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  • Save chrisciampoli/c4e2a84e1f123cf261fdf7bc8cdd5ef3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chrisciampoli/c4e2a84e1f123cf261fdf7bc8cdd5ef3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"1_Crate_To_Open": "1 Core to Open",
"See_All": "See All",
"A_to_Z": "A to Z",
"A_Xhr_Power": "- a {0}hr +2.5% Power",
"A_Xhr_Turbo": "- a {0}hr +5% Turbo",
"About": "About",
"About_GameTitleX": "About {0}",
"About_Earning": "About Earning",
"About_Resell": "About Resell",
"About_Us": "About Us",
"ACB_E_desc": "ACB E",
"ACB_G_desc": "ACB G",
"ACB_M_desc": "ACB M",
"ACB_MA_desc": "ACB MA",
"ACB_PG_desc": "ACB PG",
"ACB_R_desc": "ACB R",
"ACB_X_desc": "ACB X",
"Add_Some_Fun_Games": "Add some fun games!",
"Any_Price": "Any Price",
"Account": "Account",
"Account_Name": "Account Name",
"account_page": "account page",
"Account_Settings": "Account Settings",
"Achievements": "Achievements",
"Action": "Action",
"ActionAndAdventure": "Action And Adventure",
"activate": "Activate",
"activate_in_client": "Activate in Client",
"Active": "Active",
"Add_To_Cart": "Add to cart",
"Add_To_Wishlist": "Add to wishlist",
"Added_To_Cart": "Added to cart",
"Added_To_Wishlist": "Added to wishlist",
"Address": "Address",
"Adventure": "Adventure",
"After_Sending_Friends_Requests_Desc": "After sending Friends requests, those requests will be shown here while waiting for your friend to be approved.",
"age_verification_desc": "Content in this product may not be appropriate for all ages. Your local ratings agency requires that you enter your birth date to continue.",
"age_verification_do_not_show_checkbox_desc": "Check this box if you do not want to see this kind of warning in the future and are okay viewing products that contain General Mature Content.",
"Ago": "ago",
"Agree_To_Sell_On_Sale": "Yes, sell this item if we find a buyer for you when it's priced at a discount. It may sell faster, but your commission will be 25% of the discounted price.",
"AliPay": "AliPay",
"All": "ALL",
"All_Cards": "All Cards",
"Already_In_Cart": "Already In Cart",
"Already_In_GameLibrary": "Already In GameLibrary",
"Already_Redeemed": "Already Redeemed",
"An_Invite_To_RobotCache_Was_Sent_To_X_Check_Email": "An invite to Robot Cache was sent to {0}.",
"Announcement": "Announcements",
"Any_Blocked_Users_Will_Apear_Here_Desc": "Any Blocked users will appear here, so you could unblock them if you wish.",
"Applied_IRON_Amount": "Applied IRON Amount",
"Approve": "Approve",
"Atmospheric": "Atmospheric",
"Audio": "Audio",
"available_releaseDateX0": "Available {0}",
"AwardWining": "Award Winning",
"Badges": "Badges",
"Badge": "Badge",
"balance": "Balance",
"Bank_payment_slip_/_Online_Debit": "Bank payment slip / Online Debit",
"Based_on_Current_Wallet_Balance_and_User_Earnings": "Based on current wallet balance and avg. user earnings.",
"Billing_Address": "Billing Address",
"Billing_Address_Line_2": "Billing Address Line 2",
"Billing_Information": "Billing Information",
"Bio": "Bio",
"Block": "Block",
"Blocked_Users": "Blocked Users",
"BoaCompra": "BoaCompra",
"Boosts": "Boosts",
"Boost": "Boost",
"Bundle_Items": "Bundle Items",
"Buy": "BUY",
"Buy_Games_Now": "Buy Games Now!",
"BRASIL_10_desc": "BRASIL 10",
"BRASIL_12_desc": "BRASIL 12",
"BRASIL_14_desc": "BRASIL 14",
"BRASIL_16_desc": "BRASIL 16",
"BRASIL_18_desc": "BRASIL 18",
"BRASIL_L_desc": "BRASIL L",
"Binge_Worthy": "Binge Worthy",
"Building": "Building",
"Bundle_Is_Purchased": "Purchased",
"Buy_Now": "Buy Now",
"By_Downloading_Client": "By downloading the RC Client you can earn free games, play games, and resell them when you're done and more!",
"By_Price": "By Price",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Card_Number": "Card Number",
"Card_Game": "Card Game",
"Careers": "Careers",
"Cart_Download_Client_DESC": "The one stop shop for all your gaming needs, Play, Earn, Sell all in one native desktop application.",
"Cart_Inventory_DESC": "You'll find your purchased items in your Stash. There you can Play, List and get information about your games.",
"cart_is_empty": "Your cart is empty.",
"cart_is_empty_message": "---",
"Cart_Items": "Cart Items",
"Cart_Transaction_History_DESC": "You may access your receipt at any time in the Transaction History of your account.",
"Cash_Payment": "Cash Payment",
"Cacher_Name": "Cacher Name",
"Casual": "Casual",
"Categories": "Categories",
"CERO_A_desc": "CERO A",
"CERO_B_desc": "CERO B",
"CERO_C_desc": "CERO C",
"Cyberpunk": "Cyberpunk",
"CERO_D_desc": "CERO D",
"CERO_Z_desc": "CERO Z",
"Challenges": "Challenges",
"Cannot_Find_Redeemable_By_Code": "Invalid Code",
"Channels": "Channels",
"charge_wallet": "Charge Wallet",
"Check_Featured_Games": "Check out the Featured Games or search for your favorite genre!",
"checkout": "Checkout",
"City": "City",
"City_Builder": "City Builder",
"Claim": "Claim",
"Claimed": "Claimed",
"Classic": "Classic",
"Classified": "Classified",
"Clear_All": "Clear All",
"Clear_All_Filters": "Clear All Filters",
"Click_On_Robot_Turn_On_Mining": "Even better, click on the robot above and turn on earning to obtain free games!",
"Click_Play_To_Start": "Click Play To Start.",
"Click_Here_Details": "Click here for details",
"Co_op": "Co op",
"Code_Not_Available_In_Your_Country": "This code is not available in your country.",
"Collection": "Collection",
"Coming_Soon": "Coming Soon",
"Commission": "Commission",
"Commission_Based_On_MSRP": "Commission is based on MSRP at time of resale, and will be lower if you opted to sell during a discount.",
"Commission_Deposit_X_Fiat_Y_%": "When this item sells, your commission of {0} ({1}%) will be deposited into your original form of payment.",
"Commission_Deposit_X_IRON_Y_%": "When this item sells, your commission of {0} ({1}%) will be deposited into your IRON wallet.",
"Commission_Deposit_X_IRON_Y_Fiat_Z_%": "When this item sells, your commission of {0} {1} ({2}%) will be deposited to your original forms of payments.",
"Commission_In_Iron": "Prefer IRON to avoid transaction fees?",
"Commission_In_Iron_Link_Text": "Toggle on to get commissions paid in IRON.",
"Commission_Percentage": "Commission Percentage",
"Common": "Common",
"Community": "Community",
