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Created February 16, 2015 00:07
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Abstract Promises in Haskell
module Promise where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
newtype Error = Error { unString :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
data Promise a = Failed Error | Deferred | Fulfilled a
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
instance Functor Promise where
fmap _ (Failed e) = Failed e
fmap _ Deferred = Deferred
fmap f (Fulfilled a) = Fulfilled (f a)
instance Monad Promise where
return = Fulfilled
Failed e >>= _ = Failed e
Deferred >>= _ = Deferred
Fulfilled a >>= f = f a
fail = Failed . Error
instance Applicative Promise where
pure = Fulfilled
Failed e <*> _ = Failed e
Deferred <*> _ = Deferred
Fulfilled f <*> Fulfilled a = Fulfilled (f a)
Fulfilled _ <*> Failed e = Failed e
Fulfilled _ <*> Deferred = Deferred
then_ :: Promise a -> (a -> Promise b) -> Promise b
then_ = (>>=)
promisify :: a -> Promise a
promisify = return
-- Promises actually form a valid Monoid!
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Promise a) where
mempty = Failed $ Error "Default failure"
mappend (Failed e) _ = Failed e
mappend (Deferred) (Fulfilled _) = Deferred
mappend (Deferred) (Deferred) = Deferred
mappend (Fulfilled a) (Fulfilled b) = Fulfilled (a `mappend` b)
mappend (Fulfilled _) (Deferred) = Deferred
mappend _ (Failed e) = Failed e
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In practice, when using Deferred in functions, something like a thunk would be created, and all of the functions that use the value of the promise would wait until the async operation was done.

But that would all be behind the scenes, on implementation level.

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