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Last active March 6, 2019 20:10
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Demo of `drush-update-assets-via-csv`
* Command callback. drush update-assets-via-csv
function drush_capacitype_deploy_update_assets_via_csv() {
$source_csv = (!is_null(drush_get_option('csv'))) ? drush_get_option('csv') : '';
if (empty($source_csv)) {
drush_print_r('Expected parameter, csv not found.');
$debug = FALSE;
$source_csv = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $source_csv;
$available_logic = [
'Name 1',
'Name 2',
'Rate Source',
'Source Description',
'Social 1',
'Social 2',
'Social 3',
'Buiding Name',
'Address 1',
'Address 2',
drush_print_r('This script is able update assets based on csv columns: ' . implode(',', $available_logic));
drush_print_r('Begin. loading source : ' . $source_csv);
$scope = (!is_null(drush_get_option('scope')) ? drush_get_option('scope') : 50);
// get records
list($source, $header_s) = cduxx_get_records_and_header($source_csv);
$expected_columns = $available_logic;
if (!in_array('NID', $header_s)) {
drush_print_r('CSV missing column NID');
$total = count($source);
if ($scope == 'all') {
$scope = count($source);
drush_print_r("This will update $scope of $total assets.");
if (empty($source)) {
if (!drush_confirm("Continue with operation?")) {
if ($scope !== 'all') {
$source = array_slice($source, 0 , $scope);
// drush_print_r("Source count : " . count($source));
// drush_print_r($source);
$via_set = [
'title' => 'Name',
'field_asset_email' => 'Email',
'field_asset_website' => 'Website',
'field_asset_phone' => 'Phone',
$via_combine_then_set = [
'title' => ['Name 1', 'Name 2'],
$via_combine = [
'field_asset_social' => ['sources' => ['Social 1', 'Social 2', 'Social 3']],
$via_map_property = [
// 'field_asset_geofield' => [0 => ['prop' => 'lat', 'column' => 'Latitude'], 1 => ['prop' => 'lon', 'column' => 'Longitude'],],
'field_asset_address' => [
0 => ['prop' => 'organization', 'column' => 'Buiding Name'],
1 => ['prop' => 'address_line1', 'column' => 'Address 1'],
2 => ['prop' => 'address_line2', 'column' => 'Address 2'],
3 => ['prop' => 'locality', 'column' => 'City'],
4 => ['prop' => 'administrative_area', 'column' => 'State'],
5 => ['prop' => 'postal_code', 'column' => 'Zip', 'useZip' => TRUE],
6 => ['prop' => 'country_code', 'default' => 'US'],
$via_term = [
'field_ref_rate_source' => ['column' => 'Rate Source', 'vid' => 'rate_source'],
$via_term_explode = [
'field_ref_group' => ['column' => 'Group', 'vid' => 'group'],
// art, addiction_resource_terms by label $term->field_term_label
$via_art_label = [
'field_ref_type' => 'Category',
// art, addiction_resource_terms by code $term->field_term_code
$via_art_code = [
'field_ref_type' => 'CategoryCode',
$via_art_label_explode = [
'field_ref_services' => 'Tags',
$via_user_email_explode = [
'field_ref_user' => ['source' => 'Editors'],
$via_body = [
'field_source_description' => 'Source Description',
'field_asset_description' => 'Description',
foreach ($source as $skey => $srow) {
$nid = $srow['NID'];
$node = node_load($nid);
// $orig_node = $node->toArray();
if (empty($node)) { continue; }
foreach ($via_set as $attribute => $column) {
// skip if column is not part of the expected columns
if (!in_array($column, $expected_columns)) { continue; }
if (empty($srow[$column])) { continue; }
$node->set($attribute, trim($srow[$column]));
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$attribute, $column, $srow[$column]]); }
foreach ($via_combine_then_set as $attribute => $columns) {
$should_skip = FALSE;
$values = [];
$combined_value = '';
foreach ($columns as $column) {
// skip if column is not part of the expected columns
if (!in_array($column, $expected_columns)) { $should_skip = TRUE; }
if (empty($srow[$column])) { continue; }
$values[] = trim($srow[$column]);
$combined_value = implode(' ', $values);
if ($should_skip || empty($combined_value)) { continue; }
$node->set($attribute, trim($combined_value));
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$attribute, $columns, trim($combined_value)]); }
foreach ($via_combine as $attribute => $meta_data) {
$field_values = [];
if (empty($meta_data['sources'])) { continue; }
$sources = $meta_data['sources'];
foreach ($sources as $column) {
if (empty($srow[$column])) { continue; }
$field_values[] = ['value' => $srow[$column]];
if (empty($field_values) || empty(array_values($field_values))) { continue; }
$node->set($attribute, $field_values);
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$attribute, $column, $field_values]); }
foreach ($via_map_property as $attribute => $meta_datas) {
$field_value = [];
foreach ($meta_datas as $meta_data) {
$prop = $meta_data['prop'];
$column = $meta_data['column'];
$default = (!empty($meta_data['default'])) ? $meta_data['default'] : '';
$temp_value = '';
if (!empty($default)) {
$temp_value = $default;
else {
if (!in_array($column, $expected_columns)) { continue; }
if (empty($srow[$column])) { continue; }
$temp_value = $srow[$column];
if (!empty($meta_data['useZip'])) {
$temp_value =str_pad((string) $temp_value, 5,0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
$field_value[$prop] = $temp_value;
if (empty($field_value)) { continue; }
$node->set($attribute, [$field_value]);
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $meta_datas, $field_value]); }
foreach ($via_body as $attribute => $column) {
if (!in_array($column, $expected_columns)) { continue; }
if (empty($srow[$column])) { continue; }
$field_values = [
'value' => trim($srow[$column]),
'format' => 'simple_text',
