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Last active January 13, 2022 17:06
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User Stories for the MuchToDo Todo List App
Role Task Importance
As a new user I want to sign up for an account High
As a returning user I want to add a new to do list item High
As a returning user I want to delete an existing to do list item High
As a returning user I want to update an existing to do list item High
As a returning user I want to check off a completed to do list item High
As a returning user I want to create categories for my to do list items Medium
As a returning user I want to assign a category to my to do list item Medium
As a returning user I want to assign a due date for my to do list item Medium
As a returning user I want to filter my to do items by status Medium
As a returning user I want to sign into my account Medium
As a returning user I want to access my to do list High
As a returning user I want to filter my to do items by category Medium
As a returning user I want to sort my to do items by due date Medium
As a returning user I want to sort my to do items alphabetically by name Medium
As a returning user I want to close my account Low
As an administrator I want to view all user accounts Low
As an administrator I want to deactivate an account Low
As an administrator I want to see stats on the number of users, to do lists, and to do items that have been created Low
As a user who is color blind I want to links to be distinguishable on the page so that I can find the links and navigate the site High
As a screen reader user I want to have alternative text presented to me for any images used on the page Low
As a screen reader user I want to understand know what each form label is for each form field so that I can effectively enter the correct information in the form Medium
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