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Last active August 10, 2017 13:13
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Progressively enhancing your CFWheels form with nested properties and jQuery
<div id="address-#EncodeForHtml(arguments.current)#">
<cfif not contact.addresses[arguments.current].isNew()>
objectName: "contact",
association: "addresses",
position: arguments.current,
property: "id"
objectName: "contact",
association: "addresses",
position: arguments.current,
property: "position"
objectName: "contact",
association: "addresses",
position: arguments.current,
property: "_delete",
data_delete: true
objectName: "contact",
association: "addresses",
position: arguments.current,
property: "street"
objectName: "contact['addresses'][#arguments.current#]",
property: "street"
objectName: "contact",
association: "addresses",
position: arguments.current,
property: "city"
objectName: "contact['addresses'][#arguments.current#]",
property: "city"
Remove Address
#textField(objectName: "contact", property: "firstName")#
#errorMessageOn(objectName: "contact", property: "firstName")#
#textField(objectName: "contact", property: "lastName")#
#errorMessageOn(objectName: "contact", property: "lastName")#
<div id="contact-addresses">
<button id="new-address-button" type="submit" name="newAddress" value="true">
+ New Address
component extends="Model" {
function init() {
(function($) {
$('#new-address-button').on('click', function(e) {
// Stuff from other example left out for brevity.
// ...
// Submit the entire form via AJAX.
url: contactForm.attr('action'),
type: 'post',
data: formData,
cache: false,
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var $responseData = $(data);
$responseData.find('button[data-remove-contact-address]').on("click", function(e) {
addRemoveAddressHandler($(this), e);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('There was an error adding the address.');
complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
$this.prop('disabled', false);
(function($) {
$('#new-address-button').on('click', function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
$contactForm = $('#contact-form'),
// Here, we're adding the add button to the form post
formData = $contactForm.serialize() + '&' + $this.attr('name') + '=' $this.val(),
responseData = "";
$this.prop('disabled', true);
// This is up to you to implement. Try something like Spin.js
// Submit the entire form via AJAX.
url: contactForm.attr('action'),
type: 'post',
data: formData,
cache: false,
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
responseData = $(data);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('There was an error adding the address.');
complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
$this.prop('disabled', false);
(function($) {
// Functionality for adding a new address goes here, but I'm omitting it for brevity.
// ...
// Handler for removing an address.
function addRemoveAddressHandler($element, event) {
var $container = $element.parents('div'),
deletionField = $container.find('input[data-delete]');
$container.fadeOut('normal', function() {
// If this isn't a new address, mark it for deletion and add deletion row with undo
if (deletionField.length) {
// If this is a new address, it can just be removed from the DOM
else {
// Adds a notice indicating that the record will be deleted on save.
// Also adds an undo link and handler.
function addRemovalNotice($container) {
var containerId = $container.attr("id");
'<div id="address-deletion-notice-' + containerId + '">' +
'This address will be deleted when you click the Save Changes button below. ' +
'<a href="#" data-address-deletion-undo>Undo</a>' +
// Add undo link handler
$container.find('a[data-address-deletion-undo]').on('click', function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
$noticeContainer = $this.parents('div'),
containerId = $noticeContainer.attr("id").replace('address-deletion-notice-', ''),
$removedContainer = $("#" + containerId);
// Fade out notice container, remove it, unflag record for deletion,
// and fade in the removed container.
$noticeContainer.fadeOut('slow', function() {
// Fade in the removed container
// Initialize click behavior for button
$("button[data-remove-contact-address]").on("click", function(e) {
addRemoveAddressHandler($(this), e);
component extends="Model" {
function init() {
hasMany(name: "addresses", joinType: "outer");
association: "addresses",
sortProperty: "position",
allowDelete: true
* Removes an address at a given position.
function removeAddressAt(required numeric position) {
if (arguments.position >= ArrayLen(this.addresses)) {
// Delete record from database if it's persisted.
if (!this.addresses[arguments.position].isNew()) {
// Either way, also remove from the array.
