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Created December 26, 2012 23:52
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{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-- | Lookup the documentation of a name in a module (and in a specific
-- package in the case of ambiguity).
-- To build:
-- $ ghc --make HaskellDocs.hs -package ghc -o haskell-docs
-- Example usage:
-- $ ./haskell-docs System.IO getContents base
-- The “getContents” operation returns all user input as a single string,
-- which is read lazily as it is needed
-- (same as “hGetContents” “stdin”).
-- Using with GHCi
-- Move haskell-docs to ~/.cabal/bin. Then run the following in GHCi:
-- λ> :def doc \input -> return (":!haskell-docs " ++ input)
-- λ> :doc System.IO getContents base
-- The “getContents” operation returns all user input as a single string,
-- which is read lazily as it is needed
-- (same as “hGetContents” “stdin”).
-- Add the above :def to your ~/.ghci to have it on start-up.
module Main where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Documentation.Haddock
import DynFlags (defaultLogAction)
import GHC hiding (flags, verbosity)
import GHC.Paths (libdir)
import Module
import Name
import PackageConfig
import Packages
import System.Environment
-- | Main entry point.
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[mname,name,pname] -> withInitializedPackages $ \d -> void $
printDocumentation d name (mkModuleName mname) (Just pname) Nothing
[mname,name] -> withInitializedPackages $ \d -> void $
printDocumentation d name (mkModuleName mname) Nothing Nothing
_ -> error "arguments: <modulename> <name> [<package name>]"
-- | Print documentation with an initialized package set.
printDocumentationInitialized :: String -> ModuleName -> Maybe String -> IO Bool
printDocumentationInitialized x y z =
withInitializedPackages $ \d ->
printDocumentation d x y z Nothing
-- | Print the documentation of a name in the given module.
printDocumentation :: DynFlags -> String -> ModuleName -> Maybe String -> Maybe PackageConfig -> IO Bool
printDocumentation d name mname mpname previous = do
result <- getPackagesByModule d mname
case result of
Left _suggestions -> error "Couldn't find that module. Suggestions are forthcoming."
Right [package] -> printWithPackage d False name mname package
Right packages ->
case mpname of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $ "Ambiguous module, belongs to more than one package: " ++
unwords (map (showPackageName . sourcePackageId) packages) ++
"\nContinuing anyway... "
anyM (printWithPackage d True name mname) (filter (not . isPrevious) packages)
Just pname -> do
case find ((== pname) . showPackageName . sourcePackageId) packages of
Nothing -> error "Unable to find that module/package combination."
Just package -> printWithPackage d False name mname package
where isPrevious m = Just (sourcePackageId m) == fmap sourcePackageId previous
-- | Show the package name e.g. base.
showPackageName :: PackageIdentifier -> String
showPackageName = packageIdString . mkPackageId
-- | Print the documentation with the given package.
printWithPackage :: DynFlags -> Bool -> String -> ModuleName -> PackageConfig -> IO Bool
printWithPackage d printPackage name mname package = do
interfaceFiles <- getHaddockInterfacesByPackage package
case (lefts interfaceFiles,rights interfaceFiles) of
([],[]) -> error "Found no interface files."
(errs@(_:_),_) -> error $ "Couldn't parse interface file(s): " ++ unlines errs
(_,files) ->
flip anyM files $ \interfaceFile ->
case filter ((==mname) . moduleName . instMod) (ifInstalledIfaces interfaceFile) of
[] -> error "Couldn't find an interface for that module in the package description."
interfaces -> anyM (printWithInterface d printPackage package name) interfaces
-- | Print the documentation from the given interface.
printWithInterface :: DynFlags -> Bool -> PackageConfig -> String -> InstalledInterface -> IO Bool
printWithInterface d printPackage package name interface = do
case M.lookup name docMap of
Nothing ->
case lookup name (map (getOccString &&& id) (instExports interface)) of
Just subname -> descendSearch d name subname package
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $ "Couldn't find name ``" ++ name ++ "'' in Haddock interface: " ++
moduleNameString (moduleName (instMod interface))
return False
Just doc -> do when printPackage $
putStrLn $ "Package: " ++ showPackageName (sourcePackageId package)
putStrLn (formatDoc doc)
printArgs interface name
return True
where docMap = interfaceNameMap interface
printName x = moduleNameString (moduleName (nameModule x)) ++ "." ++ getOccString x
-- | Print the documentation of the arguments.
