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Last active August 6, 2019 17:02
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Graph stable shuffle
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module StableShuffle where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Tuple
import Test.QuickCheck
> quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSuccess=10000} prop_dep_order
+++ OK, passed 10000 tests.
> map (second nodeNode) (evalRand (shuffleWithEdges nodes) (mkStdGen 0))
prop_dep_order :: Int -> Bool
prop_dep_order seed =
(\node ->
let nodeId = getNodeIdx (nodeKey node)
in all
(\key ->
let precIdx = getNodeIdx key
in precIdx < nodeId)
(nodePreceding node))
nodes &&
sort (nub nodes) == sort (nub (map snd result))
result = evalRand (shuffleWithEdges nodes) (mkStdGen seed)
getNodeIdx key =
case lookup key (map (first nodeKey . swap) result) of
Nothing -> error "Missing node"
Just nodeIdx -> nodeIdx
-- INVARIANT: must be in depedency order: parent, then children
-- INVARIANT: non-linked nodes should appear after linked nodes (or I
-- should split them up before-hand and change nodePreceding to
-- NonEmpty k)
data Node k a = Node {nodeKey :: k, nodeNode :: a, nodePreceding :: [k]}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
shuffleWithEdges :: (Ord k, MonadRandom m) => [Node k a] -> m [(Int, Node k a)]
shuffleWithEdges nodes = outer nodes
outer = fmap (sortBy (comparing fst) . snd) . foldM go (mempty, [])
go (m, results) node = do
let precedings = mapMaybe (flip M.lookup m) (nodePreceding node)
minbound = foldl' max 0 precedings
maxbound = M.foldl max (minbound + length nodes) m
idx <- getRandomR (minbound + 1, maxbound + 1)
pure (M.insert (nodeKey node) idx m, (idx, node) : results)
-- Read: Seth depends on Adam and Eve, etc.
nodes :: [Node String String]
nodes =
[ n "Adam" []
, n "Eve" []
, n "Seth" ["Adam", "Eve"]
, n "Cain" ["Adam", "Eve"]
, n "Abel" ["Adam", "Eve"]
, n "Enoch" ["Cain"]
, n "Wibble" []
, n "Henry" []
, n "Will" ["Henry"]
, n "Outlier" []
n x = Node x x
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