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Forked from hoelzro/Shuffle.elm
Last active May 20, 2016 05:23
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List shuffle implementation in Elm
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Random exposing (Generator)
import List
users =
[ {name = "one", username = "@one"}
, {name = "two", username = "@two"}
, {name = "three", username = "@three"}
, {name = "four", username = "@four"}
, {name = "five", username = "@five"}
, {name = "six", username = "@six"}
, {name = "seven", username = "@seven"}
, {name = "eight", username = "@eight"}
, {name = "nine", username = "@nine"}
, {name = "ten", username = "@ten"}
, {name = "eleven", username = "@eleven"}
, {name = "twelve", username = "@twelve"}
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias User = {
name: String
, username: String
type alias Model = {
users: List User
, limit: Int
initialModel =
{ users = users
, limit = 2
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
(initialModel, Cmd.none)
type Msg
= Set List
| Shuffle
update msg model =
case msg of
Set list ->
({model | users = list} , Cmd.none)
Shuffle ->
(model, Random.generate Set (shuffle model.users))
extractValueHelper : List a -> Int -> List a -> (a, List a)
extractValueHelper values index accumulator =
case (index, values) of
(_, []) -> Debug.crash "Out of values to extract"
(0, (head::tail)) -> (head, List.append (List.reverse accumulator) tail)
(_, (head::tail)) -> extractValueHelper tail (index - 1) <| head :: accumulator
extractValue : List a -> Int -> (a, List a)
extractValue values index = extractValueHelper values index []
shuffle : List a -> Generator (List a)
shuffle values =
case values of
[] -> (\_ -> []) Random.bool
values ->
let randomIndexGenerator = 0 <| (List.length values) - 1
extractAndRecurse = \index ->
let (randomHead, remainder) = extractValue values index
remainderGen = shuffle remainder
in (\randomTail -> randomHead :: randomTail) remainderGen
in Random.andThen randomIndexGenerator extractAndRecurse
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
listItem value =
li [] [ text ]
view model =
div []
[ ul [] ( listItem model.users)
, button [ onClick Shuffle ] [ text "Shuffle" ]
import Random exposing (Generator)
extractValueHelper : List a -> Int -> List a -> (a, List a)
extractValueHelper values index accumulator =
case (index, values) of
(_, []) -> Debug.crash "Out of values to extract"
(0, (head::tail)) -> (head, List.append (List.reverse accumulator) tail)
(_, (head::tail)) -> extractValueHelper tail (index - 1) <| head :: accumulator
extractValue : List a -> Int -> (a, List a)
extractValue values index = extractValueHelper values index []
shuffle : List a -> Generator (List a)
shuffle values =
case values of
[] -> (\_ -> []) Random.bool
values ->
let randomIndexGenerator = 0 <| (List.length values) - 1
extractAndRecurse = \index ->
let (randomHead, remainder) = extractValue values index
remainderGen = shuffle remainder
in (\randomTail -> randomHead :: randomTail) remainderGen
in Random.andThen randomIndexGenerator extractAndRecurse
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