$node->set($attribute, $field_values);
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $field_values]); }
foreach ($via_term as $attribute => $meta_data) {
$field_values = [];
if (empty($meta_data['vid']) || empty($meta_data['column'])) { continue; }
$vid = $meta_data['vid'];
$column = $meta_data['column'];
if (empty($srow[$column])) { continue; }
$properties = ['vid' => $vid, 'name' => trim($srow[$column])];
// drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $properties]);
$terms = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('taxonomy_term', $properties);
$term = reset($terms);
$tid = !empty($term) ? $term->id() : 0;
if (empty($tid)) { continue; }
$field_values[] = ['target_id' => $tid];
$node->set($attribute, $field_values);
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $meta_data, $field_values]); }
foreach ($via_term_explode as $attribute => $meta_data) {
$field_values = [];
if (empty($meta_data['vid']) || empty($meta_data['column'])) { continue; }
$vid = $meta_data['vid'];
$vte_source = $meta_data['column'];
// skip if column is not part of the expected columns
if (!in_array($vte_source, $expected_columns)) { continue; }
if (empty($srow[$vte_source])) { continue; }
$term_names = explode(',', $srow[$vte_source]);
$term_names = array_map('trim', $term_names);
$term_names = array_unique($term_names);
// drush_print_r(['via-term-explode', $attribute, $meta_data, $srow, $term_names]);
foreach ($term_names as $term_name) {
$properties = ['vid' => $vid, 'name' => $term_name,];
// drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $properties]);
$terms = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('taxonomy_term', $properties);
$term = reset($terms);
$tid = !empty($term) ? $term->id() : 0;
if (empty($tid)) { continue; }
$field_values[] = ['target_id' => $tid];
if (empty($field_values) || empty(array_values($field_values))) { continue; }
$node->set($attribute, $field_values);
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $meta_data, $field_values]); }
foreach ($via_art_label as $attribute => $column) {
$field_values = [];
$temp_term_label = '';
// skip if column is not part of the expected columns
if (!in_array($column, $expected_columns)) { continue; }
if (empty($srow[$column])) { continue; }
$tid = db_query("SELECT entity_id FROM {taxonomy_term__field_term_label} WHERE field_term_label_value = :value", [':value' => trim($srow[$column])])->fetchField();
if (empty($tid)) { continue; }
$field_values[] = ['target_id' => $tid];
$node->set($attribute, $field_values);
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $field_values]); }
foreach ($via_art_code as $attribute => $column) {
$field_values = [];
$temp_term_label = '';
// skip if column is not part of the expected columns
if (!in_array($column, $expected_columns)) { continue; }
if (empty($srow[$column])) { continue; }
$tid = db_query("SELECT entity_id FROM {taxonomy_term__field_term_code} WHERE bundle = 'addiction_resource_terms' AND field_term_code_value = :value", [':value' => trim($srow[$column])])->fetchField();
if (empty($tid)) { continue; }
$field_values[] = ['target_id' => $tid];
$node->set($attribute, $field_values);
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $field_values]); }
foreach ($via_art_label_explode as $attribute => $column) {
$field_values = [];
$results = [];
// skip if column is not part of the expected columns
if (!in_array($column, $expected_columns)) { continue; }
if (empty($srow[$column])) { continue; }
$term_names = explode(',', $srow[$column]);
$term_names = array_map('trim', $term_names);
$term_names = array_unique($term_names);
$find_query = \Drupal::database()->select('taxonomy_term__field_term_label', 'tl');
$find_query->addField('tl', 'entity_id');
$find_query->addField('tl', 'field_term_label_value');
$find_query->condition('field_term_label_value', $term_names, 'IN');
$find_query->condition('delta', '0');
$results = $find_query->execute()->fetchAllKeyed();
if (count($results) !== count($term_names)) {
drush_print_r(['notice', $skey, $attribute, $column, array_diff($term_names, $results)]);
if (empty($temp_tids)) { continue; }
foreach ($results as $tid => $term_label) {
$field_values[] = ['target_id' => $tid];
$node->set($attribute, $field_values);
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $column, $term_names, $results, $field_values]); }
// drush_print_r($node->get('field_ref_user')->getValue());
foreach ($via_user_email_explode as $attribute => $meta_data) {
$field_values = [];
if (empty($meta_data['source'])) { continue; }
$vsee_source = $meta_data['source'];
// skip if column is not part of the expected columns
if (!in_array($vsee_source, $expected_columns)) { continue; }
if (empty($srow[$vsee_source])) { continue; }
$user_emails = explode(',', $srow[$vsee_source]);
$user_emails = array_map('trim', $user_emails);
$user_emails[] = '';
// drush_print_r(['via-user-explode', $attribute, $meta_data, $vsee_source, $user_emails]);
foreach ($user_emails as $user_email) {
// drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $properties]);
$user = user_load_by_mail($user_email);
$uid = !empty($user) ? $user->id() : 0;
if (empty($uid)) { continue; }
$field_values[] = ['target_id' => $uid];
if (empty($field_values) || empty(array_values($field_values))) { continue; }
$node->set($attribute, $field_values);
if ($debug) { drush_print_r([$skey, $attribute, $meta_data, $field_values]); }
// drush_print_r($node->get('field_ref_user')->getValue());
drush_print_r($nid . ' updated.');
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