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Created February 16, 2013 14:47
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{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List hiding (or)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Language.ECMAScript3
import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax.Annotations
import Prelude hiding (or)
-- print the type of the given expression
analyze str =
case parse parseStatement "<input>" str of
Left e -> error (show e)
Right e -> putStrLn $ str ++ " :: " ++ pretty (ty (evalState (runT (typifyStmt e)) M.empty))
-- simple data types describing js subset
data Type
= Unknown
| Int
| Double
| Bool
| String
| Null
| Undefined
| Or Type Type
| Fun Type Type
| Returns Type
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- typifying monad
newtype T a = T { runT :: State (Map String Type) a }
deriving (Monad,Functor,MonadState (Map String Type))
-- annotate an expression with its type(s)
typify :: Expression SourcePos -> T (Expression Type)
typify e =
case e of
IntLit _ i -> return (IntLit Int i)
NumLit _ d
| fromIntegral (round d) == d -> return (NumLit Int d)
| otherwise -> return (NumLit Double d)
InfixExpr _ op x y -> do
x' <- typify x
y' <- typify y
return (InfixExpr (opType op (ty x') (ty y')) op x' y')
BoolLit a b -> return (BoolLit Bool b)
StringLit _ b -> return (StringLit String b)
NullLit _ -> return (NullLit Null)
CondExpr _ cond x y -> do
x' <- typify x
y' <- typify y
cond' <- typify cond
return (CondExpr (or (ty x') (ty y')) cond' x' y')
FuncExpr _ mname params stmts -> do
stmts' <- mapM typifyStmt stmts
return (FuncExpr (Fun Unknown (dropReturns (stmtsType (map ty stmts'))))
VarRef _ (Id _ i) -> do
ty <- ref i
let ty' = fromMaybe Undefined ty
return $ VarRef ty' (Id ty' i)
e -> error ("typify: " ++ show e)
-- drop any wrapping returns
dropReturns :: Type -> Type
dropReturns (Returns t) = t
dropReturns t = t
-- get the type of a list of statements
stmtsType :: [Type] -> Type
stmtsType = Returns . go . mapMaybe returns . shortCircuit where
go (x:xs) = foldl or x xs
go [] = Undefined
-- collect returns from nested or's and whatnot into top-level Return or nothing
returns (Returns x) = returns x <|> return x
returns (Or x y) = both <|> returns x <|> returns y
where both = or <$> returns x <*> returns y
returns _ = Nothing
-- stop once a non-conditional return statement is found
shortCircuit = go where
go (x@Returns{}:xs) = [x]
go (x@(Or Returns{} Returns{}):xs) = [x]
go (x:xs) = x : go xs
go [] = []
-- typify a statement
typifyStmt :: Statement SourcePos -> T (Statement Type)
typifyStmt e =
case e of
ReturnStmt _ Nothing -> return (ReturnStmt (Returns Undefined) Nothing)
ReturnStmt _ (Just x) -> do x' <- typify x
return (ReturnStmt (Returns (ty x')) (Just x'))
ExprStmt _ e -> do x' <- typify e; return (ExprStmt (ty x') x')
VarDeclStmt _ decls -> do decls' <- mapM typifyVarDecl decls
return $ VarDeclStmt Undefined decls'
BlockStmt _ [] -> return (EmptyStmt Undefined)
BlockStmt _ [stmt] -> typifyStmt stmt
BlockStmt _ stmts -> do
stmts' <- mapM typifyStmt stmts
return (BlockStmt (stmtsType (map ty stmts')) stmts')
IfSingleStmt sp pred pthen -> typifyStmt (IfStmt sp pred pthen (EmptyStmt sp))
EmptyStmt _ -> return (EmptyStmt Undefined)
IfStmt _ pred pthen pelse -> do
pred' <- typify pred
pthen' <- typifyStmt pthen
pelse' <- typifyStmt pelse
return $ IfStmt (or (ty pthen') (ty pelse'))
e -> error ("typifyStmt: " ++ show e)
-- typify a var x = … declaration
typifyVarDecl :: VarDecl SourcePos -> T (VarDecl Type)
typifyVarDecl (VarDecl _ (Id _ i) exp) = do
exp' <- maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . typify) exp
let ty' = (maybe Undefined ty exp')
ident' = Id ty' i
bind i ty'
return $ VarDecl Undefined ident' exp'
-- bind a variable with the given type
bind :: String -> Type -> T ()
bind i ty =
modify $ M.insertWith (flip const) i ty
-- lookup the type of a variable reference
ref :: String -> T (Maybe Type)
ref i = do
m <- get
return $ M.lookup i m
-- get the type of an operator applied to two typed values
opType :: InfixOp -> Type -> Type -> Type
opType op x y =
case op of
-- crazy monoidal-but-casting-thing
OpAdd -> addOrConcat x y
-- logical operations that result in boolean
OpLT -> Bool
OpLEq -> Bool
OpGT -> Bool
OpGEq -> Bool
OpIn -> Bool
OpInstanceof -> Bool
OpEq -> Bool
OpNEq -> Bool
OpStrictEq -> Bool
OpStrictNEq -> Bool
-- logical operations that result in the type of the last operand
OpLAnd -> or x y
-- logical operations that result in… something else
OpLOr -> or x y
-- hetero arithmetic operations
OpMul -> doi x y
OpMod -> doi x y
OpSub -> doi x y
-- homo arithmetic operations
OpDiv -> Double
-- not sure about these, will have to check the spec.
