
aus =
[ (t, [])
, (sa, [(wa,1), (nt,1), (q,1), (nsw,1), (v,1)])
, (nt, [(wa,1), (q,1)])
, (nsw, [(q, 1), (v,1)]) ]
sa = "South Australia"
wa = "Western Australia"
nt = "Northern Territory"
q = "Queensland"
nsw = "New South Wales"
v = "Victoria"
t = "Tasmania"
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