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Last active November 8, 2017 18:19
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- | Print out the values of all names bound by statments,
-- either x <- y, or let x = y in a do-expression.
-- * Enable {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} in your module.
-- * Import Debug.Do
-- * Prefix bindings with _ to ignore them e.g. _foo.
-- Usage example:
-- $(tracing
-- [|do name <- Atto.anyWord8
-- let status = name /= ""
-- !value <- valueParser
-- pure value|])
-- Code produced:
-- do { name_a1ljV <- Atto.anyWord8;
-- Debug.Trace.trace (concat ["name: ", show name_a1ljV]) (return ());
-- let status_a1ljW = name_a1ljV /= ""
-- Debug.Trace.trace (concat ["status: ", show status_a1ljW]) (return ());
-- !value_a1ljX <- valueParser;
-- Debug.Trace.trace (concat ["value: ", show value_a1ljX]) (return ());
-- pure value_a1ljX }
module Debug.Do where
import Data.Generics
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import qualified Debug.Trace
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
tracing :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
tracing =
(\string ->
(AppE (VarE 'Debug.Trace.trace) string)
(AppE (VarE 'return) (TupE [])))
logging :: Name -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
logging name = applying (\string -> AppE (VarE name) string)
applying :: (Exp -> Exp) -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
applying f gen = do
e <- gen
pure (everywhere (mkT transform) e)
transform =
DoE stmts -> DoE (concatMap trace stmts)
e -> e
trace =
ParS stmts -> [ParS (map (concatMap trace) stmts)]
BindS pat e -> BindS pat e : map printing (names pat)
LetS decs ->
LetS decs :
ValD pat _ _ -> map printing (names pat)
_ -> [])
s -> [s]
names =
filter (not . isPrefixOf "_" . nameString) .
VarP name -> Just name
AsP name _ -> Just name
_ -> Nothing) .
listify (const True)
printing name =
(VarE 'fromString)
(VarE 'concat)
[ LitE (StringL (nameString name ++ ": "))
, AppE (VarE 'show) (VarE name)
nameString (Name (OccName occ) _) = occ
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