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Last active April 18, 2022 17:29
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MATH214 Final Project: Code to Benchmark various Matrix Multiplication Algorithms
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
#include <iostream>
using Eigen::MatrixXi;
static MatrixXi naive_multiply(const MatrixXi &A, const MatrixXi &B) {
// result is an n x o matrix
MatrixXi C = MatrixXi::Zero(A.rows(), B.cols());
for (int i = 0; i < A.rows(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < B.cols(); j++) {
// calculate dot product of ith row of A and jth column of B
int sum = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < A.cols(); k++) {
sum += A(i, k) * B(k, j);
// assign entry in result matrix
C(i, j) = sum;
return C;
static MatrixXi strassen_multiply(const Eigen::MatrixXi &A, const Eigen::MatrixXi &B) {
const int N = A.rows();
if (N <= 4) return naive_multiply(A, B);
const auto &a = A.block(0, 0, N / 2, N / 2);
const auto &b = A.block(N / 2, N / 2, N / 2, N / 2);
const auto &c = B.block(0, 0, N / 2, N / 2);
const auto &d = B.block(N / 2, N / 2, N / 2, N / 2);
const auto &e = A.block(N / 2, 0, N / 2, N / 2);
const auto &f = B.block(0, N / 2, N / 2, N / 2);
const auto &g = B.block(N / 2, 0, N / 2, N / 2);
const auto &h = A.block(0, N / 2, N / 2, N / 2);
const auto &M1 = strassen_multiply(a + b, c + d);
const auto &M2 = strassen_multiply(e + b, c);
const auto &M3 = strassen_multiply(a, f - d);
const auto &M4 = strassen_multiply(b, g - c);
const auto &M5 = strassen_multiply(a + h, d);
const auto &M6 = strassen_multiply(e - a, c + f);
const auto &M7 = strassen_multiply(h - b, g + d);
MatrixXi C(N, N);
C << M1 + M4 - M5 + M7, M3 + M5,
M2 + M4, M1 - M2 + M3 + M6;
return C;
static void naive_multiply_benchmark(int N, benchmark::State &state) {
const MatrixXi &A = MatrixXi::Random(N, N);
const MatrixXi &B = MatrixXi::Random(N, N);
for (auto _ : state) {
naive_multiply(A, B);
static void strassen_multiply_benchmark(int N, benchmark::State &state) {
const MatrixXi &A = MatrixXi::Random(N, N);
const MatrixXi &B = MatrixXi::Random(N, N);
for (auto _ : state) {
strassen_multiply(A, B);
static void BM_Naive_2x2(benchmark::State &state) {
naive_multiply_benchmark(2, state);
static void BM_Strassen_2x2(benchmark::State &state) {
strassen_multiply_benchmark(2, state);
static void BM_Naive_4x4(benchmark::State &state) {
naive_multiply_benchmark(4, state);
static void BM_Strassen_4x4(benchmark::State &state) {
strassen_multiply_benchmark(4, state);
static void BM_Naive_8x8(benchmark::State &state) {
naive_multiply_benchmark(8, state);
static void BM_Strassen_8x8(benchmark::State &state) {
strassen_multiply_benchmark(8, state);
static void BM_Naive_16x16(benchmark::State &state) {
naive_multiply_benchmark(16, state);
static void BM_Strassen_16x16(benchmark::State &state) {
strassen_multiply_benchmark(16, state);
static void BM_Naive_32x32(benchmark::State &state) {
naive_multiply_benchmark(32, state);
static void BM_Strassen_32x32(benchmark::State &state) {
strassen_multiply_benchmark(32, state);
static void BM_Naive_64x64(benchmark::State &state) {
naive_multiply_benchmark(64, state);
static void BM_Strassen_64x64(benchmark::State &state) {
strassen_multiply_benchmark(64, state);
static void BM_Naive_128x128(benchmark::State &state) {
naive_multiply_benchmark(128, state);
static void BM_Strassen_128x128(benchmark::State &state) {
strassen_multiply_benchmark(128, state);
static void BM_Naive_256x256(benchmark::State &state) {
naive_multiply_benchmark(256, state);
static void BM_Strassen_256x256(benchmark::State &state) {
strassen_multiply_benchmark(256, state);
static void BM_Naive_512x512(benchmark::State &state) {
naive_multiply_benchmark(512, state);
static void BM_Strassen_512x512(benchmark::State &state) {
strassen_multiply_benchmark(512, state);
static void BM_Naive_1024x1024(benchmark::State &state) {
naive_multiply_benchmark(1024, state);
static void BM_Strassen_1024x1024(benchmark::State &state) {
strassen_multiply_benchmark(1024, state);
Running ./benchmark
Run on (4 X 1600 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 32 KiB (x4)
L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x4)
L2 Unified 256 KiB (x4)
L3 Unified 6144 KiB (x1)
Load Average: 2.29, 1.83, 1.74
***WARNING*** CPU scaling is enabled, the benchmark real time measurements may be noisy and will incur extra overhead.
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BM_Naive_2x2 4452 ns 4452 ns 157289
BM_Strassen_2x2 4471 ns 4471 ns 156630
BM_Naive_4x4 25475 ns 25475 ns 27481
BM_Strassen_4x4 25493 ns 25493 ns 27462
BM_Naive_8x8 181657 ns 181656 ns 3852
BM_Strassen_8x8 224344 ns 223743 ns 3130
BM_Naive_16x16 1382803 ns 1382779 ns 506
BM_Strassen_16x16 1685322 ns 1684031 ns 417
BM_Naive_32x32 10813924 ns 10813774 ns 65
BM_Strassen_32x32 12131297 ns 12131102 ns 58
BM_Naive_64x64 85585594 ns 85581655 ns 8
BM_Strassen_64x64 86165807 ns 86162451 ns 8
BM_Naive_128x128 680977415 ns 680966594 ns 1
BM_Strassen_128x128 608205666 ns 608195294 ns 1
BM_Naive_256x256 5450353167 ns 5448782901 ns 1
BM_Strassen_256x256 4310790179 ns 4310753972 ns 1
BM_Naive_512x512 43662225555 ns 43639166429 ns 1
BM_Strassen_512x512 30088482924 ns 30063769568 ns 1
BM_Naive_1024x1024 359372792062 ns 359182019060 ns 1
BM_Strassen_1024x1024 210963958482 ns 210924174384 ns 1
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chris124567 commented Apr 17, 2022



This gist contains code implementing two matrix multiplication algorithms (the naive algorithm and Strassen's algorithm) and code benchmarking them using Google's Benchmark framework for C++.


Compile with: g++ benchmark.cpp -o benchmark -lbenchmark -lpthread

Run with: ./benchmark

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