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Last active October 26, 2017 21:56
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module Modules
data Func a b = MkFunc (a -> b)
interface (Functor f, Functor g) => Adjoint (f : Type -> Type) (g : Type -> Type) where
unit : a -> g (f a)
counit : f (g a) -> a
interface Functor f => MyMonad (f : Type -> Type) where
myjoin : f (f a) -> f a
implementation Functor (Func a) where
map f (MkFunc g) = MkFunc (f . g)
implementation Functor (Pair a) where
map f (x, y) = (x, f y)
data Comp : f -> g -> a -> Type where
MkComp : (Functor f, Functor g) => (f (g a)) -> Comp f g a
unwrap : Comp f g a -> f (g a)
unwrap (MkComp f) = f
implementation Functor (Comp f g) where
map f (MkComp x) = MkComp (map (map f) x)
MyState : Type -> Type -> Type
MyState s a = Comp (Func s) (Pair s) a
get : MyState a a
get = MkComp (MkFunc (\x => (x, x)))
set : s -> MyState s ()
set value = MkComp (MkFunc (\_ => (value, ())))
modify : (s -> s) -> MyState s ()
modify f = MkComp (MkFunc (\s => (f s, ())))
run : MyState s result -> s -> result
run (MkComp (MkFunc f)) start = snd (f start)
implementation Adjoint (Pair s) (Func s) where
unit x = MkFunc (\s => (s, x))
counit (s, MkFunc f) = f s
implementation Adjoint f g => MyMonad (Comp g f) where
myjoin (MkComp x) = MkComp (map (counit . map unwrap) x)
implementation Adjoint f g => Applicative (Comp g f) where
pure x = MkComp (unit x)
lhs <*> rhs = myjoin (map (\x => map (\y => y x) lhs) rhs)
implementation Adjoint f g => Monad (Comp g f) where
join (MkComp x) = MkComp (map (counit . map unwrap) x)
example : MyState Int Int
example = do
set 5
modify (+ 1)
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