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Created November 16, 2013 04:20
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Tmux logs with broken command issue
server started, pid 9841
socket path /tmp/tmux-1000/default
new client 8
loading /home/chris/.tmux.conf
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # terminal, etc.
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g mode-mouse on
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # scroll history
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g history-limit 50000
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # command prefix
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g prefix C-a
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: unbind C-b
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind C-a send-prefix
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # status line
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g status-interval 10
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g status-right "#(date -u)"
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # more responsive, to avoid interference with vim
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -sg escape-time 1
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # instead of 0 indexed
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g base-index 1
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: setw -g pane-base-index 1
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # mouse
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: setw -g mode-mouse on
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g mouse-select-pane on
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g mouse-resize-pane on
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g mouse-select-window on
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # colour
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g status-fg colour2
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: set -g status-bg colour236
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # custom bindings
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded!"
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind | split-window -h
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind - split-window -v
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind h select-pane -L
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind j select-pane -D
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind k select-pane -U
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind l select-pane -R
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind -r H resize-pane -L 5
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind -r J resize-pane -D 5
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind -r K resize-pane -U 5
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind -r L resize-pane -R 5
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # copy mode
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: setw -g mode-keys vi
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: #
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind-key -tvi-copy y copy-pipe "cat | xclip -selection clipboard -i"
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind-key -tvi-copy enter copy-pipe "cat | xclip -selection clipboard -i"
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind-key y run "tmux show-buffer | xclip -selection clipboard -i"
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: # maximise pane (and pop back in) - from tmux book and
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: unbind Up
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind Up new-window -d -n tmp \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; select-window -t tmp
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: unbind Down
/home/chris/.tmux.conf: bind Down last-window \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; kill-window -t tmp
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g default-terminal screen-256color (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g mode-mouse on (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g history-limit 50000 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g prefix C-a (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: unbind-key C-b (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key C-a send-prefix (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g status-interval 10 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g status-right "#(date -u)" (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -gs escape-time 1 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g base-index 1 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-window-option -g pane-base-index 1 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-window-option -g mode-mouse on (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g mouse-select-pane on (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g mouse-resize-pane on (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g mouse-select-window on (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g status-fg colour2 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-option -g status-bg colour236 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key r source-file /home/chris/.tmux.conf ; display Reloaded! (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key | split-window -h (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key - split-window -v (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key h select-pane -L (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key j select-pane -D (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key k select-pane -U (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key l select-pane -R (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key -r H resize-pane -L 5 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key -r J resize-pane -D 5 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key -r K resize-pane -U 5 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key -r L resize-pane -R 5 (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: set-window-option -g mode-keys vi (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key -t vi-copy y copy-pipe "cat | xclip -selection clipboard -i" (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key -t vi-copy enter copy-pipe "cat | xclip -selection clipboard -i" (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key y run "tmux show-buffer | xclip -selection clipboard -i" (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: unbind-key Up (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key Up new-window -d -n tmp ; swap-pane -s tmp.1 ; select-window -t tmp (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: unbind-key Down (client -1)
cmdq 0x7f748f4091e0: bind-key Down last-window ; swap-pane -s tmp.1 ; kill-window -t tmp (client -1)
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 14 from client 8
got 6 from client 8
got 0 from client 8
cmdq 0x7f748f408de0: new-session -s l (client 8)
new term: xterm-256color
xterm-256color override: colors 256
xterm-256color override: XT
xterm-256color override: Ms ]52;%p1%s;%p2%s
xterm-256color override: Cc ]12;%p1%s
xterm-256color override: Cr ]112
xterm-256color override: Cs [%p1%d q
xterm-256color override: Csr [2 q
new key Oo: 0x1021 (KP/)
new key Oj: 0x1022 (KP*)
new key Om: 0x1023 (KP-)
new key Ow: 0x1024 (KP7)
new key Ox: 0x1025 (KP8)
new key Oy: 0x1026 (KP9)
new key Ok: 0x1027 (KP+)
new key Ot: 0x1028 (KP4)
new key Ou: 0x1029 (KP5)
new key Ov: 0x102a (KP6)
new key Oq: 0x102b (KP1)
new key Or: 0x102c (KP2)
new key Os: 0x102d (KP3)
new key OM: 0x102e (KPEnter)
new key Op: 0x102f (KP0)
new key On: 0x1030 (KP.)
