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Last active August 20, 2018 05:50
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// main.swift
// IncrementalWithChanges
// Created by Chris Eidhof on 15.08.18.
// Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved.
import Foundation
protocol Change {
associatedtype Value
func apply(_ : inout Value)
extension Change {
func applying(to value: Value) -> Value {
var c = value
return c
struct AtomicChange<A>: Change {
let replaceWith: A
func apply(_ value: inout A) {
value = replaceWith
enum ArrayChange<A>: Change {
case insert(A, at: Int)
case remove(at: Int)
case append(A)
func apply(_ value: inout [A]) {
switch self {
case .append(let x):
case let .remove(at: i):
value.remove(at: i)
case let .insert(x, at: i):
value.insert(x, at: i)
final class Var<A, C> where C: Change, C.Value == A {
typealias Observer = (_ old: A, _ change: C) -> ()
private var value: A
private var observers: [Observer] = []
init(_ value: A) {
self.value = value
func modify(_ c: C) {
let old = value
for o in observers {
o(old, c)
func observe(initial: (A) -> (), change: @escaping Observer) {
func transform<B, BChange>(_ f: (A) -> B, _ g: @escaping (A, C) -> BChange) -> Var<B, BChange> where BChange: Change, BChange.Value == B {
let result = Var<B, BChange>(f(value))
observers.append { (y,z) in
let bC = g(y,z)
return result
protocol Filter: Change {
associatedtype Element
func filter(_ condition: (Element) -> Bool, source: Value) -> Self?
extension ArrayChange: Filter {
typealias Element = Value.Element
func filter(_ condition: (A) -> Bool, source: [A]) -> ArrayChange<A>? {
return withoutActuallyEscaping(condition) { condition in
let filtered = source.filter(condition)
func offset(for i: Int) -> Int {
let slice = source[0..<i]
return slice.count - slice.lazy.filter(condition).count
switch self {
case let .append(x) where condition(x): return self
case let .insert(x, at: i) where condition(x):
return .insert(x, at: i - offset(for: i))
case let .remove(at: i) where condition(source[i]):
return .remove(at: i - offset(for: i))
default: return nil
extension Var where C: Filter, A == [C.Element] {
func filter(_ condition: @escaping (C.Element) -> Bool) -> Var<A, C> {
let result = Var<A,C>(value.filter(condition))
observers.append { (source, change) in
if let c = change.filter(condition, source: source) {
return result
enum Either<A, B> {
case left(A)
case right(B)
enum SumChange<A, B, AChange, BChange> where AChange: Change, AChange.Value == A, BChange: Change, BChange.Value == B {
case changeLeft(AChange)
case changeRight(BChange)
case replace(Either<A, B>)
enum ProductChange<A, B, AChange, BChange> where AChange: Change, AChange.Value == A, BChange: Change, BChange.Value == B {
case changeFst(AChange)
case changeSnd(BChange)
case changeBoth(AChange, BChange)
extension ProductChange: Change {
func apply(_ to: inout (A,B)) {
switch self {
case .changeFst(let c):
case .changeSnd(let c):
case .changeBoth(let c0, let c1):
extension SumChange: Change {
func apply(_ to: inout Either<A, B>) {
switch self {
case .changeLeft(let l):
guard case var .left(x) = to else { fatalError() }
to = .left(x)
case .changeRight(let r):
guard case var .right(x) = to else { fatalError() }
to = .right(x)
case .replace(let v):
to = v
let arr = Var<[Int], ArrayChange<Int>>([])
arr.filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }.observe(initial: { x in
print("filtered: ", x)
}, change: { (old, c) in
print("filtered change", old, c, c.applying(to: old))
arr.modify(.insert(0, at: 2))
arr.modify(.remove(at: 3))
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