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Created August 7, 2011 00:04
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Flowchart generation proposal.
-- | Generate a flow chart by scanning for annotations from a code base.
module Main where
import Development.Flo
import System.Environment
-- | Main entry point.
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= mapM scanAndPrint >>= putStrLn.digraph.concat where
scanAndPrint file = do
result <- parseFile file
either ( (return.nodesToDot.declsToNodes) result
{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Generate a flow chart by from annotations from a code base.
-- The syntax is as follows:
-- expr <- label / next / do / if
-- label <- "label" name
-- next <- "next" name
-- do <- "do" text
-- if <- "if" name "\n" "then" name ("\n" "else" name)?
-- where `name' and `text' are both arbitrary text.
-- A `label' is used to label a node in the graph. `next' is used to
-- link the current node to another node by its label. The text for a
-- node is written by `do', which explains what this node does, or by
-- using `if' which makes this node a conditional which goes to one of
-- two possible nodes.
-- Example (assuming '///' to be the declaration prefix):
-- /// label main
-- /// if Logged in?
-- /// then display_overview
-- /// else display_login
-- /// label display_overview
-- /// do Display overview.
-- /// next display_event
-- /// next display_paper
-- // Event list code here.
-- event_list();
-- /// label display_login
-- /// do Display login.
-- /// next try_login
-- // Login display code here.
-- display_login();
-- /// label try_login
-- /// do Check login.
-- /// next main
-- /// trigger log_access_time
-- // Login attempt code here.
-- if(check_login()) log_attempt_success();
-- /// label display_event
-- /// do Display a single event.
-- /// next display_paper
-- // Event list code here.
-- display_event();
-- /// label display_paper
-- /// do Display a single paper.
-- // Paper display code here.
-- display_paper();
-- /// label log_access_time
-- /// task Log login accesses.
-- log_login();
-- In other words: You have a main page which either displays a login
-- screen or lists the user's events if logged in. From the events
-- page you can get to the event page.
module Development.Flo where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error ()
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Text.Parsec hiding ((<|>))
-- | A workflow node.
data Node =
Node { nodeName :: Name
, nodeEdges :: [Edge]
, nodeDesc :: String
, nodeType :: Type
} deriving Show
-- | Type of the node.
data Type = Action | Condition | Background
deriving (Eq,Enum,Show)
-- | A workflow connection.
data Edge =
Edge { edgeLabel :: String
, edgeTo :: Name
} deriving Show
-- | A workflow declaration.
data Decl
= Label Name -- ^ Sets the current node.
| Next Name -- ^ Links to a next node (an edge).
| Do String -- ^ Describes this node.
| Task String -- ^ Run some task (create db entry,
-- delete file, send email etc.).
| If String Name (Maybe Name) -- ^ Makes this node a conditional.
deriving Show
-- | A node name.
newtype Name = Name String
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Simple alias for the parser type.
type P = Parsec ByteString ()
-- | Wrap a string up in a digraph.
digraph :: String -> String
digraph x = "digraph G {\n" ++ x ++ "\n}"
-- | Convert a list of nodes to a Graphviz dot document.
nodesToDot :: [Node] -> String
nodesToDot nodes = concat . map nodeToDot $ nodes where
nodeToDot Node{..} =
normalizeName nodeName ++ " [" ++ props ++ "]\n" ++
concat (map (edgeToDot nodeName) nodeEdges)
where props = intercalate ","
["label=" ++ show nodeDesc
,"shape=" ++ case nodeType of
Condition -> "house"
Action -> "box"
Background -> "oval"
edgeToDot from Edge{..} = normalizeName from ++ " -> " ++ normalizeName edgeTo ++
" [label=" ++ show edgeLabel ++
",style=" ++ (if trig then "dotted" else "solid") ++
where trig = maybe False ((==Background).nodeType) $
find ((==edgeTo).nodeName) nodes
-- | Normalize a node name to fit Dot syntax.
normalizeName :: Name -> String
normalizeName (Name name) = replace name where
replace [] = []
replace (x:xs) | isDigit x || isLetter x || x== '_' = x : replace xs
| otherwise = "_" ++ show (fromEnum x) ++ replace xs
-- | Converts a list of declarations to a list of nodes.
declsToNodes :: [Decl] -> [Node]
declsToNodes ds = snd $ runWriter (runStateT (go ds) Nothing) where
go (Label name@(Name desc):xs) = do
let setNew = put (Just $ Node name [] desc Action)
get >>= maybe setNew (\x -> do tell [x]; setNew)
go xs
go (Next edge:xs) = do
modify $ fmap $ \node ->
if nodeType node /= Condition
then node { nodeEdges = Edge "" edge : nodeEdges node }
else node
go xs
go (Do desc:xs) = do
modify $ fmap $ \node -> node { nodeDesc = desc }
go xs
go (Task desc:xs) = do
modify $ fmap $ \node -> node { nodeDesc = desc, nodeType = Background }
go xs
go (If cond xthen xelse:xs) = do
modify $ fmap $ \node ->
node { nodeType = Condition
, nodeDesc = cond
, nodeEdges = [Edge "Yes" xthen] ++
maybe [] (return . Edge "No") xelse
go xs
go [] = get >>= maybe (return ()) (tell . return)
-- | Parse a source file containing commented declarations.
parseFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either ParseError [Decl])
parseFile path = do
contents <- B.readFile path
return $ parse parseDeclsInSource path (contents `mappend` "\n")
-- | Parse all line-separated prefixed declarations in a source file.
parseDeclsInSource :: P [Decl]
parseDeclsInSource = do
ls <- many1 (floComment <|> normalSource) <* eof
return $ catMaybes ls
where floComment = try (Just <$> (parsePrefix *> parseDecl))
normalSource = const Nothing <$> manyTill anyChar newline
parsePrefix :: P String
parsePrefix = spaces *> string "/// "
-- | Parse a declaration (spanning many lines in some cases e.g. "if").
parseDecl :: P Decl
parseDecl = do
keyword <- choice $ map (try.string) ["label","next","do","if","trigger","task"]
space; spaces
value <- manyTill anyChar (try newline)
case keyword of
"if" -> parseIfClauses value
"next" -> return $ Next $ Name value
"trigger" -> return $ Next $ Name value
"do" -> return $ Do value
"task" -> return $ Task value
_ -> return $ Label $ Name value
-- | Parse the then/else clauses of the if with the given condition.
parseIfClauses :: String -> P Decl
parseIfClauses cond = do
string "then"
space; spaces
value <- manyTill anyChar (try newline)
elseClause <- Just <$> parseElseClause <|> return Nothing
return $ If cond (Name value) elseClause
-- | Parse the else clause for an `if' expression.
parseElseClause :: P Name
parseElseClause = do
string "else"
space; spaces
value <- manyTill anyChar (try newline)
return $ Name value
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