new key OA: 0x101d (Up)
new key OB: 0x101e (Down)
new key OC: 0x1020 (Right)
new key OD: 0x101f (Left)
new key : 0x101d (Up)
new key : 0x101e (Down)
new key : 0x1020 (Right)
new key : 0x101f (Left)
new key OH: 0x1018 (Home)
new key OF: 0x1019 (End)
new key : 0x1018 (Home)
new key : 0x1019 (End)
new key Oa: 0x501d (C-Up)
new key Ob: 0x501e (C-Down)
new key Oc: 0x5020 (C-Right)
new key Od: 0x501f (C-Left)
new key : 0x901d (S-Up)
new key : 0x901e (S-Down)
new key : 0x9020 (S-Right)
new key : 0x901f (S-Left)
new key [11^: 0x5002 (C-F1)
new key [12^: 0x5003 (C-F2)
new key [13^: 0x5004 (C-F3)
new key [14^: 0x5005 (C-F4)
new key [15^: 0x5006 (C-F5)
new key [17^: 0x5007 (C-F6)
new key [18^: 0x5008 (C-F7)
new key [19^: 0x5009 (C-F8)
new key [20^: 0x500a (C-F9)
new key [21^: 0x500b (C-F10)
new key [23^: 0x500c (C-F11)
new key [24^: 0x500d (C-F12)
new key [25^: 0x500e (C-F13)
new key [26^: 0x500f (C-F14)
new key [28^: 0x5010 (C-F15)
new key [29^: 0x5011 (C-F16)
new key [31^: 0x5012 (C-F17)
new key [32^: 0x5013 (C-F18)
new key [33^: 0x5014 (C-F19)
new key [34^: 0x5015 (C-F20)
new key [2^: 0x5016 (C-IC)
new key [3^: 0x5017 (C-DC)
new key [7^: 0x5018 (C-Home)
new key [8^: 0x5019 (C-End)
new key [6^: 0x501a (C-NPage)
new key [5^: 0x501b (C-PPage)
new key [11$: 0x9002 (S-F1)
new key [12$: 0x9003 (S-F2)
new key [13$: 0x9004 (S-F3)
new key [14$: 0x9005 (S-F4)
new key [15$: 0x9006 (S-F5)
new key [17$: 0x9007 (S-F6)
new key [18$: 0x9008 (S-F7)
new key [19$: 0x9009 (S-F8)
new key [20$: 0x900a (S-F9)
new key [21$: 0x900b (S-F10)
new key [23$: 0x900c (S-F11)
new key [24$: 0x900d (S-F12)
new key [25$: 0x900e (S-F13)
new key [26$: 0x900f (S-F14)
new key [28$: 0x9010 (S-F15)
new key [29$: 0x9011 (S-F16)
new key [31$: 0x9012 (S-F17)
new key [32$: 0x9013 (S-F18)
new key [33$: 0x9014 (S-F19)
new key [34$: 0x9015 (S-F20)
new key [2$: 0x9016 (S-IC)
new key [3$: 0x9017 (S-DC)
new key [7$: 0x9018 (S-Home)
new key [8$: 0x9019 (S-End)
new key [6$: 0x901a (S-NPage)
new key [5$: 0x901b (S-PPage)
new key [11@: 0xd002 (C-S-F1)
new key [12@: 0xd003 (C-S-F2)
new key [13@: 0xd004 (C-S-F3)
new key [14@: 0xd005 (C-S-F4)
new key [15@: 0xd006 (C-S-F5)
new key [17@: 0xd007 (C-S-F6)
new key [18@: 0xd008 (C-S-F7)
new key [19@: 0xd009 (C-S-F8)
new key [20@: 0xd00a (C-S-F9)
new key [21@: 0xd00b (C-S-F10)
new key [23@: 0xd00c (C-S-F11)
new key [24@: 0xd00d (C-S-F12)
new key [25@: 0xd00e (C-S-F13)
new key [26@: 0xd00f (C-S-F14)
new key [28@: 0xd010 (C-S-F15)
new key [29@: 0xd011 (C-S-F16)
new key [31@: 0xd012 (C-S-F17)
new key [32@: 0xd013 (C-S-F18)
new key [33@: 0xd014 (C-S-F19)
new key [34@: 0xd015 (C-S-F20)
new key [2@: 0xd016 (C-S-IC)
new key [3@: 0xd017 (C-S-DC)
new key [7@: 0xd018 (C-S-Home)
new key [8@: 0xd019 (C-S-End)
new key [6@: 0xd01a (C-S-NPage)
new key [5@: 0xd01b (C-S-PPage)
new key : 0x1031 ((null))
new key : 0x1032 ((null))
new key OP: 0x1002 (F1)
new key OQ: 0x1003 (F2)
new key OR: 0x1004 (F3)
new key OS: 0x1005 (F4)
new key [15~: 0x1006 (F5)
new key [17~: 0x1007 (F6)
new key [18~: 0x1008 (F7)
new key [19~: 0x1009 (F8)
new key [20~: 0x100a (F9)
new key [21~: 0x100b (F10)
new key [23~: 0x100c (F11)
new key [24~: 0x100d (F12)
new key : 0x100e (F13)
new key : 0x100f (F14)
new key : 0x1010 (F15)
new key : 0x1011 (F16)
new key [15;2~: 0x1012 (F17)
new key [17;2~: 0x1013 (F18)
new key [18;2~: 0x1014 (F19)
new key [19;2~: 0x1015 (F20)
new key [2~: 0x1016 (IC)
new key [3~: 0x1017 (DC)
replacing key OH: 0x1018 (Home)
replacing key OF: 0x1019 (End)
new key [6~: 0x101a (NPage)
new key [5~: 0x101b (PPage)
new key : 0x101c (BTab)
replacing key OA: 0x101d (Up)
replacing key OB: 0x101e (Down)
replacing key OD: 0x101f (Left)
replacing key OC: 0x1020 (Right)
new key [3;2~: 0x9017 (S-DC)
new key [3;3~: 0x3017 (M-DC)
new key [3;4~: 0xb017 (M-S-DC)
new key [3;5~: 0x5017 (C-DC)
new key [3;6~: 0xd017 (C-S-DC)
new key [3;7~: 0x7017 (C-M-DC)
new key : 0x901e (S-Down)
new key : 0x301e (M-Down)
new key : 0xb01e (M-S-Down)
new key : 0x501e (C-Down)
new key : 0xd01e (C-S-Down)
new key : 0x701e (C-M-Down)
new key : 0x9019 (S-End)
new key : 0x3019 (M-End)
new key : 0xb019 (M-S-End)
new key : 0x5019 (C-End)
new key : 0xd019 (C-S-End)
new key : 0x7019 (C-M-End)
new key : 0x9018 (S-Home)
new key : 0x3018 (M-Home)
new key : 0xb018 (M-S-Home)
new key : 0x5018 (C-Home)
new key : 0xd018 (C-S-Home)
new key : 0x7018 (C-M-Home)
new key [2;2~: 0x9016 (S-IC)
new key [2;3~: 0x3016 (M-IC)
new key [2;4~: 0xb016 (M-S-IC)
new key [2;5~: 0x5016 (C-IC)
new key [2;6~: 0xd016 (C-S-IC)
new key [2;7~: 0x7016 (C-M-IC)
new key : 0x901f (S-Left)
new key : 0x301f (M-Left)
new key : 0xb01f (M-S-Left)
new key : 0x501f (C-Left)
new key : 0xd01f (C-S-Left)
new key : 0x701f (C-M-Left)
new key [6;2~: 0x901a (S-NPage)
new key [6;3~: 0x301a (M-NPage)
new key [6;4~: 0xb01a (M-S-NPage)
new key [6;5~: 0x501a (C-NPage)
new key [6;6~: 0xd01a (C-S-NPage)
new key [6;7~: 0x701a (C-M-NPage)
new key [5;2~: 0x901b (S-PPage)
new key [5;3~: 0x301b (M-PPage)
new key [5;4~: 0xb01b (M-S-PPage)
new key [5;5~: 0x501b (C-PPage)
new key [5;6~: 0xd01b (C-S-PPage)
