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Created February 14, 2017 17:00
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%% budget proposal
body : type.
governor : body.
house : body.
senate : body.
combined : body.
begin : pred.
proposal body : pred.
accepts body body : pred.
final body : pred.
stage main = {
governor_propose :
begin -o proposal governor.
house_accept :
proposal governor -o accepts house governor.
house_counter :
proposal governor -o proposal house.
senate_accept :
accepts house governor -o accepts senate governor.
senate_counter :
accepts house governor -o proposal senate.
senate_combine :
proposal house -o proposal senate.
finalize : accepts senate X -o final X.
review/sign : proposal senate -o final senate.
review/veto : proposal senate -o proposal governor.
context init = {begin}.
#trace _ main init.
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