"Complete_Challenges_To_Unlock_Message": "Complete challenges to unlock Cores filled with IRON, Earning Boosts, and Profile Frames. Here's a little {0} to get you started...",
"Complete_Profile": "Complete Profile",
"Complete_Purchase": "Complete Purchase",
"Completed_X_Times": "Completed {0} Times",
"Confirm": "Confirm",
"Congratulations": "Congratulations!",
"Congratulations_Redeem_Code_Success": "Congratulations, {0} have been added to your wallet.",
"Congratulations_You_Unlocked_All_The_Bonuses": "Congratulations, you unlocked all the bonuses. Way to go earner!",
"Congratulations_You_Unlocked_The_First_Bonus": "Congratulations, you unlocked the first bonus and are on your way to earning the ultimate!",
"Congratulations_You_Unlocked_The_nth_Bonus": "Congratulations, you unlocked a bonus and are on your way to earning the ultimate!",
"Congratulations_You_Unlocked_The_Second_Bonus": "Congratulations, you unlocked the second bonus and are on your way to earning the ultimate!",
"Congratulations_You_Unlocked_The_Third_Bonus": "Congratulations, you unlocked the third bonus and are on your way to earning the ultimate!",
"Contact_Support": "Contact Support",
"Contains_One_Or_More_DLCs": "Contains one or more DLCs",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Control_Features": "Control Features",
"Copied": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy_Right_Text": "Robot Cache US, Inc. All rights reserved. Robot Cache is a trademark of Robot Cache Inc. All other trademarks cited or appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.",
"Copy_And_Share_Your_Invite_Code": "Copy and Share your Invite Code",
"core_open_cores_in_queue": "Nice, look at what you scored! Lucky you, you have another Core to open.",
"core_open_empty_core_queue_max_level": "Nice, look what you scored! You have no more Cores to open at this time.",
"core_open_empty_core_queue_not_max_level": "Nice, look what you scored! You have no more Cores to open, complete challenges to earn more!",
"core_reward_open_body": "Congratulations, you've earned a new Core. Let's see what's inside.",
"core_reward_preview_body": "Here's a preview of the next level's rewards. Cores are filled with Common to Epic Earning Boosts, Profile Frames, & IRON rewards. Your next game may be on us…",
"core_rewards": "Core Rewards",
"Country": "Country",
"Credit_Card": "Credit Card",
"Credit/Debit_Card": "Credit/Debit Card",
"Cross_Platform_Multiplayer": "Cross Platform Multiplayer",
"Currency": "Currency",
"currency_sign": "$",
"Current_MSRP": "Current MSRP",
"Customize_Your_Profile_And_Show_Off": "Customize your profile and show off with exclusive Profile Frames. You can earn more by leveling up! Level 2 awaits...",
"D": "D",
"Date": "Date",
"Date_DateX0": "Date {0}",
"Date_Acquired": "Date Acquired",
"Date_Played": "Date Played",
"Day_LC": "day",
"Day": "Day",
"Days": "Days",
"Days_LC": "days",
"Details": "Details",
"Delete_Account": "Delete Account",
"Delete_Acount_DESC": "Delete Account to permanently remove your account from all Robot Cache services. You will lose your games, IRON, achievements, everything. The request may take up to 30 days to fulfill and once complete, it cannot be reversed.",
"Delete_Acount_Success_DESC": "We’ve sent you an email to confirm you would like to permanently delete your account. Once received, click on the “confirm” button, which will immediately deactivate your account and prevent you from logging in. The entire process may take up to 30 days. You have a 7 day grace period to change your mind and if you do, just contact Support. If you’ve already changed your mind, just don’t click on the confirmation email and continue to enjoy Robot Cache.",
"Demo": "Free trial",
"Demo_Expires_On_X_At_X": "Free trial expires on {0} at {1} Pacific Time.",
"Demo_Period_Has_Ended_Please_Purchase_To_Continue_Playing": "Free trial period has ended. Please purchase to continue playing.",
"Demo_Time_Remaining": "Free trial time remaining",
"Deposit": "Deposit",
"Deposit_or_Bank_Transfer": "Deposit or Bank Transfer",
"Description": "Description",
"Details_of_your_pending_purchase_are_provided_below": "Details of your pending purchase are provided below. You can always check the status of your transaction in your ",
"Developer": "Developer",
"DirectX": "DirectX",
"DisabledOnThisAccount": "Disabled on this account",
"EnabledOnThisAccount": "Enabled on this Account",
"DISCOUNT": "Discount",
"{0}% Off}": "{0}% Off",
"Discount_AmountX0": "Discount {0}",
"Discount_PrecentX0": "Discount {0} %",
"Discount_Price__": "Discount Price: ",
"Discounts": "Discounts",
"DLC": "DLC",
"Investors": "Investors",
"Iron_Advantage": "The IRON Advantage",
"DLC_Addons": "DLC | Addons",
"DLC_Extra": "DLC | Extra",
"DLC_Game_Message": "This content requires the base game {0} on Robot Cache in order to play",
"DLC_Game_Title": "Downloadable Content",
"Dont_Forget_To_Redeem_Them": "Don't forget to redeem them before it resets and check back soon for new bonuses.",
"Dont_Forget_To_Redeem_Them_And_Keep_Mining": "Don't forget to redeem them and keep earning IRON!",
"Download": "Download",
"Download_Client": "Download Client",
"Download_My_Data_Till_DateX": "Download My Data Till {0}",
"Download_Now": "Download Now",
"Driving": "Driving",
"Early_Access": "Early Access",
"Early_Access_Crate_Message_Html": "Thank you for helping us during Early Access. Here are some rewards for you. Enjoy! {0}",
"Earn": "Earn",
"Earning_Potential": "Daily Earning Potential",
"Earnings": "Earnings",
"Earning_Iron": "Earning Iron",
"Economy": "Economy",
"Edge": "Edge",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Edit_Settings": "Edit Settings",
"Educational": "Educational",
"Eligible_to_List": "Eligible to List",
"Email_Address": "Email Address",
"Email_Disclaimer": "Your email address is used to confirm purchases and to help manage access to your Robot Cache account. Robot Cache will send a confirmation email to this account. Please follow the link in the email to verify your email account with Robot Cache.",
"Email_Or_Cacher_Name": "Email Or Cacher Name",
"Email_Verification": "Email Verification",
"Email_Verification_Code_Failed": "That code didn't work. Try again or request a new one.",
