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Created December 1, 2022 14:24
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Num-using binop
-- Written by Eitan Chatav, cleaned up by me
{-# language GADTs #-}
import Type.Reflection
import Data.Constraint
data U_Expr
= U_Bool Bool
| U_Int Int
| U_Double Double
| U_And U_Expr U_Expr
| U_Num2 Num2 U_Expr U_Expr
type Num2 = forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
data T_Expr x where
T_Bool :: Bool -> T_Expr Bool
T_Int :: Int -> T_Expr Int
T_Double :: Double -> T_Expr Double
T_And :: T_Expr Bool -> T_Expr Bool -> T_Expr Bool
T_Num2 :: Num x => (x -> x -> x) -> T_Expr x -> T_Expr x -> T_Expr x
data Type x where
TypeBool :: Type Bool
TypeInt :: Type Int
TypeDouble :: Type Double
data (:::) f g = forall x. Typeable x => (:::) (f x) (g x)
check :: U_Expr -> Maybe (T_Expr ::: Type)
check expr = case expr of
U_Bool x -> return $ T_Bool x ::: TypeBool
U_Int x -> return $ T_Int x ::: TypeInt
U_Double x -> return $ T_Double x ::: TypeDouble
U_And x y -> do
tx ::: tyx <- check x
ty ::: tyy <- check y
HRefl <- eqTypeRep (typeOf tyx) (typeOf tyy)
HRefl <- eqTypeRep (typeOf tyx) (typeOf TypeBool)
return $ T_And tx ty ::: TypeBool
U_Num2 f x y -> do
tx ::: tyx <- check x
ty ::: tyy <- check y
HRefl <- eqTypeRep (typeOf tyx) (typeOf tyy)
Dict <- checkNum tyx
return $ T_Num2 f tx ty ::: tyx
where checkNum :: Type x -> Maybe (Dict (Num x))
checkNum TypeInt = Just Dict
checkNum TypeDouble = Just Dict
checkNum _ = Nothing
eval :: T_Expr a -> a
eval (T_Bool a) = a
eval (T_Int a) = a
eval (T_Double a) = a
eval (T_And x y) = eval x && eval y
eval (T_Num2 f x y) = f (eval x) (eval y)
main = do
case check (U_Num2 (*) (U_Int 3) (U_Int 3)) of
Just (expr ::: TypeInt) -> print $ eval expr
_ -> pure ()
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