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Created September 9, 2008 00:43
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% Save request body to file.
save_data(Req, Type) ->
Filename = generate_filename(Req, Type),
Length = list_to_integer(Req:get_header_value("content-length")),
{ok, FileIo} = file:open(Filename, [raw, write]),
write_data(FileIo, Req, Length),
{ok, Filename}.
% Writes Chunked Data to file.
write_data(FileIo, Req, Length) when Length > 0 ->
case Length of
Length when Length < ?CHUNKSIZE ->
Chunk = bm:measure("Req:recv", fun() -> Req:recv(Length) end);
_ ->
Chunk = Req:recv(?CHUNKSIZE)
file:write(FileIo, Chunk),
write_data(FileIo, Req, Length - size(Chunk));
write_data(FileIo, Req, Length) ->
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