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Created June 14, 2013 19:02
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"asi" : false, // Require semicolons
"boss" : false, // Don't allow variable assignments in conditionals
"browser" : true, // Standard browser globals should be predefined
"curly" : true, // Require curly braces for blocks (if, else, etc)
"eqeqeq" : true, // === should be required
"eqnull" : true, // == null comparisons should be tolerated
"evil" : true, // Use of eval is ok
"indent" : 4, // 4 spaces, soft-tabs
"latedef" : true, // Prohibit use of var before definition
"laxcomma" : false, // Commas must be on the end of a line, not the beginning of the next
"loopfunc" : false, // Functions can not be declared within a loop. Unsure of whether this should be enforced.
"phantom" : true, // PhantomJS symbols are allowed
"node" : true, // NodeJS symbols are allowed
"proto" : true, // Suppress __proto__ warnings
"regexdash" : true, // First/last dash (-) is allowed
"sub" : true, // Allow arr['key'] instead of arr.key
"trailing" : true, // Error on trailing whitespace
"undef" : true, // Prohibit undeclared var usage
"unused" : "vars", // Warn on unused vars only, not function params
"white" : true, // Strict whitespace rule checking
"onevar" : true, // Only one var at the top of each function
"globals": {
// Libs
"$": false,
"_": false,
"QUnit": false,
// Development
"console": false,
// QUnit globals
"test": false,
"asyncTest": false,
"ok": false,
"deepEqual": false,
"notEqual": false,
"strictEqual": false,
"start" : false
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