"Email_Verification_Copy": "Verify your email to make purchases. If you have not received an email or code, click below to resend your verification.",
"Resend_Email": "Resend Email",
"Empty_Boosts": "Earn boosts to multiply your earnings by completing challenges and leveling up!",
"Empty_Inbox_Message": "Check back later for new announcements, deals, and reward notifications.",
"Enable_Authenticator": "Enable Authenticator",
"Ended": "Ended",
"Ends_In": "Ends in",
"Ends_In_X": "Ends in {0}",
"Enter_Amount": "Enter Amount",
"Enter_Code": "Enter Code",
"Enter_Your_Date_of_Birth": "Enter Your Date of Birth",
"Epic": "Epic",
"Error": "Error",
"Error_Opening_Crate": "There was an error opening your Core. Please try again.",
"ESRA_12_desc": "ESRA 12",
"ESRA_15_desc": "ESRA 15",
"ESRA_18_desc": "ESRA 18",
"ESRA_3_desc": "ESRA 3",
"ESRA_7_desc": "ESRA 7",
"ESRB_AO_desc": "ESRB AO",
"ESRB_E_desc": "ESRB E",
"ESRB_E10_desc": "ESRB E10",
"ESRB_EC_desc": "ESRB EC",
"ESRB_M_desc": "ESRB M",
"ESRB_RP_desc": "ESRB RP",
"ESRB_T_desc": "ESRB T",
"Experiment_Dialog_Content": "We’re experimenting with a radical new concept that allows gamers to sell their digital games after they’re done playing them. You’ve probably sold your old game discs to a retailer before, but now Robot Cache is extending that concept to the digital world. This is only possible with the help of the publishers and developers, and we’re thankful for their trust.<br/><br/>This has never been done before, so bear with us as we experiment with a completely different type of digital PC game store. We plan on doing things like rotating our top 10 lists to give more games visibility, having a section devoted to international developers, distributing blockchain games, and eventually opening some of our source code allowing you to expand this concept further than we could ever imagine.<br/><br/>With your help we hope this starts a whole new paradigm for buying not only digital games, but eventually all forms of entertainment. Enjoy!<br/><br/>",
"Expiration_Date": "Expiration Date",
"Expires_On": "Expires On",
"Facebook": "Facebook",
"Family_Friendly": "Family Friendly",
"Fast_Paced": "Fast Paced",
"Featured": "Featured",
"Featured_Games": "Featured Games",
"Features": "Features",
"Feedback": "Feedback",
"Fighting": "Fighting",
"Fight_Or_Flight": "Fight or Flight",
"File_Selected_Is_Not_An_Image": "File selected is not an image. Please select an image",
"First_Person": "First Person",
"FirstName": "First Name",
"Flight_Crew": "Flight Crew",
"Forums": "Forums",
"Founders_Crate_Message_Html": "Your Founders Rewards Core is waiting for you! We threw in a couple extra exclusive frames. Enjoy! {0}",
"Frames": "Frames",
"Frame": "Frame",
"FREE_Game_Friday": "FREE Game Friday",
"Free": "FREE",
"Free_Game_Mining_Progress": "Free Game Earning Progress",
"Free_Trial": "FREE TRIAL",
"Mining_Bonus_Progress": "Earning Bonus Progress",
"Free_Games_From_The_Mining_Bonus_Program": "Free games from the earning bonus program cannot be resold.",
"Free_Mining_Bonuses": "Free Earning Bonuses",
"Free_Mining_Bonuses_Text_{hrs}_{end_date}": "As part of RC Free Earning Bonuses, compute using the RC Client for {0}hrs by {1} to earn.",
"Friend_Requests": "Friend Requests",
"Friend_Invite_Sent": "Friend Invite Sent",
"Friends_Invited": "Friends Invited",
"friendDisplayNameX_Approved": "{0} has been added to your Squad",
"friendDisplayNameX_muted": "{0} Muted",
"friendDisplayNameX_Rejected": "{0} Rejected",
"friendDisplayNameX_removed": "{0} Removed",
"friendDisplayNameX_unblocked": "{0} UnBlocked",
"friendDisplayNameX_unmuted": "{0} UnMuted",
"friendDisplayNameXblocked": "{0} Blocked",
"Friends": "Friends",
"Friends_Also_Own": "Friends Also Own",
"Friends_Waiting_Approval": "Friends Waiting Approval",
"From_FromX0": "From {0}",
"From_PriceFromX_To_PriceToX": "From {0} To {1}",
"Full_Controller_Support": "Full Controller Support",
"Future_List_Date_Reason": "There is a publishers hold period OR you bought it less than 7 days ago.",
"Game_Achievements": "Game Achievements",
"Game_Added_To_Wishlist": "{0} added to wishlist",
"Game_Added_To_Cart": "{0} added to cart",
"Game_Awards": "Game Awards",
"Game_Demos": "Game Free trials",
"Game_Editions": "Game Editions",
"Game_Editions_DLC_Addons": "Game Editions| DLCs & Add-ons",
"Game_Is_Coming_Soon": "Game is Coming Soon",
"Game_Is_Purchased": "Purchased",
"Game_Removed_From_Wishlist": "{0} removed from wishlist",
"Gamepad": "Gamepad",
"Games": "Games",
"GCAM_13_desc": "GCAM 13",
"GCAM_16_desc": "GCAM 16",
"GCAM_18_desc": "GCAM 18",
"GCAM_3_desc": "GCAM 3",
"GCAM_7_desc": "GCAM 7",
"GDPR_CAN_NOT_REQUEST_PART_01": "You recently made an access request to Robot Cache. ",
"GDPR_CAN_NOT_REQUEST_PART_02": "Please wait until at least {0} to submit another.",
"GDPR_DESC_01": "Export My Data to request a copy of all your personal data that is stored by Robot Cache. The request may take up to 30 days to fulfill.",
"GDPR_Download_DESC": "You Can Download Your data from the link bellow:",
"GDPR_Export_my_data": "Export My Data",
"GDPR_Gathering_Data": "We’re busy gathering up the data and will send you a zip file to download it when it’s ready. A friendly reminder, it may take up to 30 days.",
"Genre": "Genre",
"Gift": "Gifts",
"gift_to_email": "Gift to email address",
"gift_to_message": "Gift to message",
"Go_To_Inventory": "Go To My Stash",
"Graphics": "Graphics",
"GRB_12_desc": "GRB 12",
"GRB_15_desc": "GRB 15",
"GRB_18_desc": "GRB 18",
"GRB_ALL_desc": "GRB ALL",
"GRB_TEST_desc": "GRB TEST",
"Halloween_Sale": "Halloween Sale",
"Has_Discount": "Has Discount",
"Has_Been_Added_To_Your_Account": "{0} has been added to your account.",
"Has_Been_Added_To_Your_Profile": "{0} has been added to your profile.",
"Has_Been_Added_To_Your_Stash": "{0} has been added to your stash.",
"Have_Been_Added_To_Your_Wallet": "{0} have been added to your wallet.",
"Help_Center": "Help Center",
"Highest_Priced": "Highest Priced",
"Historical": "Historical",
"Home": "Home",
"Horror": "Horror",
"Hour": "Hour",
"Hours": "Hours",
"Hr": "hr",
"Hrs": "hrs",
"HTC_Vive": "HTC Vive",
"If_Any_One_Sends_You_A_Friendship_Request": "If any one sends you a friendship request, you will see their request here.",
