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Created September 27, 2018 16:02
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var chartData = {
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beforePrint: function() {
afterPrint: function() {
title: {
text: 'Industry Employment Growth',
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credits: {
text: "Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics",
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yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Year-over-year percent change',
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showFirstLabel: true,
categories: ['Construction', 'Leisure and Hospitality', 'Financial Activities', 'Manufacturing', 'Natural Resources and Mining', 'Education and Health Services', 'Other Services', 'Professional & Business Services', 'Government', 'Trade, Transportation, Utilities', 'Information']
exporting: {
filename: 'oh_industry_employment_growth',
scale: 2,
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text: 'Latest News Release',
onclick: function() {'', '_blank');
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text: "Download XLSX",
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onclick: function() {
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csv: {
dateFormat: '%m-%d-%Y',
columnHeaderFormatter: function(item) { /* Column is axis object */
if (item instanceof Highcharts.Axis) { /* Datetime axis */
if (item.isDatetimeAxis) { /* Use title if it exists */
if (item.options.title.text) {
return item.options.title.text;
} /* Else use title 'Date' (HC default = 'DateTime') */
else {
return 'Date';
} /* Category axis (only other type) */
else { /* Use title if it exists */
if (item.options.title.text) {
return item.options.title.text;
} /* Use HC default title if it doesn't */
else {
return 'Industry';
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if (item.options.csvname) {
return item.options.csvname;
} /* Else use the default name attribute */
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series: [{
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zIndex: 1,
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color: '#2875a8',
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enabled: false
data: [5.45, 1.77, 1.51, 1.03, 0.93, 0.76, 0.67, 0.31, 0.03, -0.09, -0.39]
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index: 1,
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name: 'United States',
id: 'United States',
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legendname: 'United States',
tooltipname: 'United States',
tooltipvaluesuffix: '%',
marker: {
enabled: false
data: [4.13, 2.01, 1.43, 1.64, 3.16, 2.07, 1.12, 1.69, 0.16, 0.88, 0.47]
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