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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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(* Define monadic operations for a list *)
let return x = [x]
let (>>=) lst f = List.concat ( f lst)
(* Generate the combinations of k distinct objects from a list *)
(* Simple version
let rec combnk k lst =
if k = 0 then
let rec inner = function
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> (fun z -> x :: z) (combnk (k - 1) xs) :: inner xs in
List.concat (inner lst)
let rec combnk k lst =
if k = 0 then
match lst with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> (combnk (k - 1) xs >>= fun comb ->
return (x :: comb)) @ combnk k xs
(* Set difference for lists *)
let rec set_diff xs ys = match xs with
| [] -> []
| h :: t -> if List.mem h ys then
set_diff t ys
h :: set_diff t ys
Sort a list into subgroups of specific sizes. For example,
# group ["a";"b";"c";"d"] [2;1];;
- : string list list list =
[[["a"; "b"]; ["c"]]; [["a"; "c"]; ["b"]]; [["b"; "c"]; ["a"]];
[["a"; "b"]; ["d"]]; [["a"; "c"]; ["d"]]; [["b"; "c"]; ["d"]];
[["a"; "d"]; ["b"]]; [["b"; "d"]; ["a"]]; [["a"; "d"]; ["c"]];
[["b"; "d"]; ["c"]]; [["c"; "d"]; ["a"]]; [["c"; "d"]; ["b"]]]
let rec group lst sizes = match sizes with
| [] -> [[]]
| h :: t -> combnk h lst >>= fun grp ->
group (set_diff lst grp) t >>= fun grps ->
return (grp :: grps)
(* I belive that the non-monadic code looks something like this:
let rec group (lst : 'a list) (sizes : int list) : 'a list list list =
match sizes with
| [] -> [[]]
| h :: t -> let f gr = (fun z -> gr :: z) (group (set_diff lst gr) t) in
let grps = combnk h lst in
List.concat ( f grps)
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