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Created December 23, 2016 12:00
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Starterkit Notes

Git lesson plan

Let's start the lesson by updating git on lxplus

Browse to the git website and download the tar ball

tar -xvf git-2.10.2.tar.gz
rm -r git-2.10.2.tar.gz
cd git-2.10.2

Look at the install file using less INSTALL

make configure
./configure --prefix=$HOME/software/git
make -j16 all doc
make install install-doc install-html
export PATH=$HOME/software/git/bin:$PATH
which git
git --version

Getting started

git init starterkit-2016
  • This makes a directory called .git
git status

Make a file containing the above instructions

git status
git add git_cheatsheet.txt
git status
git commit -m "Add instruction to initialise a repository"

We got an error about not having our name and email set, look at the log:

git log

We'll have to set it then fix it using the printed suggestion:

git config --global --edit
git commit --amend --reset-author  # Warning: Here be vim based dragons
git log

This just created a file called ~/.gitconfig, as this config was set globally

Let's update the instructions with how to commit a file

git add -u
git status
git diff
git add -u
git status
git diff

Where did our change go? It's staged!

git diff --staged
git commit -m "Adding staging instructions"  # Hey see we don't get a warning this time
git log

Oops I'm an idiot (edit the file and accidentally delete everything)

git status
git diff
git reset --hard HEAD

What does the --hard mean?

Let's make another file, then add/remove it from the staging area.

git add quick_notes.txt
git reset

What is this magical HEAD?

git diff HEAD~1

Cleaning up a mess

Let's commit some changes and include the quick_notes.txt file by accident

git add .  # Explain
# Don't use status so we can accidentally commit the file
git commit -m "Helpful viewing commands"


git reset HEAD~1

It's important to remember we haven't actually backed anything up yet. If you delete this entire folder, or use a bad combination of git commands you could delete everything!


Now let's all make a github account...

git remote --verbose
git remote add origin
git remote --verbose
git push -u origin master

Go look at your creation online

Make another change, commit, git push and it appears online

If you edit your commit and try to push you get an error

git push --force origin master

So what are these branch things?

git checkout -b python-notes
# Make a trivial python script and commit
git push -u origin python-notes


git checkout master  # Why don't I have '-b'?
# make the README
# push and check it
git checkout -b bash-notes
# Make a file
git push -u origin bash-notes

Go back and add a python module, run it, commit and push

Hey, what's this .pyc file?

git rm
git commit
git push

Add python to the README

It's annoying that we keep committing this pyc file, introducing .gitignore

git checkout master
git merge python-notes
git push # Then checkout the graph

Actually I'm happy with bash notes, lets also merge that

git merge bash-notes
# Why are we ahead by two commits on git status?
git push

Now lets fork two people with credit line in the readme so we can rebase the conflict

We can make git log prettier using arguments, I can't remember them so lets go Google "git log show graph".

git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --all # plus formatting
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