OpLShift -> Int
OpSpRShift -> Int
OpZfRShift -> Int
OpBAnd -> Int
OpBXor -> Int
OpBOr -> Int
-- double or integer
doi :: Type -> Type -> Type
doi Double _ = Double
doi _ Double = Double
doi Int _ = Int
doi _ Int = Int
doi _ _ = Double
-- concatenation or addition, depends
addOrConcat :: Type -> Type -> Type
addOrConcat = go where
-- let's call unknown + a = unknown
go Unknown _ = Unknown
go _ Unknown = Unknown
-- string + a = string
go _ String = String
go String _ = String
-- gonna go ahead and say that undefined combined with anything except string is undefined
-- may re-think this later
go Undefined _ = Undefined
go _ Undefined = Undefined
-- int->double promotion
go Double Int = Double
go Int Double = Double
-- bools behave like numbers
go Bool Int = Int
go Bool Double = Double
go Int Bool = Int
go Double Bool = Double
-- nulls also behave like numbers
go Null Int = Int
go Null Double = Double
go Int Null = Int
go Double Null = Double
-- equalities
go Int Int = Int
go Double Double = Double
go Bool Bool = Int
go Null Null = Int
-- null + bool
go Null Bool = Int
go Bool Null = Int
-- ors
go (Or x y) Int = omap (addOrConcat Int) x y
go (Or x y) Double = omap (addOrConcat Double) x y
go (Or x y) Bool = omap (addOrConcat Int) x y
go (Or x y) Null = omap (addOrConcat Int) x y
-- ors flipped
go Int (Or x y) = omap (addOrConcat Int) x y
go Double (Or x y) = omap (addOrConcat Double) x y
go Bool (Or x y) = omap (addOrConcat Int) x y
go Null (Or x y) = omap (addOrConcat Int) x y
-- ors general
go (Or x y) (Or a b) = or (omap (addOrConcat (or a b)) x y)
(omap (addOrConcat (or x y)) a b)
-- apply a type transformation to both types in an Or t1 t2
omap :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type -> Type
omap f x y = or (f x) (f y)
-- make an Or type, but collapse types in common, e.g. (Or x y) x == Or x y
or :: Type -> Type -> Type
or x y = go x y where
go x y | x == y = x
| otherwise = foldr1 Or (nub (collectOrs (Or x y)))
-- collect a nested tree of Or x (Or y z) into [x,y,z]
collectOrs :: Type -> [Type]
collectOrs = go where
go (Or x y) = go x ++ go y
go a = [a]
-- get the type of an expression
ty :: HasAnnotation obj => obj Type -> Type
ty = getAnnotation
-- pretty print a type to a string
pretty :: Type -> String
-- pretty a = show a
pretty Unknown = "?"
pretty Int = "Int"
pretty Double = "Double"
pretty Bool = "Bool"
pretty String = "String"
pretty Null = "Null"
pretty Undefined = "Undefined"
pretty (Fun a b) = fparens (pretty a) ++ " -> " ++ fparens (pretty b)
pretty o@Or{} =
"Or " ++ intercalate " " (map (parens . pretty) (collectOrs o)) where
pretty (Returns ty) = "Returns " ++ parens (pretty ty)
-- if parens are needed to disambiguate, add them
parens x | any (==' ') x = "(" ++ x ++ ")"
| otherwise = x
-- if parens are needed to disambiguate, add them
fparens x | isInfixOf " -> " x = "(" ++ x ++ ")"
| otherwise = x
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