"If_Youve_Enjoyed_This_Game_Purchase_Now_To_Continue_Playing": "If you've enjoyed this game, purchase now to continue playing.",
"IGRS_13_desc": "IGRS 13",
"IGRS_18_desc": "IGRS 18",
"IGRS_3_desc": "IGRS 3",
"compute": "earnings",
"IGRS_7_desc": "IGRS 7",
"IGRS_SU_desc": "IGRS SU",
"Invite_Failed": "Invite Failed",
"IMPORTANT_The_Robot_Cache_Client_needs_to_be_running": "IMPORTANT: The Robot Cache Client needs to be running in order to compute earnings!",
"in_data": "In",
"In_Game": "In-Game",
"In_Game_Achievements": "In-Game Achievements",
"In_Queue": "In Queue",
"In_Stash": "In Stash",
"in_value_of": "in value of",
"Inbox_Is_Empty": "No Messages Here",
"Indie": "Indie",
"Instagram": "Instagram",
"Interface": "Interface",
"intervalX0_Day_Ago": "{0} Days Ago",
"intervalX0_Hour_Ago": "{0} Hours Ago",
"intervalX0_Min_Ago": "{0} Mins Ago",
"intervalX0_Month_Ago": "{0} Months Ago",
"intervalX0_Sec_Ago": "{0} Secs Ago",
"intervalX0_Year_Ago": "{0} Years Ago",
"intervalOne_Day_Ago": "1 Day Ago",
"intervalOne_Hour_Ago": "1 Hour Ago",
"intervalOne_Min_Ago": "1 Min Ago",
"intervalOne_Month_Ago": "1 Month Ago",
"intervalOne_Sec_Ago": "1 Sec Ago",
"intervalOne_Year_Ago": "1 Year Ago",
"Invalid_Card_BillingAddressLine1": "Invalid Card Billing Address Line 1",
"Invalid_Card_CardNumber": "Invalid Card Number",
"Invalid_Card_City": "Invalid Card City",
"Invalid_Card_Country": "Invalid Card Country",
"Invalid_Card_CVC": "Invalid Card CVC",
"Invalid_Card_ExpiryYear": "Invalid Card Expiry Year",
"Invalid_Card_ExpiryMonth": "Invalid Card Expiry Month",
"Invalid_Card_FirstName": "Invalid Card First Name",
"Invalid_Card_LastName": "Invalid Card Last Name",
"Invalid_Card_Name": "Invalid Card Name",
"Invalid_Card_PostalCode": "Invalid Card Postal Code",
"Invalid_Card_Province": "Invalid Card Provence",
"Invalid_CardToken_CVC": "Invalid CardToken CVC",
"Invalid_Code": "Invalid Code",
"Invalid_Data": "Invalid Data",
"Invalid_Payment": "Invalid Payment",
"Inventory_Already_Sold": "Inventory Already Sold",
"InventoryUpdate": "Inventory Updates",
"Invite_A_Friend": "Invite A Friend",
"Invite_To_RobotCache": "Invite to Robot Cache",
"Invite_Your_Friends_And_Earn_IRON": "Invite your Friends and Earn IRON",
"Iron": "IRON",
"IronAdvantageOptIn": "You've opted in to be paid in IRON",
"IronAdvantageOptOut": "You have opted not to be paid in IRON",
"Iron_Bonus": "Iron Bonus",
"IRON_History": "IRON History",
"IRON_Transaction": "IRON Transaction",
"IRON_Transactions": "IRON Transactions",
"is_not_purchasable": "Unavailable",
"Item": "Item",
"Item_Disabled": "Item Disabled",
"Item_Refunded": "Item Refunded",
"Items": "Items",
"Its_Time_To_Play": "It's Time To Play!",
"Keyboard_Mouse": "Keyboard Mouse",
"Language": "Language",
"Languages": "Languages",
"Last_Online": "Last Online",
"LastName": "Last Name",
"Left": "Left",
"Legal": "Legal",
"Level_X": "Level {0}",
"LinkedIn": "LinkedIn",
"List": "List",
"List_Confirmation": "List Confirmation",
"Listed": "Listed",
"Listed_Games": "Listed Games",
"Listed_On__": "Listed On {0}",
"Listing_Details": "Listing Details",
"Load_More": "Load More",
"Local_Co_op": "Local Co op",
"Local_Multi_Player": "Local Multi Player",
"Location": "Location",
"Login": "Login",
"M": "M",
"Management": "Management",
"Mark_All_As_Read": "Mark All As Read",
"Max_Level": "Max Level",
"max_level_core_desc": "Congratulations, you've hit max level for this season! You can still earn cores through Random Rewards & Drops so keep on living your best life.",
"max_level_core_header": "You're a beast!",
"Media": "Media",
"Memory": "Memory",
"Micro_Transaction": "Micro Transaction",
"Micro_Transaction_ID": "Micro Transaction ID",
"Min": "min",
"Minute": "Minute",
"Minutes": "Minutes",
"Mine": "EARN",
"Minimum_Requirements": "Minimum Requirements",
"Mining": "Earning",
"Mining_Boost": "Earning Boost",
"Mining_Boosts": "Earning Boosts",
"Mining_Boosts_Amplify_Your_Earnings_Message_X": "Earning boosts amplify your earnings. Enjoy your first one on us{0}. Earn more boosts by completing challenges and leveling up.",
"Mining_Bonuses": "Earning Bonuses",
"Mining_Bonuses_Check_Back_Soon": "Check back soon for extra Earning Bonuses!",
"Mining_Bonuses_That_Means_Free": "That means free games for you! Enable earning from the client.",
"Mining_Bonuses_You_Could_Earn": "You could earn $10-20/month in IRON by putting your computer to work.",
"Mining_Bonuses_You_Could_Earn_Plus": "You could earn $10-20/month in IRON, plus these sweet bonuses, by putting your computer to work.",
"Mining_Policy": "Earning Policy",
"Mining_Rewards": "Earning Rewards",
"Mins": "mins",
"Missing_Required_Game": "You cannot purchase a DLC without the base game. <br/>Add the base game to your cart or remove the DLC.",
"Mission_Control": "Mission Control",
"MMO": "MMO",
"Mobile_Dialog_Content": "Mobile optimization coming soon! Robot Cache is based on Planet PC, please use your desktop for the best experience.",
"Mon": "mon",
"Mons": "mons",
"More_Info": "More Info",
"More_Redemptions": "More redemptions means more IRON for you and more games in your cache. Keep track of how many friends you've invited and your potential earnings with our handy mini dashboard.",
"Most_Played": "Most Played",
"Most_Relevant": "Most Relevant",
"Multi_Player": "Multi Player",
"Mute": "Mute",
"My_Activity": "My Activity",
"My_Stash": "My Stash",
"MyList": "MyList",
"Name": "Name",
"New_Bonuses_Coming_Soon": "New Bonuses Coming Soon",
"New_Card": "New Card",
"New_Releases": "New Releases",
"New_On_Robot_Cache": "New On Robot Cache",
"Newest": "Newest",
"NewRealeses": "New Releases",
"News": "News",
"next": "Next",
"Ninja": "Ninja",
"Nitro": "Nitro",
"No_Blocked_Users": "No Blocked Users",
"No_Crates": "No Cores to open",
"No_Frame": "No Frame",
"No_Friend_Request": "No Friend Request",
"No_Friends": "No Friends",
"No_Friends_Yet_Try_Searching_And_Adding_Some": "No friends yet, try searching and adding some.",
"No_Items_found": "No Items found",
"No_Iron_History": "You have no iron history!",
"No_Order_History": "You have no order history!",
"No_Sales_History": "You have no sales history!",
"No_Pending_Friend_Requests": "No Pending Friend Requests",
"No_Resell_Data": "No Resell Data",
"No_Results_Found": "No Results Found",
