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Created June 11, 2012 18:52
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A cucumber/capybara step to test the order of data in a table, either with or without headers
<section class="left">
<article id="customers">
<h2>New Customers</h2>
<table class="data">
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Middle Initial</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<td><a href="#">Edit</a></td>
<td><a href="#">Edit</a></td>
<section class="right">
<article id="sessions">
<h2>Active Sessions</h2>
<table class="data">
<td>Minchkin, Tim</td>
<td><a href="#">View Trace</a></td>
<td>Jobs, Steven</td>
<td><a href="#">View Trace</a></td>
Scenario: Testing Table Steps
Given I am on the example_table.html page
Then I should see the following report in the "New Customers" table:
| First Name | Last Name |
| Bobby | Raccicot |
| Tim | Minchkin |
And I should see the following report in the "Active Sessions" table:
| Minchkin, Tim |
| Jobs, Steven |
def check_simple_table_data(table_selector, table_data, options = {})
options.reverse_merge!(:headers => true)
page.should have_selector(table_selector)
within(table_selector) do
if !options[:headers]
header_map = (0...table_data.rows.first.length).to_a
row_count = table_data.raw.length
table_rows = table_data.raw
header_map = []
row_count = table_data.raw.length - 1
within("thead tr:first") do
columns = all("th").collect{ |column| column.text.downcase.strip }
columns.size.should >= table_data.headers.size
table_data.headers.each_with_index do |header, index|
column = columns.index(header.downcase.strip)
column.should_not be_nil
header_map << column
table_rows = table_data.raw[1...table_data.raw.length]
within("tbody") do
all("tr").size.should == row_count
xpath_base = './/tr[%i]/td[%i]';
table_rows.each_with_index do |row, index|
row.each_with_index do |value, column|
find(:xpath, xpath_base % [index + 1, header_map[column] + 1]).should have_content(value)
Then /^I should see the following report in the "New Customers" table:$/ do |table|
check_simple_table_data("#customers table", table)
Then /^I should see the following report in the "Active Sessions" table:$/ do |table|
check_simple_table_data("#sessions table", table, :headers => false)
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model may be the wrong term, but would this be any better for the Then statements that fire that function?

Then /^I should see the following report in the "(.*?)" table:$/ do |table, model|
  check_simple_table_data(model, table)

Then its global and you can just pass all tables to one step.

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