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Created November 26, 2015 11:35
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module Main where
import Signal
import Time exposing (Time, millisecond)
import String
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Effects exposing (Never, Effects)
import Task exposing (..)
import StartApp
import Debug exposing (..)
import Http
import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=))
Model type:
Has the shape of a record
Has a query prop that is of sting type
Has a results prop that 'Maybe' is a string or Nothing
has a debounceState that is of type 'DebounceState'
type alias Repo =
{ name: String
, url: String
type alias Model = {
query : String
, results : Maybe List String
, debounceState : DebounceState
DebounceState type:
Will 'Maybe' have the shape of a record or Nothing
Has a query prop that is of sting type
Has a prevClockTime prop that is of type Time
Has a elapsedTime prop that is of type Time
type alias DebounceState = Maybe {
prevClockTime : Time
, elapsedTime: Time
Model (record)
Sets a query prop to an empty string
Sets results as Nothing, as this value 'maybe' a string or nothing
Sets debounceState to Nothing, as this type is a 'Maybe'
model : (Model, Effects Action)
model =
query = ""
, results = Nothing
, debounceState = Nothing
, Effects.none )
Action = Union Type
It can either be:
Input: which is a String
UpdateResults: which 'might' be a String
type Action = Input String
| UpdateResults (Maybe List String)
| Tick Time
| SetSeats (Maybe Model)
debounceTime = half a second
debounceTime : Time
debounceTime = 500 * millisecond
takes debounceState and a clockTime
if debounceState Nothing, return 0
otherwise get 'elapsedTime' and 'prevClockTime'
and return 'elapsedTime' plus 'clockTime' minus 'prevClockTime'
elapsedTimeOf : DebounceState -> Time -> Time
elapsedTimeOf debounceState clockTime =
case debounceState of
Nothing -> 0
Just { elapsedTime, prevClockTime } -> elapsedTime + (clockTime - prevClockTime)
Requires an address and model
If the address was:
Input - Update the query with the accompaning string
UpdateResults - update results with a possible value
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update address model =
case address of
on 'Input'
- check the model's debounceState record
- if it's Nothing, set the query on the model an trigger 'Tick'
- otherwise set the query and set 'debounceState' to Nothing and
don't trigger anything
Input query ->
case model.debounceState of
Nothing ->
({ model | query = query }, Effects.tick Tick)
Just oldDebounceState ->
({ model | query = query, debounceState = Nothing }, Effects.none)
on 'UpdateResults'
set the results on the model, don't trigger anything
UpdateResults results ->
({ model | results = results }, Effects.none)
on 'Tick'
first calculate the new newElapsedTime since debounceState was Nothing
if the 'newElapsedTime' in greather than 'debounceTime' (500ms)
- set debounceState to Nothing on the model and perform HTTP request with the query
otherwise set the new debounceState on the model and trigger another Tick
Tick clockTime ->
newElapsedTime = elapsedTimeOf model.debounceState clockTime
if newElapsedTime > debounceTime then
({model | debounceState = Nothing}, search model.query)
({ model | debounceState = Just { elapsedTime = newElapsedTime, prevClockTime = clockTime } }
, Effects.tick Tick)
Look up the github Url
- decode repos ?
- map the results
- I assume wrap it up as a 'Effects.task' ?
search : String -> Effects Action
search query =
Http.get repos ("" ++ query ++ "/repos")
|> Task.toMaybe
|> UpdateResults
|> Effects.task
the result of the HTTP request in an array or objects
{"id": "foo", "name": "bar", "url": "baz", ... },
{"id": "foo", "name": "bar", "url": "baz", ... }
Get the name and url values
repos : Json.Decoder (List String)
repos =
let repo =
Json.object2 (\name url -> name ++ ", " ++ url)
("name" := Json.string)
("url" := Json.string)
Json.list repo
return a li for an item
result item =
li [] [ text ]
view takes a Signal Address action and a model
on input we explicity tell it to send the targetValue to the address action Input
targetValue becomes the 'query' param in our update function
if model.results exists, it should render a LI for each repo
view: Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div [] [
input [
placeholder model.query
, value model.query
, on "input" targetValue (Signal.message (Signal.forwardTo address Input))
] []
, ul [] ( result model.results)
app =
StartApp.start {
init = model
, view = view
, update = update
, inputs = []
main = app.html
port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Never ())
port tasks = app.tasks
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