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Last active January 14, 2020 15:22
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Lexx - Show printer
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- | Show instance lexer and pretty-printer.
module Lexx where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Lucid
import Rainbow
-- | Commands are actions that the renderer will do.
data Command token
= Type token
| Return
| Indent Int
| Deindent Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
-- | Tokens are very liberal and a small number of them.
data Token
= Constructor String
| Delimiter String
| String String
| Misc String
| Digits String
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Lex the input into commands.
lexx :: String -> [Command Token]
lexx = cleanUp . execWriter . go
go i =
case span (not . flip elem boundaries) i of
(before, after) -> do
(null before)
[ Type
(if maybe False isUpper (listToMaybe before)
then Constructor before
else if all isDigit before
then Digits before
else Misc before)
case after of
('[':']':rest) -> do
tell [Type (Delimiter "[]")]
go rest
('(':')':rest) -> do
tell [Type (Delimiter "()")]
go rest
(')':' ':'(':rest) -> do
tell [Type (Delimiter ")"), Return, Type (Delimiter "(")]
go rest
(c:rest) -> do
let tellNGo x = tell x *> go rest
case c of
'{' -> tellNGo [Type (Delimiter (pure c)), Indent 2, Return]
'}' -> tellNGo [Deindent 2, Return, Type (Delimiter (pure c))]
'[' -> tellNGo [Type (Delimiter (pure c)), Indent 1, Return]
']' -> tellNGo [Deindent 1, Return, Type (Delimiter (pure c))]
',' -> tellNGo [Type (Delimiter (pure c)), Return]
'=' -> tellNGo [Type (Delimiter (pure c))]
'(' -> tellNGo [Type (Delimiter (pure c)), Indent 1]
')' -> tellNGo [Type (Delimiter (pure c)), Deindent 1]
'"' ->
case reads (c : rest) of
[(string, rest')] -> do
tell [Type (String string)]
go rest'
_ -> tellNGo [Type (Misc (pure c))]
_ -> tellNGo [Type (Misc (pure c))]
[] -> pure ()
boundaries = "={}[]()\"\"'', " :: String
-- | Get the plain string from a token.
tokenString :: Token -> String
tokenString =
Delimiter s -> s
Digits s -> s
Constructor s -> s
String s -> show s
Misc s -> s
-- | Clean up redundancy.
cleanUp :: [Command Token] -> [Command Token]
cleanUp (Return:Type (Misc spaces):xs) | all isSpace spaces = cleanUp (Return:xs)
cleanUp (Return:Return:xs)= cleanUp (Return:xs)
cleanUp (x:xs) = x : cleanUp xs
cleanUp [] = []
-- | Render to plain string.
commandsToString :: [Command String] -> String
commandsToString = execWriter . flip runStateT 0 . mapM_ go
go =
Type str -> tell str
Return -> do
tell "\n"
c <- get
tell (replicate c ' ')
Indent i -> modify (+ i)
Deindent i -> modify (subtract i)
-- | Render to TTY colored terminal chunks.
commandsToRainbow :: [Command Token] -> [Rainbow.Chunk]
commandsToRainbow = execWriter . flip runStateT 0 . mapM_ go
go =
Type token ->
[ case token of
String str -> fore yellow (fromString (show str))
Constructor str -> fore blue (fromString str)
Delimiter d -> fore green (fromString d)
Misc text -> fromString text
Digits d -> fore red (fromString d)
Return -> do
tell ["\n"]
c <- get
tell [fromString (replicate c ' ')]
Indent i -> modify (+ i)
Deindent i -> modify (subtract i)
-- | Render to HTML with class names.
commandsToHtml :: Monad m => [Command Token] -> HtmlT m ()
commandsToHtml = flip evalStateT 0 . mapM_ go
go =
Type token ->
case token of
String str -> fore' "string" (toHtml (show str))
Constructor str -> fore' "constructor" (toHtml str)
Delimiter d -> fore' "delimiter" (toHtml d)
Digits d -> fore' "digits" (toHtml d)
Misc text -> fore' "misc" (toHtml text)
Return -> do
lift "\n"
c <- get
lift (fromString (replicate c ' '))
Indent i -> modify (+ i)
Deindent i -> modify (subtract i)
fore' color inner = lift (span_ [class_ ("lexx-" <> color)] inner)
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