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Last active March 12, 2020 09:55
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
module RIO.ConcurrentLog where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as SB
import Data.List
import Data.Time
import RIO
import System.Random
mkConcLogger :: Handle -> IO (ThreadId -> Builder -> IO ())
mkConcLogger h = do
ref <- newMVar []
hPutBuilder h ("<html><body>" <> style <> "<table><tbody>")
(\threadId bytes -> do
-- Adds randomness and triggers race conditions.
-- randomMs <- randomRIO (1,500)
-- threadDelay (1000 * randomMs)
(\threads ->
let threads' =
if elem threadId threads
then threads
else threads <> [threadId]
in do now <- getCurrentTime
case findIndex (== threadId) threads' of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just index ->
("<tr><td style=\"width: 18em;\">" <> fromString (show now) <> "</td>" <>
row bytes index (length threads' - index - 1) <>
pure (threads', ())))
row :: SB.Builder -> Int -> Int -> Builder
row line index remaining =
mconcat (replicate index "<td class=\"empty\"></td>") <> "<td class=\"populated\">" <>
line <>
"</td>" <> mconcat (replicate remaining "<td class=\"empty\"></td>")
style :: Builder
style =
\table {\n\
\font-family: \"Ubuntu Mono\", monospace;\n\
\td { background: #f5f5f5; width: 20em;}\n\
\.populated {\n\
\border: 1px solid #ccc;\n\
\background: #eee;\n\
\overflow: auto;\n\
\.lexx-delimiter {\n\
\ color: #449a86\n\
\.lexx-constructor {\n\
\ color: #44449a\n\
\.lexx-misc {\n\
\ color: #444;\n\
\.lexx-string {\n\
\ color: #8d449a;\n\
\.lexx-digits {\n\
\ color: #349a91;\n\
mkTestLogFunc :: (Show a, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m (GLogFunc a)
mkTestLogFunc fp =
do liftIO (S8.putStrLn ("Writing HTML logs to " <> fromString fp))
h <- liftIO (openFile fp WriteMode)
write <- liftIO (mkConcLogger h)
pure (mkGLogFunc
(\_cs x -> do
debug <- lookupEnv "KAFKA_TEST_DEBUG"
(isJust debug)
(do tid <- myThreadId
prettyWrite (tid, x)
write tid (SB.lazyByteString (prettyPrintHtml (tid, x)))
System.IO.hFlush h)))
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