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Created September 4, 2013 20:30
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A Pen by Ana Tudor.

psychedelic rainbow spiral (pure CSS, 1 element)

Should work in any browser that supports keyframe animations. If you get a timeout, decrease $n, $m or $p. Otherwise, you could even try increasing them.

40 lines of SCSS (including variables & comments :P ).

Inspired by:


A Pen by Ana Tudor on CodePen.


@import "compass";
// If you get a timeout, decrease $n, $m or $p
// Otherwise, you could even try increasing them
$n: 7; // colour branches (8 in the image)
$m: 3; // colour repetitions (4 in the image)
$p: 32; // dots on each "arm"
$d: .125em;
$c: .25; // cutoff; between 0 and 1
$sh: ();
$sh2: ();
@for $i from 0 to $n*$m {
$beta: $i*2*pi()/($n*$m);
$x: 0;
@for $j from 1 through $p {
$gamma: $j*2*pi()/$p;
$s: 7.5*($c*$p - $j)*($j - (1 + $c/4)*$p)/pow((.5 + $c)*$p, 2);
@if $j < $c*$p { $s: 0; }
$x: $x + 1.65*($s + 1)*$d;
$y: $x*sin($gamma)/5;
$x1: $x*cos($beta) - $y*sin($beta); // change of coords
$y1: $x*sin($beta) + $y*cos($beta);
$x2: $x*cos($beta + $gamma);
$y2: $x*sin($beta + $gamma);
$sh: $sh, $x1 $y1 0 $s*$d hsl($i*360/$n, 100%, 50%);
$sh2: $sh2, $x2 $y2 0 $d/2 hsl($i*360/$n, 100%, 50%);
html { background: black; }
.boo {
position: absolute;
top: 50%; left: 50%;
margin: -$d/2;
width: $d; height: $d;
border-radius: 50%;
box-shadow: $sh;
background: black;
animation: ani 2s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
@keyframes ani { to { box-shadow: $sh2; } }
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