ArrayDeleteAt(this.addresses, arguments.position);
// Readjust address positions, or else we'll get some fun Java `null`
// errors later.
for (local.i = 1; local.i <= ArrayLen(this.addresses); local.i++) {
this.addresses[local.i].position = local.i;
component extends="Model" {
function init() {
hasMany(name: "addresses", joinType: "outer");
association: "addresses",
sortProperty: "position",
allowDelete: true
component extends="Controller" {
// Constructor and actions omitted for brevity
* Adds a new address record to the contact and loads new or edit form if
* requested.
private function addAddress() {
// Only run this logic if the "New Address" button was clicked.
if (StructKeyExists(params, "newAddress")) {
// On update, we have an existing contact record from the `findContact`
// filter that we can load the properties into.
if (StructKeyExists(variables, "contact")) {
// If we're working on a new contact, then the `findContact` filter didn't
// run before this. So we need a new contact record.
else {
contact = model("contact").new(;
// Make sure we have an array of addresses to work with.
if (!StructKeyExists(contact, "addresses") || !IsArray(contact.addresses)) {
contact.addresses = [];
// Now let's add the new address with its position populated.
position: ArrayLen(contact.addresses) + 1
// For an AJAX request, we need to only return the `_address`
// partial with the new address record.
if (isAjax()) {
local.address = contact.addresses[ArrayLen(contact.addresses)];
partial: "address",
object: local.address,
current: local.address.position
// ...or render the full page if it's not AJAX.
else {
// Lastly, load the form with the new address populated.
renderPage(action: params.action == "create" ? "new" : "edit");
component extends="Controller" {
function init() {
verifies(params: "key", paramsTypes: "integer", only: "edit,update");
verifies(params: "contact", paramsTypes: "struct", only: "create,update");
filters(through: "findContact", only: "edit,update");
filters(through: "addAddress", only: "create,update");
// Actions omitted for brevity
* Adds a new address record to the contact and loads new or edit form if
* requested.
private function addAddress() {
// Only run this logic if the "New Address" button was clicked.
if (StructKeyExists(params, "newAddress")) {
// On update, we have an existing contact record from the `findContact`
// filter that we can load the properties into.
if (StructKeyExists(variables, "contact")) {
// If we're working on a new contact, then the `findContact` filter didn't
// run before this. So we need a new contact record.
else {
contact = model("contact").new(;
// Make sure we have an array of addresses to work with.
if (!StructKeyExists(contact, "addresses") || !IsArray(contact.addresses)) {
contact.addresses = [];
// Now let's add the new address with its position populated.
position: ArrayLen(contact.addresses) + 1
// Lastly, load the form with the new address populated.
renderPage(action: params.action == "create" ? "new" : "edit");
component extends="Controller" {
function init() {
verifies(params: "key", paramsTypes: "integer", only: "edit,update");
verifies(params: "contact", paramsTypes: "struct", only: "create,update");
filters(through: "findContact", only: "edit,update");
filters(through: "addAddress", only: "create,update");
filters(through: "removeAddress", only: "create,update");
// Actions and `addAddress` filter omitted for brevity
* Removes an address record or marks it for destruction and loads new or edit form if
* requested.
private function removeAddress() {
// Only run this logic if the "Remove Address" button was clicked.
if (StructKeyExists(params, "removeAddress") && IsNumeric(params.removeAddress)) {
// On update, we have an existing contact record from the `findContact`
// filter that we can load the properties into.
if (StructKeyExists(variables, "contact")) {
// If we're working on a new contact, then the `findContact` filter didn't
// run before this. So we need a new contact record.
else {
contact = model("contact").new(;
// Now let's remove the address by position.
// Lastly, load the form with the new address populated.
renderPage(action: params.action == "create" ? "new" : "edit");
component extends="Controller" {
function init() {
verifies(params: "key", paramsTypes: "integer", only: "edit,update");
verifies(params: "contact", paramsTypes: "struct", only: "create,update");
filters(through: "findContact", only: "edit,update");
function new() {
contact = model("contact").new(addresses: []);
function create() {
contact = model("contact").new(;
if ( {
flashInsert(success: "Contact created.");
redirectTo(route: "contact", key: contact.key());
else {
flashInsert(error: "There was an error creating the contact.");
renderPage(action: "new");
function edit() {
function update() {
if (contact.update( {
flashInsert(success: "Contact updated.");
redirectTo(route: "contact", key: contact.key());
else {
flashInsert(error: "There was an error updating the contact.");
renderPage(action: "edit");
* Finds contact for form by `params.key`.
private function findContact() {
contact = model("contact").findByKey(
key: params.key,
include: "addresses",
order: "position"
if (!IsObject(contact)) {
Throw(type: "MyApp.RecordNotFound");
<cfset contentFor(
title: EncodeForHtml("Edit Contact: #contact.firstNameChangedFrom() #contact.lastNameChangedFrom()#")
<h1>Edit Contact</h1>
#startFormTag(route: "contact", key: contact.key(), method: "put", id: "contact-form")#
#submitTag("Update Contact")#
<cfset contentFor(title: "New Contact")>
<h1>New Contact</h1>
#startFormTag(route: "contacts", id: "contact-form")#
#submitTag("Create Contact")#
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