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Last active July 22, 2023 01:59
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Instagram ID Parsing
package api
import (
// See
// and
const (
InstagramEpoch = 1314220021721
var (
encoder = base64.NewEncoding(`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_`)
type ID int64
func NewID(unixMillis, shardID, sequenceID int64) ID {
result := (unixMillis - InstagramEpoch) << (64 - 41)
result = result | (shardID << (64 - 41 - 13))
result = result | (sequenceID % 1024)
return ID(result)
func ShortcodeID(shortcode string) (ID, error) {
var decoded [16]byte
n, err := encoder.Decode(decoded[:], []byte(strings.Repeat("A", 12-len(shortcode))+shortcode))
if err != nil {
return ID(0), err
var result int64
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
result <<= 8
result |= int64(decoded[i])
return ID(result), nil
func (id ID) Shortcode() string {
var idBytes [9]byte
for i := 8; i >= 0; i-- {
idBytes[i] = byte(id & 0xFF)
id >>= 8
// Encode the ID bytes using base64
shortcode := encoder.EncodeToString(idBytes[:])
// Replace 'A' with a space
shortcode = strings.ReplaceAll(shortcode, "A", " ")
// Strip leading spaces
shortcode = strings.TrimLeft(shortcode, " ")
// Replace remaining spaces with 'A'
return strings.ReplaceAll(shortcode, " ", "A")
func (id ID) CreationTime() int64 {
return (int64(id) >> (64 - 41)) + InstagramEpoch
func (id ID) ShardID() int64 {
return (int64(id) >> (64 - 41 - 13)) & 0b1111111111111
func (id ID) SequenceID() int64 {
return int64(id) & 0b1111111111
func (id ID) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s - %d (Sequence ID: %d, Shard ID: %d, Created: %v)", id.Shortcode(), int64(id), id.SequenceID(), id.ShardID(), time.UnixMilli(id.CreationTime()))
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