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Created July 30, 2015 13:51
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module Spreadsheet where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (union)
import Data.Unique
data Result a = Result a [ECell]
data Exp a = Exp { runExp :: IO (Result a) }
data Cell a = Cell {
_code :: IORef (Exp a )
, _value :: IORef (Maybe a)
, _reads :: IORef [ECell]
, _observers :: IORef [ECell]
, _id :: Unique
data ECell where
Pack :: Cell a -> ECell
instance Eq (ECell) where
Pack a == Pack b = _id a == _id b
instance Functor Exp where
fmap f exp = Exp $ do
Result a bs <- runExp exp
return $ Result (f a) bs
instance Applicative Exp where
pure a = Exp $ return $ Result a []
expf <*> expa = Exp $ do
Result f cs <- runExp expf
Result a ds <- runExp expa
return $ Result (f a) (cs `union` ds)
instance Monad Exp where
return a = Exp $ return $ Result a []
exp >>= f = Exp $ do
Result a cs <- runExp $ exp
Result b ds <- runExp $ f a
return $ Result b (cs `union` ds)
cell :: Exp a -> IO (Cell a)
cell exp =
Cell <$> newIORef exp
<*> newIORef Nothing
<*> newIORef []
<*> newIORef []
<*> newUnique
get :: Cell a -> IO (Result a)
get c = do
v <- readIORef (_value c)
case v of
Just a -> return $ Result a [Pack c]
Nothing -> do
Result a ds <- runExp =<< readIORef (_code c)
writeIORef (_value c) (Just a)
writeIORef (_reads c) ds
forM_ ds $ \(Pack d) -> modifyIORef (_observers d) (Pack c:)
return $ Result a [Pack c]
removeObserver :: ECell -> ECell -> IO ()
removeObserver o (Pack c) =
modifyIORef (_observers c) (filter (/= o))
invalidate :: ECell -> IO ()
invalidate (Pack c) = do
os <- readIORef (_observers c)
rs <- readIORef (_reads c)
writeIORef (_observers c) []
writeIORef (_reads c) []
writeIORef (_value c) Nothing
forM_ rs $ removeObserver (Pack c)
forM_ os $ invalidate
set :: Cell a -> Exp a -> IO ()
set c exp = do
writeIORef (_code c) exp
invalidate (Pack c)
run :: Exp a -> IO a
run exp = runExp exp >>= \(Result a _ ) -> return a
runCell c = readIORef (_code c) >>= run
------ Example -------------
expr :: IO a -> Exp a
expr io = Exp $ do
a <- io
return $ Result a []
unop :: (a -> b) -> Cell a -> Exp b
unop f c = Exp $ do
Result a bs <- get c
return $ Result (f a) bs
binop :: (a -> b -> c) -> Cell a -> Cell b -> Exp c
binop f ca cb = Exp $ do
Result a cs <- get ca
Result b ds <- get cb
return $ Result (f a b) (cs `union` ds)
foldCells :: (a -> b -> b) -> Exp b -> [Cell a] -> Exp b
foldCells f exp [] = exp
foldCells f exp (ca:cas) = Exp $ do
Result a cs <- get ca
Result b ds <- runExp (foldCells f exp cas)
return $ Result (f a b) (cs `union` ds)
sumCells :: Num a => [Cell a] -> Exp a
sumCells cs = foldCells (+) (return 0) cs
add :: Num a => Cell a -> Cell a -> Exp a
add = binop (+)
sub :: Num a => Cell a -> Cell a -> Exp a
sub = binop (-)
mul :: Num a => Cell a -> Cell a -> Exp a
mul = binop (*)
ratio :: Fractional a => Cell a -> Cell a -> Exp a
ratio = binop (/)
exponential :: Floating a => Cell a -> Exp a
exponential = unop exp
logarithm :: Floating a => Cell a -> Exp a
logarithm = unop exp
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