new key [5;7~: 0x701b (C-M-PPage)
new key : 0x9020 (S-Right)
new key : 0x3020 (M-Right)
new key : 0xb020 (M-S-Right)
new key : 0x5020 (C-Right)
new key : 0xd020 (C-S-Right)
new key : 0x7020 (C-M-Right)
new key : 0x901d (S-Up)
new key : 0x301d (M-Up)
new key : 0xb01d (M-S-Up)
new key : 0x501d (C-Up)
new key : 0xd01d (C-S-Up)
new key : 0x701d (C-M-Up)
spawn: /bin/bash --
session l created
writing 8 to client 8
run job 0x7f748f41d160: date -u, pid 9843
job write 0x7f748f41d160: date -u, pid 9843, output left 0
got 9 from client 8
keys are 9 ([?62;9;c)
received service class 62
complete key [?62;9;c 0xfff
job error 0x7f748f41d160: date -u, pid 9843
job died 0x7f748f41d160: date -u, pid 9843
free job 0x7f748f41d160: date -u
new client 11
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: display-message -p #D (client 11)
writing 19 to client 11
writing 3 to client 11
lost client 11
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: set-environment -g TMUX_COLUMNS_0 (client 11)
writing 3 to client 11
lost client 11
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: refresh-client -S (client 11)
run job 0x7f748f431e10: date -u, pid 9890
writing 3 to client 11
job write 0x7f748f431e10: date -u, pid 9890, output left 0
lost client 11
job error 0x7f748f431e10: date -u, pid 9890
job died 0x7f748f431e10: date -u, pid 9890
free job 0x7f748f431e10: date -u
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: display-message -p #D (client 11)
writing 19 to client 11
writing 3 to client 11
lost client 11
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: set-environment -g TMUX_PWD_0 /home/chris (client 11)
writing 3 to client 11
lost client 11
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: refresh-client -S (client 11)
run job 0x7f748f41c170: date -u, pid 10033
writing 3 to client 11
job write 0x7f748f41c170: date -u, pid 10033, output left 0
lost client 11
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'h' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'î' ground
input_parse: '‚' utf8_two
input_parse: '°' utf8_one
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: '~' ground
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '9' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'î' ground
input_parse: '‚' utf8_two
input_parse: '°' utf8_one
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
job died 0x7f748f41c170: date -u, pid 10033
job error 0x7f748f41c170: date -u, pid -1
free job 0x7f748f41c170: date -u
keys are 1 (l)
complete key l 0x6c
input_parse: 'l' ground
keys are 1 (s)
complete key s 0x73
input_parse: 's' ground
keys are 1 (
complete key
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'b' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'D' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'k' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'p' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'd' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'f' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'k' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'p' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'P' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'w' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'm' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 'x' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '9' ground
input_parse: '8' ground
input_parse: '3' ground
input_parse: '9' ground
input_parse: '.' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'g' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'V' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'd' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'w' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'k' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'p' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'C' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'b' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'L' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'b' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'y' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'D' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 'm' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'D' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'w' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'd' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'M' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'p' ground
input_parse: 'g' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'd' ground
input_parse: 'm' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: '.' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'g' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'P' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 'b' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'T' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'm' ground
input_parse: 'p' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'm' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 'x' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '9' ground