printArgs :: InstalledInterface -> String -> IO ()
printArgs interface name = do
case M.lookup name (interfaceArgMap interface) of
Nothing -> return ()
Just argMap ->
putStr $ unlines
$ map (\(i,x) -> formatArg i x)
(map (second (fmap getOccString)) (M.toList argMap))
where formatArg i x = prefix ++
indentAfter (length prefix) (formatDoc x)
where prefix = show i ++ ": "
-- | Indent after the first line.
indentAfter :: Int -> String -> String
indentAfter i xs = intercalate "\n" (take 1 l ++ map (replicate (i-1) ' ' ++) (drop 1 l))
where l = lines xs
-- | The module symbol doesn't actually exist in the module we
-- intended, so we descend into the module that it does exist in and
-- restart our search process.
descendSearch :: DynFlags -> String -> Name -> PackageConfig -> IO Bool
descendSearch d name qname package = do
printDocumentation d name (moduleName (nameModule qname)) Nothing (Just package)
-- Printing documentation
-- | Format some documentation to plain text.
formatDoc :: Doc String -> String
formatDoc = trim . go where
go DocEmpty = ""
go (DocAppend a b) = go a ++ go b
go (DocString str) = normalize str
go (DocParagraph p) = go p ++ "\n"
go (DocIdentifier i) = i
go (DocIdentifierUnchecked (mname,occname)) =
moduleNameString mname ++ "." ++ occNameString occname
go (DocModule m) = m
go (DocEmphasis e) = "*" ++ go e ++ "*"
go (DocMonospaced e) = "`" ++ go e ++ "`"
go (DocUnorderedList i) = unlines (map (("* " ++) . go) i)
go (DocOrderedList i) = unlines (zipWith (\i x -> show i ++ ". " ++ go x) [1..] i)
go (DocDefList xs) = unlines (map (\(i,x) -> go i ++ ". " ++ go x) xs)
go (DocCodeBlock block) = unlines (map (" " ++) (lines (go block))) ++ "\n"
go (DocURL url) = url
go (DocPic pic) = pic
go (DocAName name) = name
go (DocExamples exs) = unlines (map formatExample exs)
normalize = go where
go (' ':' ':cs) = go (' ':cs)
go (c:cs) = c : go cs
go [] = []
-- | Trim either side of a string.
trim :: [Char] -> [Char]
trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
-- | Format an example to plain text.
formatExample :: Example -> String
formatExample (Example expression result) =
" > " ++ expression ++
unlines (map (" " ++) result)
-- Package querying functions
-- | Get a mapping from names to doc string of that name from a
-- Haddock interface.
interfaceNameMap :: InstalledInterface -> Map String (Doc String)
interfaceNameMap iface =
M.fromList (map (second (fmap getOccString) . first getOccString)
(M.toList (instDocMap iface)))
-- | Get a mapping from names to doc string of that name from a
-- Haddock interface.
interfaceArgMap :: InstalledInterface -> Map String (Map Int (Doc Name))
interfaceArgMap iface =
M.fromList (map (first getOccString) (M.toList (instArgMap iface)))
-- | Search for a module's package, returning suggestions if not
-- found.
getPackagesByModule :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> IO (Either [Module] [PackageConfig])
getPackagesByModule d m =
return (fmap (map fst) (lookupModuleWithSuggestions d m))
-- | Get the Haddock interfaces of the given package.
getHaddockInterfacesByPackage :: PackageConfig -> IO [Either String InterfaceFile]
getHaddockInterfacesByPackage = mapM (readInterfaceFile freshNameCache) . haddockInterfaces
-- | Run an action with an initialized GHC package set.
withInitializedPackages :: (DynFlags -> IO a) -> IO a
withInitializedPackages cont = do
dflags <- defaultErrorHandler defaultLogAction $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
setSessionDynFlags dflags
return dflags
(dflags,packageids) <- initPackages dflags
cont dflags
-- Utilities and missing instances
instance Show ModuleName where show = show . moduleNameString
instance Show OccName where show = show . occNameString
deriving instance Show (Doc String)
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