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Last active March 15, 2018 10:52
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Rough draft example for adding button "publish"
namespace App\DataTables;
use App\Asset;
use Yajra\DataTables\Services\DataTable;
class AssetsDataTable extends DataTable
* Build DataTable class.
* @param mixed $query Results from query() method.
* @return \Yajra\DataTables\DataTableAbstract
public function dataTable($query)
return datatables($query)->setRowId('id');
* Get query source of dataTable.
* @param \App\Asset $model
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
public function query(Asset $model)
return $model->newQuery()->select('id', 'name');
* Optional method if you want to use html builder.
* @return \Yajra\DataTables\Html\Builder
public function html()
return $this->builder()
'dom' => 'Bfrtip',
'order' => [1, 'asc'],
'select' => [
'style' => 'os',
'selector' => 'td:first-child',
'buttons' => [
['extend' => 'create', 'editor' => 'editor'],
['extend' => 'edit', 'editor' => 'editor'],
['extend' => 'remove', 'editor' => 'editor'],
'extend' => 'selected',
'text' => 'Publish',
'action' => "function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
var formData = {
action: 'publish',
data: $.map(dt.rows({selected: true}).data(), function (o) {
return o.DT_RowId;
$.post(editor.s.ajax, formData).then(function(response) { dt.draw(false); });
* Get columns.
* @return array
protected function getColumns()
return [
'data' => null,
'defaultContent' => '',
'className' => 'select-checkbox',
'title' => '',
'orderable' => false,
'searchable' => false
* Get filename for export.
* @return string
protected function filename()
return 'assets_' . time();
namespace App\DataTables;
use App\Asset;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
use Yajra\DataTables\DataTablesEditor;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class AssetsDataTablesEditor extends DataTablesEditor
protected $model = Asset::class;
protected $actions = ['create', 'edit', 'remove', 'publish'];
* Get create action validation rules.
* @return array
public function createRules()
return [
'name' => 'required',
* Get edit action validation rules.
* @param Model $model
* @return array
public function editRules(Model $model)
return [
'name' => 'sometimes|required',
* Get remove action validation rules.
* @param Model $model
* @return array
public function removeRules(Model $model)
return [];
public function creating(Model $model, array $data)
return $data;
public function updating(Model $model, array $data)
return $data;
* Process publish action request.
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
public function publish(Request $request)
$affected = [];
$errors = [];
$assetIds = array_map('intval', $request->get('data'));
$assetIds = array_filter($assetIds);
if (empty($assetIds)) {
$errors[] = 'empty data';
return $this->toJson($assetIds, $errors);
$updated = Asset::whereIn('id', $assetIds)->update(['status' => 1]);
if (empty($updated)) {
$errors[] = 'data not updated';
return $this->toJson($affected, $errors);
$affected[] = Asset::whereIn('id', $assetIds)->get();
return $this->toJson($affected, $errors);
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yajra commented Dec 28, 2017

Thanks for sharing the gist. BTW, you can remove updating and creating methods as it is optional and only required if you want to modify the data before saving. 👍

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