"No_Search_Results": "No Search Results",
"No_Title_Defined": "No Title Defined",
"no_rewards_text": "You don't have any rewards to claim at this time. Complete challenges to unlock Cores filled with IRON, Earning Boosts, and Profile Frames.",
"No_Squad_Activity_Gift_btn": "Gift to a Friend (Coming soon)",
"No_Squad_Activity_Shout": "Looks Like RC is the only one that got the memo. Gift this game to your Squad.",
"None": "None",
"Nostalgia": "Nostalgia",
"Not_Available_Search": "Not available by search",
"Not_Verified": "Not Verified",
"Notes": "Notes",
"Note_if_your_purchase_fails": "Note: if your purchase fails. ",
"Oculus_Rift": "Oculus Rift",
"Of": "Of",
"Off": "Off",
"Offline": "Offline",
"OK": "OK",
"Online": "Online",
"online": "online",
"Online_Co_op": "Online Co op",
"Online_Multi_Player": "Online Multi Player",
"Online_Payment": "Online Payment",
"On_Sale": "ON SALE",
"Open": "Open",
"open_core": "Open Core",
"open_cores": "Open Cores",
"Open_Now": "Open Now",
"Open_World": "Open World",
"or": "or",
"Order": "Order",
"Order_Agreement": "By placing your order you agree to the <a href='{0}' target='_blank'>Robot Cache Subscriber Agreement</a>",
"Order_Canceled_By_User": "Order was canceled by the user",
"Order_Help": "Need help? Check our <a href='{0}' target='_blank'>Support Portal</a>",
"Order_History": "Order History",
"Order_NO_OrderNumberX": "Order NO. {0}",
"Order_Receipt_Notice": "Once you have completed this transaction, you will receive an email message confirming receipt of your purchase.",
"Original": "Original",
"original_price": "Price",
"OS": "OS",
"Other": "Other",
"paid": "Paid",
"Paid_As_FIAT": "Paid As fiat",
"Paid_In_Currency": "Paid In {0}",
"Paid_By_PaymentMethod": "Paid by {0}",
"Paid_IRON_Amount": "Paid IRON Amount",
"Partner": "Partner",
"Partner_Portal": "Partner Portal",
"Password": "Password",
"pay_from_wallet": "Pay from you wallet",
"Payment_And_Gifting_Details": "Payment Details",
"Payment_Error": "Payment Error",
"PEGI_12_desc": "PEGI 12",
"PEGI_16_desc": "PEGI 16",
"PEGI_18_desc": "PEGI 18",
"PEGI_3_desc": "PEGI 3",
"PEGI_7_desc": "PEGI 7",
"Pending_Friend_Verification": "Pending friend verification",
"Pending_IRON_Wallet": "It takes a little time to find your first share...hang tight.",
"Permaboost": "Permaboost",
"Permaboost_Empty": "You do not have any permaboosts right now.",
"Personal_Invitation_Link": "Personal invitation link",
"Platformer": "Platformer",
"Play": "PLAY",
"Play_On_Player": "Play On, Player.",
"Played": "Played",
"Please_check_back_soon": "Please check back soon!",
"Please_Complete_Your_Profile_To_Continue": "Please complete your profile to continue.",
"Please_Enter_A_Valid_Date_Of_Birth": "Please enter a valid date of birth.",
"Please_Enter_Code": "Please Enter Code",
"Please_Login": "Please Login to make purchases.",
"Please_Login2": "Please login.",
"Please_Wait": "Please Wait...",
"Plus_PriceFromX": "+ {0}",
"Point_And_Click": "Point And Click",
"Post_Apocalyptic": "Post Apocalyptic",
"Potential_Commission": "Potential Commission",
"Potential_Commission_XIRON_XFiat": "Potential Commission: {0}IRON, ${1}",
"Potential_Commission_XIRON": "Potential Commission: {0}IRON",
"Potential_Commission_XFiat": "Potential Commission: ${0}",
"Potential_Earning": "Potential Earning",
"Power": "Power",
"Power_Usage": "Power Usage",
"Pre_Order": "Pre-Order",
"pre_order_releaseDateX0": "Pre-Order: Releases {0}",
"pre_ordered": "Pre-Ordered",
"Prepared_For_Lift_Off": "Prepared For Lift Off",
"previous": "Previous",
"Price_High_to_Low": "Price (High to Low)",
"Price_Low_to_High": "Price (Low to High)",
"Privacy_Policy": "Privacy Policy",
"Processor": "Processor",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Progress": "Progress",
"Promoted": "Promoted",
"Promotional_Rules": "Promotional Rules",
"Publisher": "Publisher",
"Publisher_Sale": "Publisher Sale",
"Purchase": "Purchase",
"Purchase_Succeded": "Purchase Succeeded",
"Purchase_With_Iron": "Purchase with Iron",
"Purchased__": "Purchased: ",
"Puzzle": "Puzzle",
"Racing": "Racing",
"Rare": "Rare",
"Rarity": "Rarity",
"RARS_0_desc": "RARS 0",
"RARS_12_desc": "RARS 12",
"RARS_16_desc": "RARS 16",
"RARS_18_desc": "RARS 18",
"RARS_6_desc": "RARS 6",
"RC_Client": "RC Client",
"Real_Time": "Real Time",
"RealTime": "RealTime",
"Recently_Played": "Recently Played",
"Recently_Purchased": "Recently Purchased",
"Recommended_Requirements": "Recommended Requirements",
"Recommended_For_You": "Recommended For You",
"Reddit": "Reddit",
"Redeem": "Redeem",
"Redeem_And_Equip": "Redeem & Equip",
"Redeem_Code": "Redeem Code",
"Redeem_Reward": "Redeem Reward",
"Redeem_X_Hour_Reward": "Redeem {0} Hour Bonus",
"Redeem_Your_Code": "Redeem Your Code",
"Redeemed": "Redeemed",
"Refer": "Refer",
"Refund": "Refund",
"Refund_Date": "Refund Date",
"Refund_In_Cache": "Refund In Cache",
"Refund_In_CurrencyType": "Refund In {0}",
"Refund_In_Iron": "Refund In Iron",
"Refunded": "Refunded",
"Reject": "Reject",
"Release_Date": "Release Date",
"Release_State": "Release State",
"Release_State_Type_ClosedBeta_Message": "Game is in Closed Beta State",
"Release_State_Type_ClosedBeta_Title": "Closed Beta",
"Release_State_Type_ComingSoon_Message": "A release date has not been announced yet.",
"Release_State_Type_ComingSoon_Message_ReleaseDateX": "Anticipated release: {0}",
"Release_State_Type_ComingSoon_Title": "Coming Soon",
"Release_State_Type_ComingSoon_Wishlist_Link_Text": "Wishlist it",
"Release_State_Type_EarlyAccess_Message": "Early Access is a great way to support the developer as a game is being developed. It usually means the game is not complete and may change along the way.<br>Upon purchase, you’ll receive access and be able to start playing now.<br>Disclaimer: You may want to wait to purchase the game until it is more complete or officially releases.",
"Release_State_Type_EarlyAccess_Title": "EARLY ACCESS",
"Release_State_Type_Stopped_Message": "The publisher has requested that this game no longer be available for sale on Robot Cache.",
"Release_State_Type_Preorder_Message": "This game is available for preorder.",
"Release_State_Type_Preorder_Title": "Preorder",
"Release_State_Type_Unreleased_Message": "Unreleased Game",
"Release_State_Type_Unreleased_Title": "Unreleased",
