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Created August 2, 2010 18:37
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And a form exists with name: "SAT Test Score", form_category: the form category
And the following strings exist:
| name | column | required | title_field | id | form | visibility_rule_in_json |
| Score | SAT_I_MATH_SCORE | true | true | | the form | |
| Are you lying? | SAT_II_SUBJECT | true | | 1 | the form | |
| Actual Score | SAT_II_SUBJECT_SCORE | true | | | the form | {"rule":'include',"values":["maybe","yes"],"responsible_field_id":'1'} |
require 'pickle/world'
module Pickle::Session
def create_model(pickle_ref, fields = nil)
factory, label = *parse_model(pickle_ref)
raise ArgumentError, "Can't create with an ordinal (e.g. 1st user)" if label.is_a?(Integer)
fields = fields.is_a?(Hash) ? parse_hash(fields) : parse_fields(fields)
#my addition
fields = allow_json_fields(fields)
record = pickle_config.factories[factory].create(fields)
store_model(factory, label, record)
#my addition
def allow_json_fields(hash)
hash.inject({}) do |new_hash, (key, val)|
new_key, new_val = key, val
if key.to_s =~ /^(.*)_in_json$/
new_key = $1
new_val = val && ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(val)
new_hash.merge new_key => new_val
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