input_parse: '8' ground
input_parse: '4' ground
input_parse: '1' ground
input_parse: '.' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'g' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "01"
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'm' ground
input_parse: 'w' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'k' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'h' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'î' ground
input_parse: '‚' utf8_two
input_parse: '°' utf8_one
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: '~' ground
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '9' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'î' ground
input_parse: '‚' utf8_two
input_parse: '°' utf8_one
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
run job 0x7f748f41bd80: date -u, pid 10042
job write 0x7f748f41bd80: date -u, pid 10042, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41bd80: date -u, pid 10042
job died 0x7f748f41bd80: date -u, pid 10042
free job 0x7f748f41bd80: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dd70: date -u, pid 10045
job write 0x7f748f41dd70: date -u, pid 10045, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dd70: date -u, pid 10045
job died 0x7f748f41dd70: date -u, pid 10045
free job 0x7f748f41dd70: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41d970: date -u, pid 10047
job write 0x7f748f41d970: date -u, pid 10047, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41d970: date -u, pid 10047
job died 0x7f748f41d970: date -u, pid 10047
free job 0x7f748f41d970: date -u
run job 0x7f748f40fef0: date -u, pid 10050
job write 0x7f748f40fef0: date -u, pid 10050, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f40fef0: date -u, pid 10050
job died 0x7f748f40fef0: date -u, pid 10050
free job 0x7f748f40fef0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dfc0: date -u, pid 10053
job write 0x7f748f41dfc0: date -u, pid 10053, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dfc0: date -u, pid 10053
job died 0x7f748f41dfc0: date -u, pid 10053
free job 0x7f748f41dfc0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f3eb2a0: date -u, pid 10055
job write 0x7f748f3eb2a0: date -u, pid 10055, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f3eb2a0: date -u, pid 10055
job died 0x7f748f3eb2a0: date -u, pid 10055
free job 0x7f748f3eb2a0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41cdc0: date -u, pid 10058
job write 0x7f748f41cdc0: date -u, pid 10058, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41cdc0: date -u, pid 10058
job died 0x7f748f41cdc0: date -u, pid 10058
free job 0x7f748f41cdc0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f40fef0: date -u, pid 10061
job write 0x7f748f40fef0: date -u, pid 10061, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f40fef0: date -u, pid 10061
job died 0x7f748f40fef0: date -u, pid 10061
free job 0x7f748f40fef0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dcb0: date -u, pid 10063
job write 0x7f748f41dcb0: date -u, pid 10063, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dcb0: date -u, pid 10063
job died 0x7f748f41dcb0: date -u, pid 10063
free job 0x7f748f41dcb0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10066
job write 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10066, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10066
job died 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10066
free job 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f422370: date -u, pid 10069
job write 0x7f748f422370: date -u, pid 10069, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f422370: date -u, pid 10069
job died 0x7f748f422370: date -u, pid 10069
free job 0x7f748f422370: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dcf0: date -u, pid 10071
job write 0x7f748f41dcf0: date -u, pid 10071, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dcf0: date -u, pid 10071
job died 0x7f748f41dcf0: date -u, pid 10071
free job 0x7f748f41dcf0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41c830: date -u, pid 10074
job write 0x7f748f41c830: date -u, pid 10074, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41c830: date -u, pid 10074
job died 0x7f748f41c830: date -u, pid 10074
free job 0x7f748f41c830: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dab0: date -u, pid 10091
job write 0x7f748f41dab0: date -u, pid 10091, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dab0: date -u, pid 10091
job died 0x7f748f41dab0: date -u, pid 10091
free job 0x7f748f41dab0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f410200: date -u, pid 10100
job write 0x7f748f410200: date -u, pid 10100, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f410200: date -u, pid 10100
job died 0x7f748f410200: date -u, pid 10100
free job 0x7f748f410200: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41daf0: date -u, pid 10118
job write 0x7f748f41daf0: date -u, pid 10118, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41daf0: date -u, pid 10118