"Released": "Released",
"releasesX0": "Releases {0}",
"Remaining_Total": "Remaining Total",
"Remember__Mine_Responsibly_By_Checking": "Remember: Earn responsibly by checking electricity rates & your graphics card performance.",
"Remember_to_mine_responsibly": "Remember to earn responsibly by monitoring your electricity rates, computer specs, and more. Estimates based on average stats of our Early Access Cachers. Please visit our <a href='{0}' target='_blank' data-nav='Help Center'>Help Center</a> to learn more!",
"Remove": "Remove",
"Remove_Card": "Remove Card",
"remove_from_cart": "Remove",
"remove_from_cart_add_to_wishlist": "Remove and add to wish-list",
"Remove_From_Wishlist": "Remove from Wishlist",
"Removed_From_Cart": "Removed from Cart",
"Removed_From_Wishlist": "Removed from Wishlist",
"Request_Friendship": "Request Friendship",
"Request_To_friendDisplayNameX_Canceled": "Request To {0} Canceled",
"Request_To_friendDisplayNameX_sent": "Request To {0} Sent",
"Requires_Base_Game": "Requires Base Game",
"Requires_RequiredX": "Requires {0}",
"Resource_Management": "Resource Management",
"ResourceManagement": "ResourceManagement",
"Results": "Results",
"Reward_Disabled": "Reward Disabled",
"Rewards": "Rewards",
"rewards_text": "Congratulations, you've earned a new Core. Claim your reward below.",
"Robot_Cache_will_email_you_a_link": "Robot Cache will email you a link that will let you try your purchase (with the discount) again for up to 72 hours.",
"Robot_Cache_will_send_an_email_receipt": "Robot Cache will send an email receipt to you when payment is received for this purchase. For questions regarding your payment processing status, please contact ",
"Role_Playing": "Role Playing",
"RPG": "RPG",
"RolePlaying": "RolePlaying",
"Room_Scale": "Room Scale",
"Sales_History": "Sales History",
"Sandbox": "Sandbox",
"Sci_fi": "Sci-fi",
"Search": "Search",
"Search_Filters": "Search Filters",
"Search_For_X": "Search for: {0}",
"Search_Result": "Search Result",
"Search_The_Store": "Search Store",
"Search_Stash": "Search Stash",
"Searching": "Searching...",
"Seated": "Seated",
"Less_Than_Minute": "< 1 min",
"Secs": "Secs",
"Second": "Second",
"Seconds": "Seconds",
"Security_Code": "Security Code",
"Select_Image": "Select Image",
"Sell": "SELL",
"Selling_Your_Game": "Selling Your Game",
"Send": "Send",
"send_as_gift": "Send as a gift",
"Send_Reminders_To_Earn_More_Iron": "Send reminders to earn more IRON!",
"SettingsAndPrivacy": "Settings & Privacy",
"Share_To_Social_And_Link_Your_Accounts": "Share to social and link your accounts",
"Shared_Split_Screen": "Shared Split Screen",
"Sharing_Is_Caring": "Sharing is caring. And profitable! Invite your friends and get rewarded in cold hard IRON. What is IRON? It's the Robot Cache currency you can use to purchase games and dlc.",
"Shooter": "Shooter",
"Shopping_Cart": "Shopping Cart",
"Show_Less": "Show Less",
"Show_More": "Show More",
"Showing": "Showing",
"Side_Scroller": "Side Scroller",
"Single_Player_Stories": "Single Player Stories",
"Sign_Out": "Sign Out",
"Sign_Up": "Sign Up",
"Simulation": "Simulation",
"Single_Player": "Single Player",
"Social": "Social",
"Sold_Price": "Sold Price",
"Sort_By": "Sort By",
"Sound": "Sound",
"Sport": "Sport",
"Sports": "Sports",
"Squad": "Squad",
"Squad_Activity": "Squad Activity",
"Standing": "Standing",
"Start_Leveling": "Start Leveling",
"Start_Search_By_Typing_In_Your_Friends_Cacher": "Start search by typing in your friend's Cacher Name",
"Start_Search_By_Typing_In_Your_Friends_Cacher_Name_Or_Email": "Start search by typing in your friend's Cacher Name or Email",
"Starts_In": "Starts in",
"Stash": "Stash",
"StateProvince": "State/Province",
"Statistics": "Statistics",
"Stealth": "Stealth",
"Steampunk": "Steampunk",
"Storage": "Storage",
"Store": "Store",
"Strategy": "Strategy",
"Subject_SubjectX0": "Subject {0}",
"Submit": "Submit",
"Subscriber_Agreement_Before_Link": "I agree to the-",
"Subscriber_Agreement": "Subscriber Agreement",
"Subscriber_Agreement_After_Link": "-AND I am 13 years of age or older.",
"Subtitles": "Subtitles",
"Subtotal": "Subtotal",
"Support": "Support",
"Survival": "Survival",
"Switch": "Switch",
"System_Requirements": "System Requirements",
"Tactical": "Tactical",
"Tags": "Tags",
"Tax": "Tax",
"Tax_Included_Cart_Desc": "All prices include VAT where applicable",
"Tell_Us_What_You_Think": "Tell us What You Think!",
"Temperature": "Temperature",
"Terms_Of_Service": "Terms of Service",
"Thank_You_For_Your_Purchase": "Thank you for your purchase.",
"The_Cart_Count_Is": "The Cart Count is ",
"The_Most_Powerful_Xhr_Nitro": "- the most powerful - {0}hr +7.5% Nitro",
"There_are_currently_no_titles_available_for_genre": "There are currently no titles available for the {0} genre.",
"There_are_currently_no_titles_available_on_discount": "There are currently no titles available on discount.",
"There_are_currently_no_game_on_sale":"There are currently no games on sale. Please check back later for future discounts.",
"There_Was_An_Error_On_Payment_Please_Try_Again": "There was an error on payment. Please try again.",
"Third_Party_Already_Linked": "This {0} account is already linked to an existing RC account.",
"Third_Party_Link_Fail": "Failed to link {0} account.",
"Third_Person": "Third Person",
"This_Game_Is_Free_To_Download_And_Play_For_X": "This game is free to download and play for {0}.",
"This_Game_Is_Free_To_Download_And_Play_Until_X_At_X": "This game is free to download and play until {0} at {1} Pacific Time.",
"This_Game_Will_Unlock_In_X": "This game will unlock in approximately {0} days.",
"This_is_where_you_can_mine_to_earn_free_games_by_putting_your_computer_to_work": "This is where you can earn free games by putting your computer to work. You could earn between $10-20/month in IRON depending on your graphics card and how many hours it’s on.",
"This_Item_can_be_resold": "THIS ITEM CAN BE RESOLD",
"This_Item_can_be_resold_from_resellFromX0": "THIS ITEM CAN BE RESOLD IN {0} DAY(S)",
"This_Item_cannot_be_resold": "THIS ITEM CANNOT BE RESOLD",
"This_Item_Will_Be_Listed_In_resellDateX_Days": "THIS ITEM WILL BE LISTED IN {0} DAY(S)",
"This_Will_Reset_Soon_So_Dont_Delay": "This offer will reset soon so don't delay!",
