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Last active August 7, 2019 11:26
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Shuffle a graph
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.Graph.Shuffle where
-- | Shuffle a graph into a randomly sorted list, preserving
-- topological order.
> quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSuccess=10000} prop_identity
+++ OK, passed 10000 tests.
> quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSuccess=10000} prop_unique_assignments
+++ OK, passed 10000 tests.
> quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSuccess=10000} prop_toporder_preserved
+++ OK, passed 10000 tests.
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.Graph as G
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Tuple
import Test.QuickCheck
-- API
-- | Shuffle the graph, preserving topological order.
shuffleGraph ::
forall k a. (Ord k) => [(a, k, [k])] -> StdGen -> ([(a, k, [k])], StdGen)
shuffleGraph xs = runRand (shuffleGraphM xs)
-- | Shuffle the graph, preserving topological order.
shuffleGraphM ::
forall k a m. (Ord k, MonadRandom m)
=> [(a, k, [k])]
-> m [(a, k, [k])]
shuffleGraphM xs =
fmap (map (snd . snd) . sortBy (comparing fst)) (randomAssignGraph xs)
-- | Randomly assign positions for nodes in the graph, preserving the
-- topological order for reachable nodes, but otherwise interspersing
-- non-reachable ones.
randomAssignGraph ::
forall k a m. (Ord k, MonadRandom m)
=> [(a, k, [k])]
-> m [(Int, (Either Int Int, (a, k, [k])))]
randomAssignGraph nodes =
(map Left (lefts topSorted) <> map Right (rights topSorted)))
(topSorted, vertexToNode) = topSortTransposedGraph nodes
assign hash eitherVertex = do
idx <- getRandomR (lower + 1, upper + 1)
let hash' = M.insert key idx hash
pure (hash', (idx, (eitherVertex, node)))
lower = foldl' max 0 (mapMaybe (flip M.lookup hash) deps)
upper = M.foldl max (lower + length nodes) hash
node@(_, key, deps) = vertexToNode vertex
vertex =
case eitherVertex of
Left v -> v
Right v -> v
-- | Make a graph, transpose it, toplogically sort it, then split into
-- Left reachable, Right unreachable.
topSortTransposedGraph ::
Ord key
=> [(node, key, [key])]
-> ([Either G.Vertex G.Vertex], G.Vertex -> (node, key, [key]))
topSortTransposedGraph nodes = (topSorted, vertexToNode)
(graph, vertexToNode, _) = G.graphFromEdges nodes
topSorted = topSort graph
topSort :: G.Graph -> [Either G.Vertex G.Vertex]
topSort =
(\key ->
if unreachable graph key
then Right key
else Left key) .
G.topSort . G.transposeG
unreachable g = null . G.reachable g
-- Tests
-- | Identity modulo order (no duplicates or removals).
prop_identity :: ArbitraryGraph -> Int -> Bool
prop_identity (ArbitraryGraph samp) seed =
sort (map (snd . snd) (fst (runRand (randomAssignGraph samp) (mkStdGen seed)))) ==
sort samp
-- | Reachable nodes are uniquely assigned, and unreachable nodes are
-- uniquely assigned.
prop_unique_assignments :: ArbitraryGraph -> Int -> Bool
prop_unique_assignments (ArbitraryGraph samp) seed =
(fst &&& (fmap (const ()) . fst . snd))
(fst (runRand (randomAssignGraph samp) (mkStdGen seed))))
unique xs = nub xs == xs
-- | Topological order is preserved.
prop_toporder_preserved :: ArbitraryGraph -> Int -> Bool
prop_toporder_preserved (ArbitraryGraph samp) seed =
(\(i, (_, _, keys)) ->
let dependencies =
filter (\(_, (_, k, _)) -> elem k keys) reachableSorted
beforeMe (j, _) = j < i
in all beforeMe dependencies)
(assignments, _gen) = runRand (randomAssignGraph samp) (mkStdGen seed)
sorted = sortBy (comparing fst) assignments
reachableSorted =
(\(i, (eitherVertex, node)) ->
case eitherVertex of
Left {} -> Just (i, node)
Right {} -> Nothing)
-- | For QuickCheck tests.
newtype ArbitraryGraph = ArbitraryGraph [(Int, Int, [Int])]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary ArbitraryGraph where
arbitrary = do
size <- getSize
upper <- choose (0, size)
population <- shuffle [0 .. upper]
(\edges key -> do
candidates <- sublistOf (filter (/= key) population)
let edges' = (key, key, candidates) : edges
-- If the edges were cyclic, just give up on this member
-- of the population.
if isCyclic edges'
then pure edges
else pure edges')
isCyclic =
(\scc ->
case scc of
G.CyclicSCC {} -> True
_ -> False) .
-- Helpers
-- | Handy monadic mapAccumL.
mapAccumM ::
(Traversable t, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m (a, c)) -> a -> t b -> m (a, t c)
mapAccumM f acc xs =
(runStateT (traverse (\x -> StateT (\s -> fmap swap (f s x)))
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