job died 0x7f748f41daf0: date -u, pid 10118
free job 0x7f748f41daf0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41cfa0: date -u, pid 10133
job write 0x7f748f41cfa0: date -u, pid 10133, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41cfa0: date -u, pid 10133
job died 0x7f748f41cfa0: date -u, pid 10133
free job 0x7f748f41cfa0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10142
job write 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10142, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10142
job died 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10142
free job 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41e150: date -u, pid 10145
job write 0x7f748f41e150: date -u, pid 10145, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41e150: date -u, pid 10145
job died 0x7f748f41e150: date -u, pid 10145
free job 0x7f748f41e150: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41cd80: date -u, pid 10148
job write 0x7f748f41cd80: date -u, pid 10148, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41cd80: date -u, pid 10148
job died 0x7f748f41cd80: date -u, pid 10148
free job 0x7f748f41cd80: date -u
run job 0x7f748f421730: date -u, pid 10150
job write 0x7f748f421730: date -u, pid 10150, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f421730: date -u, pid 10150
job died 0x7f748f421730: date -u, pid 10150
free job 0x7f748f421730: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41ca60: date -u, pid 10153
job write 0x7f748f41ca60: date -u, pid 10153, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41ca60: date -u, pid 10153
job died 0x7f748f41ca60: date -u, pid 10153
free job 0x7f748f41ca60: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41d020: date -u, pid 10156
job write 0x7f748f41d020: date -u, pid 10156, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41d020: date -u, pid 10156
job died 0x7f748f41d020: date -u, pid 10156
free job 0x7f748f41d020: date -u
run job 0x7f748f410040: date -u, pid 10158
job write 0x7f748f410040: date -u, pid 10158, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f410040: date -u, pid 10158
job died 0x7f748f410040: date -u, pid 10158
free job 0x7f748f410040: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41ccf0: date -u, pid 10161
job write 0x7f748f41ccf0: date -u, pid 10161, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41ccf0: date -u, pid 10161
job died 0x7f748f41ccf0: date -u, pid 10161
free job 0x7f748f41ccf0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10165
job write 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10165, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10165
job died 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10165
free job 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dee0: date -u, pid 10167
job write 0x7f748f41dee0: date -u, pid 10167, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dee0: date -u, pid 10167
job died 0x7f748f41dee0: date -u, pid 10167
free job 0x7f748f41dee0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10170
job write 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10170, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10170
job died 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10170
free job 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41bfb0: date -u, pid 10173
job write 0x7f748f41bfb0: date -u, pid 10173, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41bfb0: date -u, pid 10173
job died 0x7f748f41bfb0: date -u, pid 10173
free job 0x7f748f41bfb0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f4217d0: date -u, pid 10175
job write 0x7f748f4217d0: date -u, pid 10175, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f4217d0: date -u, pid 10175
job died 0x7f748f4217d0: date -u, pid 10175
free job 0x7f748f4217d0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dc20: date -u, pid 10178
job write 0x7f748f41dc20: date -u, pid 10178, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dc20: date -u, pid 10178
job died 0x7f748f41dc20: date -u, pid 10178
free job 0x7f748f41dc20: date -u
run job 0x7f748f3eb4e0: date -u, pid 10181
job write 0x7f748f3eb4e0: date -u, pid 10181, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f3eb4e0: date -u, pid 10181
job died 0x7f748f3eb4e0: date -u, pid 10181
free job 0x7f748f3eb4e0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41c1f0: date -u, pid 10184
job write 0x7f748f41c1f0: date -u, pid 10184, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41c1f0: date -u, pid 10184
job died 0x7f748f41c1f0: date -u, pid 10184
free job 0x7f748f41c1f0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dd40: date -u, pid 10187
job write 0x7f748f41dd40: date -u, pid 10187, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dd40: date -u, pid 10187
job died 0x7f748f41dd40: date -u, pid 10187
free job 0x7f748f41dd40: date -u
run job 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10191