"This_Will_Reset_Soon_So_Dont_Delay_And_Remember": "This offer will reset soon so don't delay and remember to redeem your bonus!",
"Time_Played": "Time Played",
"Title": "Title",
"To": "To",
"Total": "Total",
"Top_Picks": "Top Picks",
"Top_Sellers": "Top Sellers",
"Total_Balance": "Total Balance",
"total_discount": "Total Discount",
"Total_Friends": "Total Friends",
"Total_IRON_Mined": "Total IRON Earned",
"Total_Mining_Hours": "Total Earning Hours",
"Tower_Defense": "Tower Defense",
"Tracked_Motion_Controllers": "Tracked Motion Controllers",
"tracking_number": "Tracking number",
"Transaction_FEE": "Transaction fee",
"Transaction_History": "Transaction History",
"Transaction": "Transaction",
"Transactions": "Transactions",
"N_Transactions": "{0} Transactions",
"Trending": "Trending",
"Trending_Now": "Trending Now",
"Turbo": "Turbo",
"Turn_Based": "Turn Based",
"Twitch": "Twitch",
"Twitter": "Twitter",
"TwoFactorTitle": "Two Step Login",
"TwoFactorDescription": "Two-step login is an optional extra layer of protection for your Robot Cache account. With two-step login enabled, your identity will be verified through an authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator.",
"Unable_To_Copy_Link": "Unable to copy link.",
"Unblock": "Unblock",
"Uncommon": "Uncommon",
"Under_PriceToX": "Under {0}",
"Unit_Short_Days": "d",
"Unit_Short_Hours": "h",
"Unit_Short_Minutes": "m",
"Unit_Short_Seconds": "s",
"Unit_Short_Years": "y",
"Unknown": "Unknown",
"Unlist": "Unlist",
"Unlist_Confirmation": "Unlist Confirmation",
"Unlist_confirmation_Message": "Are you sure you want to unlist this item? Unlisting means you will lose your spot in the queue.",
"unMute": "unMute",
"Unsupported_Country": "We are not currently setup for sales in your Country<br/>(but we are working on it)",
"Unwishlist": "Unwishlist",
"Unlocked": "Unlocked",
"update_notes": "Update Notes",
"Use_Iron_Funds_Balance_WalletBalanceInCurrencyX1_WalletBalanceX0": "Use IRON Funds {0} ({1}) available.",
"Use_Iron_to_Buy_Games_on_Robot_Cache": "Use IRON to buy games on Robot Cache. You can obtain more by leveling up, earning, and reselling games.",
"USK_0_desc": "USK 0",
"USK_12_desc": "USK 12",
"USK_16_desc": "USK 16",
"USK_18_desc": "USK 18",
"USK_6_desc": "USK 6",
"Utilization": "Utilization",
"Verified": "Verified",
"View_Deals": "View Deals",
"View_Store": "View Store",
"View_Transaction": "View Transaction",
"VR_Supported": "VR Supported",
"Wallet": "Wallet",
"War": "War",
"Weapons": "Weapons",
"WeChatPay": "WeChat Pay",
"Welcome": "Welcome",
"Welcome_To_Mining_Boosts": "Welcome To Earning Boosts",
"Welcome_To_Rc_Rewards": "Welcome to RC Rewards",
"Welcome_To_Robot_Cache": "Welcome to Robot Cache",
"Welcome_to_Your_Game_Library": "Welcome to your Game Library!",
"WhatIsThis": "What is this?",
"What_Is_Mining": "What Is Earning?",
"What_to_Expect_in_Early_Access": "What to Expect in Early Access?",
"Windows_Mixed_Reality": "Windows Mixed Reality",
"Wishlist": "Wishlist",
"Withdraw": "Withdraw",
"Wk": "wk",
"Wks": "wks",
"X_%": "{0}%",
"X_Day": "{0} Day",
"X_For_Each_Friend_That_Joins_Robot_Cache": "{0} for each friend that joins Robot Cache.",
"X_For_Each_Linked_Account": "{0} for each linked account.",
"X_Tag_Filters": "{0} Tag Filters",
"X_Days": "{0} Days",
"X_deg_C": "{0}°C",
"X_of_Mining_to_Earn": "{0} of Earning to Obtain",
"X_Watts": "{0} Watts",
"XP_Progress": "{0} | {1} XP",
"Y": "Y",
"Yes": "Yes",
"You_can_continue_to_use_it_until_it_sells": "You can continue to use it until it sells!",
"You_Dont_Have_Any_Cores_To_Open": "You don't have any cores to open!",
"You_Dont_Have_Any_Previous_Mining_Rewards_To_Redeem": "You don’t have any previous earning rewards to redeem!",
"Youll_need_to_install_the_rc_client_to_get_started": "You'll need to install the RC Client to get started!",
"Your_Account": "Your Account",
"Your_Data_Have_Been_Deleted": "Your data has already been deleted",
"Your_Iron_Wallet": "Your IRON Wallet",
"Your_Order": "Your Order",
"Your_Profile": "Your Profile",
"Your_purchase_details": "Your purchase details",
"Your_purchase_is_in_progress": "Your purchase is in progress. We are currently waiting for confirmation from your bank or payment processor. This process can take a few days for confirmation",
"Your_purchase_is_nearly_complete": "Your purchase is nearly complete",
"Your_Stash_Is_Empty": "Your \"Stash\" is currently empty.",
"YouTube": "YouTube",
"Youve_Earned_Enough_IRON_To_Cover_The_Cost": "You've earned enough IRON to cover the full cost of this game",
"Youve_Successfully_Redeemed_Your_Code": "You've Successfully Redeemed Your Code",
"Yr": "yr",
"Yrs": "yrs",
"Zip_or_Postal_Code": "Zip or Postal Code",
"Your_Machine_Has_Been_Removed": "Your machine has been removed.",
"Success": "Success",
"Select_Iron_To_Purchase": "Select the amount of IRON you would like to purchase.",
"Reward": "Reward",
"Minimum_Charge_To_Card": "The minimum charge amount is {0}.",
"Your_Cart_Has_Been_Updated": "Your cart has been updated to reflect this. Please review the cart and try your purchase again.",
"Partial_Controller_Support": "Partial Controller Support",
"Real_Time_Strategy": "Real Time Strategy",
"Play_Demo": "Play Free Trial",
"Player_Modes": "Player Modes",
"Release_Type": "Release Type",
"Make_Sure_Client_Installed": "<span style=\"text-align: center; margin-top: 3rem; margin-bottom: 3rem;\">Game Didn't Launch? Make sure you have the <a style=\"padding:0 .3rem; white-space: nowrap;\" href={0}>Robot Cache client</a> installed!</span>",
"Sell_On_Sale": "Sell On Discount",
"Sell_On_Sale_Confirm": "Are you sure you wish to sell this game while it's on discount? NOTE: Discounted games sell faster!",
"Age_Verification_Fail": "Sorry, you must be older to view this game.",
"Refill_Your_Iron_Wallet": "Refill your IRON wallet to buy games and in-game items!",
"QR_Header_Text": "Please use your mobile device to complete the transaction. Click continue once you are done.",
"Transaction_Not_Finished_Message": "The transaction has not been completed yet. Please wait a few seconds and try again.",
"Transaction_Not_Finished_Title": "Transaction not finalized.",
"Reset_Authenticator": "Reset Authenticator",
"Reset_Recovery_Codes": "Reset recovery codes",
