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Last active July 9, 2019 07:22
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  • Save chris2cant/50b90b4a90656404be9527e9560f2f3b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chris2cant/50b90b4a90656404be9527e9560f2f3b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Write a documentation

Keep It Short

People don’t like to read. That is why good explanations attempt to cut down the length of sentences and supplement explanations with pictures and illustrations.

If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.

Explain your instructions

Help reader understand and give meaning to your instructions.


Push your code every day.

Why ? : Your computer can crash during the night.
Why ? : Your code is safer on git server (And your computer).
Why ? : You can avoid to loose your work with an accidentally "rm -rf my-folder"
Why ? : You avoid to push your code if you are sick tomorrow


Push your code every day.

Comment your commands

  • Why ? : Not everyone knows what's append
  • Why ? : The reader must understand


# -b : Create a new branch
git checkout -b feature/my-feature

# - : Return to your previous checkout branch
# Exemple : git checkout master (switch to master); git checkout my-branch (switch to my-branch); git checkout - (switch to master)
git checkout -


git checkout -b feature/my-feature

Use full option

It's recommanded to use full option instead the short version.

  • Why ? : Easier to understand the option without manual
  • Why ? : The reader must understand and reuse the option


# --save-dev : Save the package in your package.json in devDependencies
npm install bootstrap --save-dev
# --save-dev or -D : Save the package in your package.json in devDependencies
npm install bootstrap --save-dev


npm install bootstrap -D

Bullet points

Try to use bullet points instead long phrase.

  • Why ? : More efficient than a long phrase.
  • Why ? : Easier to read.

Example 1 : Recommanded

I want to:
  - customize tools...
  - custom shows...
  - custom animations...

Example 1 : Avoid

I want to customize tools...
I want to have custom shows...
I want to do custom animations...

Example 1 : Avoid

I want to customize tools... I want to have custom shows... I want to do custom animations...

Example 2 : Recommanded

# P = pressure
# V = volume
# n = number of gas molecules measured in moles
# R = the gas constant
# T = temperature, measured in Kelvin

PV = nRT

Example 2 : Avoid

# The product of gas pressure and gas volume is equal to the number of gas molecules measured in moles times the gas constant,
# times the temperature of the gas in Kelvin.
PV = nRT


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