job write 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10191, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10191
job died 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u, pid 10191
free job 0x7f748f4224c0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41c640: date -u, pid 10193
job write 0x7f748f41c640: date -u, pid 10193, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41c640: date -u, pid 10193
job died 0x7f748f41c640: date -u, pid 10193
free job 0x7f748f41c640: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dc10: date -u, pid 10197
job write 0x7f748f41dc10: date -u, pid 10197, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dc10: date -u, pid 10197
job died 0x7f748f41dc10: date -u, pid 10197
free job 0x7f748f41dc10: date -u
run job 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10214
job write 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10214, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10214
job died 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10214
free job 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10245
job write 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10245, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10245
job died 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10245
free job 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41ccc0: date -u, pid 10252
job write 0x7f748f41ccc0: date -u, pid 10252, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41ccc0: date -u, pid 10252
job died 0x7f748f41ccc0: date -u, pid 10252
free job 0x7f748f41ccc0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41e150: date -u, pid 10255
job write 0x7f748f41e150: date -u, pid 10255, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41e150: date -u, pid 10255
job died 0x7f748f41e150: date -u, pid 10255
free job 0x7f748f41e150: date -u
run job 0x7f748f4222f0: date -u, pid 10257
job write 0x7f748f4222f0: date -u, pid 10257, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f4222f0: date -u, pid 10257
job died 0x7f748f4222f0: date -u, pid 10257
free job 0x7f748f4222f0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41bfc0: date -u, pid 10261
job write 0x7f748f41bfc0: date -u, pid 10261, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41bfc0: date -u, pid 10261
job died 0x7f748f41bfc0: date -u, pid 10261
free job 0x7f748f41bfc0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41cea0: date -u, pid 10264
job write 0x7f748f41cea0: date -u, pid 10264, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41cea0: date -u, pid 10264
job died 0x7f748f41cea0: date -u, pid 10264
free job 0x7f748f41cea0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41db10: date -u, pid 10266
job write 0x7f748f41db10: date -u, pid 10266, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41db10: date -u, pid 10266
job died 0x7f748f41db10: date -u, pid 10266
free job 0x7f748f41db10: date -u
run job 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10269
job write 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10269, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10269
job died 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u, pid 10269
free job 0x7f748f4224e0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41db70: date -u, pid 10273
job write 0x7f748f41db70: date -u, pid 10273, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41db70: date -u, pid 10273
job died 0x7f748f41db70: date -u, pid 10273
free job 0x7f748f41db70: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41cd90: date -u, pid 10275
job write 0x7f748f41cd90: date -u, pid 10275, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41cd90: date -u, pid 10275
job died 0x7f748f41cd90: date -u, pid 10275
free job 0x7f748f41cd90: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41ddc0: date -u, pid 10279
job write 0x7f748f41ddc0: date -u, pid 10279, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41ddc0: date -u, pid 10279
job died 0x7f748f41ddc0: date -u, pid 10279
free job 0x7f748f41ddc0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f422510: date -u, pid 10282
job write 0x7f748f422510: date -u, pid 10282, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f422510: date -u, pid 10282
job died 0x7f748f422510: date -u, pid 10282
free job 0x7f748f422510: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dbf0: date -u, pid 10284
job write 0x7f748f41dbf0: date -u, pid 10284, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dbf0: date -u, pid 10284
job died 0x7f748f41dbf0: date -u, pid 10284
free job 0x7f748f41dbf0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f40ff50: date -u, pid 10287
job write 0x7f748f40ff50: date -u, pid 10287, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f40ff50: date -u, pid 10287
job died 0x7f748f40ff50: date -u, pid 10287
free job 0x7f748f40ff50: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41d000: date -u, pid 10290
job write 0x7f748f41d000: date -u, pid 10290, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41d000: date -u, pid 10290
