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Created May 1, 2018 14:41
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import React, {Component} from 'react'
import {Route, Redirect} from 'react-router-dom'
import userProvider from 'store/providers/user'
export default class ProtectedRoute extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.inProgress = false
NOTE: Can't render a route with a both component & render property
this.rProps = Object.assign({}, props)
delete this.rProps.component
this.state = {
authed: false,
completed: false,
redirectPathname: this.props.redirectPathname || '/auth/login', // Default path to send on redirect
props: this.rProps
auth() {
this.inProgress = true
const user = userProvider.get()
if(!user.__loaded) {
return setTimeout(this.auth.bind(this), 100)
let authed = (user && ? true : false
if(this.props.roles instanceof Array) {
let roleAuthed = false
for(let i = 0, l = this.props.roles.length; i < l; i++) {
const role = this.props.roles[i]
if(user.roles && user.roles.includes(role)) {
roleAuthed = true
if(!roleAuthed) {
authed = false
completed: true,
redirectPathname: '/dashboard'
else {
completed: true
this.inProgress = false
componentWillMount() {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
This is a Component that was mounted from another route; let the component know that the route has changed
if(this.state.completed && this.props.computedMatch.path != nextProps.computedMatch.path) {
this.setState({props: nextProps})
redirect = (props, pathname) => {
const options = {pathname, state: {from: props.location}}
return <Redirect to={options} />
renderComponent = (props) => {
const authed = this.state.authed
const Component = this.props.component
if(authed === true) {
return <Component {...props} />
return this.redirect(props, this.state.redirectPathname)
render() {
// Can use this to create an optional spinner component while waiting for async function to complete
const spinner = null
return this.state.completed
? <Route
: spinner
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