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Created March 19, 2023 20:48
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Brossa.Authorization where
-- brossa-specific
import qualified Brossa.DB.Rel8 as BrossaRel8
import qualified Brossa.DB.Hasql as BrossaHasql
-- generic
import Control.Monad
import Data.Int
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Rel8
import Prelude hiding (id)
-- Final tagless semantics
class ExprSemantics expr where
(==.) :: (Eq a, Rel8.Sql Rel8.DBEq a) => SomeExpr expr a -> SomeExpr expr a -> SomeExpr expr Bool
true :: SomeExpr expr Bool
false :: SomeExpr expr Bool
not_ :: SomeExpr expr Bool -> SomeExpr expr Bool
class LitSemantics expr a where
lit :: a -> SomeExpr expr a
class (Monad query, ExprSemantics expr) => QuerySemantics query expr | query -> expr where
each :: (Typeable t, Lift expr t) => Rel8.TableSchema (t Rel8.Name) -> query (t (SomeExpr expr))
where_ :: SomeExpr expr Bool -> query ()
limit :: Word -> query a -> query a
-- Rel8 interpretation type-level parts
instance ExprSemantics Rel8.Expr where
(==.) x y = some $ on (Rel8.==.) unsome x y
true = some Rel8.true
false = some Rel8.false
not_ = some . Rel8.not_ . unsome
instance Rel8.Serializable (Rel8.Expr a) a => LitSemantics Rel8.Expr a where
lit = some . Rel8.lit
instance QuerySemantics Rel8.Query Rel8.Expr where
each = fmap lift . Rel8.each
where_ = Rel8.where_ . unsome
limit = Rel8.limit
-- Tagged initial encoding type-level parts
-- Tagged ADT
data Expr a where
(:==.) :: Eq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
True' :: Expr Bool
False' :: Expr Bool
Not :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
Lit :: a -> Expr a
data Query a where
Each :: (Typeable t) => Rel8.TableSchema (t Rel8.Name) -> Query (t Expr)
Where :: Expr Bool -> Query ()
Limit :: Word -> Query a -> Query a
Bind :: Query a -> (a -> Query b) -> Query b
Pure :: a -> Query a
-- Classes:
instance ExprSemantics Expr where
(==.) x y = some $ on (:==.) unsome x y
true = some True'
false = some False'
not_ = some . Not . unsome
instance LitSemantics Expr a where
lit = some . Lit
instance QuerySemantics Query Expr where
each = fmap lift . Each
where_ = Where . unsome
limit = Limit
instance Functor Query where
fmap = liftM
instance Monad Query where
return = pure
(>>=) = Bind
instance Applicative Query where
(<*>) = ap
pure = Pure
-- Someness wrapper
-- You need this wrapper because type inference on table.field does
-- not work because the type family `Column` yields `Couldn't match
-- type Column expr a against expr a'.
-- To get around this inference problem, we just wrap everything in a
-- newtype, and then the type family works fine.
newtype SomeExpr expr a = SomeExpr (expr a)
instance LitSemantics expr a => LitSemantics (SomeExpr expr) a where
lit = some . lit
instance ExprSemantics expr => ExprSemantics (SomeExpr expr) where
true = some true
false = some false
not_ = some . not_ . unsome
(==.) x y = some $ on (==.) unsome x y
some :: expr a -> SomeExpr expr a
some e = SomeExpr e
unsome :: SomeExpr expr a -> expr a
unsome (SomeExpr e) = e
-- Lifting tables
-- | With some Generics-based magic, this could be derived.
class Rel8.Rel8able t => Lift expr t where
lift :: t expr -> t (SomeExpr expr)
unlift :: t (SomeExpr expr) -> t expr
-- Interpretation of Expr
-- | With some Generics-based magic, this could be derived.
class EvalTable t where
evalTable :: t Expr -> t Rel8.Result
evalExpr :: Expr a -> a
evalExpr = go
go :: Expr a -> a
go = \case
Lit a -> a
Not b -> not $ go b
True' -> Prelude.True
False' -> Prelude.False
(:==.) a b -> go a == go b
data RecordSet = forall t. Typeable t => RecordSet [t Expr]
evalQuery :: Map Text RecordSet -> Query a -> [a]
evalQuery tables = go
go :: Query a -> [a]
go = \case
Pure a -> pure a
Bind m f -> go m >>= go . f
Where bool -> guard (evalExpr bool)
Limit n q -> take (fromIntegral n) $ go q
Each Rel8.TableSchema {name} ->
case M.lookup (T.pack name) tables of
Nothing -> error "Table lookup failed."
Just (RecordSet rows0) ->
case cast rows0 of
Just rows -> rows
Nothing -> error "Cast failed."
-- Demonstration schema
-- | Chat data
data Chat f = Chat
{ id :: Rel8.Column f ChatId,
message :: Rel8.Column f Text
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving anyclass (Rel8.Rel8able)
deriving stock instance (f ~ Rel8.Result) => Show (Chat f)
deriving stock instance (f ~ Rel8.Result) => Eq (Chat f)
instance EvalTable Chat where
evalTable Chat{id,message}=Chat{id=evalExpr id,message=evalExpr message}
instance Lift Rel8.Expr Chat where
lift Chat{id,message}=Chat{id=SomeExpr id,message=SomeExpr message}
unlift Chat{id,message}=Chat{id=unsome id,message=unsome message}
instance Lift Expr Chat where
lift Chat{id,message}=Chat{id=SomeExpr id,message=SomeExpr message}
unlift Chat{id,message}=Chat{id=unsome id,message=unsome message}
-- | Schema for 'Chat'
chatSchema :: Rel8.TableSchema (Chat Rel8.Name)
chatSchema =
{ name = "chat",
schema = Nothing,
columns =
{ id = "id",
message = "message"
-- | Id for 'Chat'
newtype ChatId = ChatId {getChatId :: Int64}
deriving stock (Generic, Eq, Show)
deriving newtype
( Ord,
-- Demonstration queries
-- A generic query. At the end we use @unlift@ to make it available
-- as the expr we wanted underneath. The constraints like `'Lift expr
-- Chat` and `LitSemantics expr ChatId` can be collapsed via Generic
-- wizardry.)
myQuery :: forall expr query. (Lift expr Chat, QuerySemantics query expr, LitSemantics expr ChatId) => query (Chat expr)
myQuery = do
chat1 <- each chatSchema
chat2 <- each chatSchema
where_ $ ==. lit (ChatId 2)
where_ $ not_ $ ==. lit (ChatId 2)
pure $ unlift $ chat2
-- Can be interpreted as either Rel8 (SQL), ..
myRel8Query :: Rel8.Query (Chat Rel8.Expr)
myRel8Query = myQuery
-- .. or can be interpreted as a Haskell ADT.
myHaskellQuery :: Query (Chat Expr)
myHaskellQuery = myQuery
-- .. or as a SQL transaction.
myRel8Run :: BrossaHasql.Transaction [Chat Rel8.Result]
myRel8Run = myRel8Query
-- And can be executed in-Haskell.
myHaskellRun :: [Chat Rel8.Result]
myHaskellRun =
fmap evalTable $ evalQuery myDataSet myHaskellQuery
myDataSet =
[ ( "chat",
[ Chat {id = Lit (ChatId 1), message = Lit "Yipee!"},
Chat {id = Lit (ChatId 2), message = Lit "Woohoo!"},
Chat {id = Lit (ChatId 3), message = Lit "Nope!"}
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