job died 0x7f748f41d000: date -u, pid 10290
free job 0x7f748f41d000: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41d850: date -u, pid 10292
job write 0x7f748f41d850: date -u, pid 10292, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41d850: date -u, pid 10292
job died 0x7f748f41d850: date -u, pid 10292
free job 0x7f748f41d850: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dc70: date -u, pid 10305
job write 0x7f748f41dc70: date -u, pid 10305, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dc70: date -u, pid 10305
job died 0x7f748f41dc70: date -u, pid 10305
free job 0x7f748f41dc70: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41cda0: date -u, pid 10310
job write 0x7f748f41cda0: date -u, pid 10310, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41cda0: date -u, pid 10310
job died 0x7f748f41cda0: date -u, pid 10310
free job 0x7f748f41cda0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f410020: date -u, pid 10317
job write 0x7f748f410020: date -u, pid 10317, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f410020: date -u, pid 10317
job died 0x7f748f410020: date -u, pid 10317
free job 0x7f748f410020: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41d940: date -u, pid 10320
job write 0x7f748f41d940: date -u, pid 10320, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41d940: date -u, pid 10320
job died 0x7f748f41d940: date -u, pid 10320
free job 0x7f748f41d940: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41caa0: date -u, pid 10323
job write 0x7f748f41caa0: date -u, pid 10323, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41caa0: date -u, pid 10323
job died 0x7f748f41caa0: date -u, pid 10323
free job 0x7f748f41caa0: date -u
got 9 from client 8
session size 80,23 (was 190,52)
window size 80,23 (was 190,52)
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: 'K' csi_enter
input_csi_dispatch: 'K' "" ""
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'h' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'î' ground
input_parse: '‚' utf8_two
input_parse: '°' utf8_one
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: '~' ground
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '9' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'î' ground
input_parse: '‚' utf8_two
input_parse: '°' utf8_one
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: display-message -p #D (client 11)
writing 19 to client 11
writing 3 to client 11
lost client 11
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: set-environment -g TMUX_COLUMNS_0 80 (client 11)
writing 3 to client 11
lost client 11
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: refresh-client -S (client 11)
run job 0x7f748f41c8d0: date -u, pid 10331
writing 3 to client 11
job write 0x7f748f41c8d0: date -u, pid 10331, output left 0
lost client 11
job error 0x7f748f41c8d0: date -u, pid 10331
job died 0x7f748f41c8d0: date -u, pid 10331
free job 0x7f748f41c8d0: date -u
got 9 from client 8
session size 190,52 (was 80,23)
window size 190,52 (was 80,23)
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: 'K' csi_enter
input_csi_dispatch: 'K' "" ""
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'h' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'î' ground
input_parse: '‚' utf8_two
input_parse: '°' utf8_one
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: '~' ground
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '9' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'î' ground
input_parse: '‚' utf8_two
input_parse: '°' utf8_one
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: display-message -p #D (client 11)
writing 19 to client 11
writing 3 to client 11
lost client 11
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: set-environment -g TMUX_COLUMNS_0 190 (client 11)
writing 3 to client 11
lost client 11
got 6 from client 11
got 0 from client 11
cmdq 0x7f748f41b4f0: refresh-client -S (client 11)
run job 0x7f748f41dd90: date -u, pid 10338
writing 3 to client 11
job write 0x7f748f41dd90: date -u, pid 10338, output left 0
lost client 11
job error 0x7f748f41dd90: date -u, pid 10338
job died 0x7f748f41dd90: date -u, pid 10338
free job 0x7f748f41dd90: date -u
keys are 1 (c)
complete key c 0x63
input_parse: 'c' ground
keys are 1 (d)
complete key d 0x64
input_parse: 'd' ground
keys are 1 ( )
complete key 0x20
input_parse: ' ' ground
keys are 1 (k)
complete key k 0x6b
input_parse: 'k' ground
keys are 1 (i)
complete key i 0x69
input_parse: 'i' ground
keys are 1 (s)
complete key s 0x73
input_parse: 's' ground
keys are 1 (t)
complete key t 0x74
input_parse: 't' ground
keys are 1 (e)
complete key e 0x65
input_parse: 'e' ground
keys are 1 (
complete key
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 'k' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'm' ground
input_parse: 'm' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'd' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'f' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'd' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'h' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 'm' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'k' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'W' ground