"Disable_Authenticator": "Disable Authenticator",
"Remember_Card": "Remember this card?",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_1": "This Agreement on the Storage of the Cardholder’s Credentials (hereinafter – the “Agreement”) is entered into between you (hereinafter also referred to as – the “Cardholder”) and Robot Cache US, Inc. (hereinafter – the “Merchant”).",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_2": "By clicking the “Pay” button, you express full consent to this Agreement and authorize the Merchant and its payment service provider to store your name, surname, card expiry date and PAN number (hereinafter – the Credentials on File (COF)) and to process transactions initiated by you (hereinafter – Cardholder-Initiated COF Transactions (CIT)), by using the Credentials of File, as indicated below.",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_3": "Special provisions of the Agreement:",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_3_1": "Your Credentials will be used for: Cardholder-Initiated Transactions.",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_3_2": "Description of services: extension of the right to use the Service to purchase PC game licenses.",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_3_3": "Event that will prompt the Transaction: the user will initiate the payment transaction by confirming the purchase on the Robot Cache US, Inc. website.",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_4": "The following details in relation to this Agreement shall be included in the transaction confirmation: card number, transaction amount, surcharges (if applicable), transaction currency, transaction date, authorization code, the Merchant’s location.",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_5": "You will be notified of any changes to the present Agreement 7 (seven) business days before such changes become effective in relation to Cardholder-Initiated COF Transactions.",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_6": "You agree to notify the Merchant of any changes in the Credentials on File at least 7 (seven) business days prior to the next Transaction date.",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_7": "The Agreement shall enter into force after successful authorization (or account verification) by your card issuer and receipt of your consent to this Agreement by the Merchant, and shall be valid until terminated by you or by the Merchant according to the Cancellation policy.",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_8": "The Cancellation and refund policies of the Merchant: during the Guarantee Period, the Merchant guarantees a full refund to the Cardholder upon the Cardholder’s request subject to the Merchant’s policies stated in the User Subscriber Agreement located at: .The refund request shall include a significant reason for the refund. All requests will be processed and resolved individually. In case of a refund, the funds are returned to the same bank card the payment was made from. Upon expiration of the Guarantee Period, a refund is not possible. The Cardholder shall not receive a \\nrefund if the Personal Website of the Cardholder has been blocked due to violations of the provisions of the Robot Cache Terms of Use which can be found at: .",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_9": "In case of any inquiries related to this Agreement, please contact",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Agreement_10": "This agreement shall expire on 1/1/2030",
"Remember_Card_Consent_Header": "Robot Cache US, Inc. - Agreement on the Storage of the Cardholder’s Credentials for card ending in: {0}",
"Decline": "Decline",
"Agree": "Agree",
"Contests": "Contests",
"Sponsored": "SPONSORED",
"Loading": "Loading...",
"No_Achievements_This_Game": "This game does not have achievements",
"Auto_Cloud_Settings": "Auto Cloud Settings",
"List_Of_Auto_Cloud_Settings_Help_Html": "Here is a list of root paths for your game. &amp;lt;br&amp;gt;\r\nTo include an auto cloud setting for you game, click on the \"New\" button to get started. &amp;lt;br&amp;gt;\r\n&amp;lt;ul&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;\r\n Select a root type you would like to use and enter a sub directory that is relative to the chosen root.\r\n &amp;lt;ul&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;AppInstallDir - [Robot Cache Install]/library/[Game Folder]/&amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;CircuitryCloudDocuments - Platform specific path&amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;WinMyDocuments - %USERPROFILE%/My Documents/&amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;WinAppDataLocal - %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/&amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;WinAppDataLocalLow - %USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/&amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;WinAppDataRoaming - %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Roaming/&amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;WinSavedGames - %USERPROFILE%/Saved Games/&amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;/ul&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;\r\n Choose a file mask pattern. * is known as a wild card. Example: *.txt\r\n&amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;\r\n Enter the operating system this path is for (Supported Platforms: Windows)\r\n &amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n &amp;lt;li&amp;gt;\r\n Indicate whether this root type is recursive or not. This will include sub-directories when searching.\r\n &amp;lt;/li&amp;gt;\r\n&amp;lt;/ul&amp;gt;",
"January": "January",
"February": "February",
"March": "March",
"April": "April",
"May": "May",
"June": "June",
"July": "July",
"August": "August",
"September": "September",
"October": "October",
"November": "November",
"December": "December",
"War_Themed_Hits": "War Themed Hits",
"Super_Sequels": "Super Sequels",
"Out_Of_This_World": "Out of This World",
"Long_Arm_Of_The_Law": "Long Arm of the Law",
"Flight_Crew_Recommendations": "Flight Crew Recommendations"
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