input_parse: 'A' ground
input_parse: 'R' ground
input_parse: 'N' ground
input_parse: 'I' ground
input_parse: 'N' ground
input_parse: 'G' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'T' ground
input_parse: 'h' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'h' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'f' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'm' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'y' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'b' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'k' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '(' ground
input_parse: 'b' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'g' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: ')' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'd' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'd' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'k' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'I' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'd' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'y' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '(' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'd' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: ')' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '-' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 'v' ground
input_parse: ':' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'A' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'y' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'e' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'y' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'u' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'w' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'n' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 'a' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'l' ground
input_parse: 'o' ground
input_parse: 'w' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: 't' ground
input_parse: 'h' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: '?' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: '(' ground
input_parse: 'y' ground
input_parse: '/' ground
input_parse: 'N' ground
input_parse: ')' ground
input_parse: ' ' ground
keys are 1 (l)
complete key l 0x6c
input_parse: 'l' ground
keys are 1 (s)
complete key s 0x73
input_parse: 's' ground
keys are 1 (
complete key
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '
' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: 'c' ground
input_parse: 'h' ground
input_parse: 'r' ground
input_parse: 'i' ground
input_parse: 's' ground
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'î' ground
input_parse: '‚' utf8_two
input_parse: '°' utf8_one
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: '~' ground
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '3' csi_parameter
input_parse: '8' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '5' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '1' csi_parameter
input_parse: '0' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '4' csi_parameter
input_parse: '9' csi_parameter
input_parse: ';' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: '2' csi_parameter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
input_parse: 'î' ground
input_parse: '‚' utf8_two
input_parse: '°' utf8_one
input_parse: 'Â' ground
input_parse: ' ' utf8_one
input_parse: '' ground
input_parse: '[' esc_enter
input_parse: '0' csi_enter
input_parse: 'm' csi_parameter
input_csi_dispatch: 'm' "" "0"
run job 0x7f748f423c20: date -u, pid 10356
job write 0x7f748f423c20: date -u, pid 10356, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f423c20: date -u, pid 10356
job died 0x7f748f423c20: date -u, pid 10356
free job 0x7f748f423c20: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dac0: date -u, pid 10358
job write 0x7f748f41dac0: date -u, pid 10358, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dac0: date -u, pid 10358
job died 0x7f748f41dac0: date -u, pid 10358
free job 0x7f748f41dac0: date -u
run job 0x7f748f421c90: date -u, pid 10361
job write 0x7f748f421c90: date -u, pid 10361, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f421c90: date -u, pid 10361
job died 0x7f748f421c90: date -u, pid 10361
free job 0x7f748f421c90: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dc50: date -u, pid 10563
job write 0x7f748f41dc50: date -u, pid 10563, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dc50: date -u, pid 10563
job died 0x7f748f41dc50: date -u, pid 10563
free job 0x7f748f41dc50: date -u
run job 0x7f748f41dcf0: date -u, pid 10565
job write 0x7f748f41dcf0: date -u, pid 10565, output left 0
job error 0x7f748f41dcf0: date -u, pid 10565
job died 0x7f748f41dcf0: date -u, pid 10565
free job 0x7f748f41dcf0: date -u
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