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Last active June 12, 2017 18:32
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protocol Expr {
static func constant(_: Int) -> Self
static func variable(_: String) -> Self
static func add(_: Self, _: Self) -> Self
indirect enum Exp {
case _const(Int)
case _variable(String)
case _add(Exp, Exp)
extension Exp: Expr {
static func constant(_ x: Int) -> Exp {
return _const(x)
static func variable(_ x: String) -> Exp {
return _variable(x)
static func add(_ l: Exp, _ r: Exp) -> Exp {
return _add(l, r)
func exp_b<E: Expr>() -> E {
let exp_a: E = .add(.constant(10), .variable("i1"))
return .add(exp_a, .variable("i2"))
func mul<E: Expr>(_ x: Int, _ y: E) -> E {
switch x {
case 0: return .constant(0)
case 1: return y
case let n where n % 2 == 0:
return mul(n/2, .add(y,y))
case let n:
return E.add(y, mul(n-1, y))
func exp_mul4<E: Expr>() -> E {
return mul(4, .variable("i1"))
dump(exp_b() as Exp)
typealias REnv = [String:Int]
struct R { let unR: (REnv) -> Int }
extension R: Expr {
static func constant(_ x: Int) -> R {
return R { _ in x }
static func variable(_ n: String) -> R {
return R { env in env[n]! }
static func add(_ l: R, _ r: R) -> R {
return R { l.unR($0) + r.unR($0) }
(exp_mul4() as R).unR(["i1":5])
typealias NodeID = Int
enum Node {
case nconst(Int)
case nvar(String)
case nadd(NodeID,NodeID)
extension Node: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: Node, rhs: Node) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.nconst(let l), .nconst(let r)): return l == r
case (.nvar(let l), .nvar(let r)): return l == r
case (.nadd(let l), .nadd(let r)): return l == r
default: return false
struct Bimap<A> where A: Equatable {
private var storage: [A] = []
subscript(val value: A) -> Int? {
return storage.index(where: { $0 == value})
subscript(key key: Int) -> A {
return storage[key]
mutating func insert(_ value: A) -> Int {
return storage.count - 1
struct State<S,R> {
let modify: (inout S) -> R
func run(_ s: S) -> (R, S) {
var x = s
let result = modify(&x)
return (result, x)
init(modify: @escaping (inout S) -> R) {
self.modify = modify
typealias DAG = Bimap<Node>
struct N {
let unN: State<DAG, NodeID>
extension N {
var run: (NodeID, DAG) {
extension Node {
var hashcons: State<DAG,NodeID> {
return State { (s: inout DAG) in
s[val: self] ?? s.insert(self)
extension N: Expr {
static func constant(_ x: Int) -> N {
return N(unN: Node.nconst(x).hashcons)
static func variable(_ s: String) -> N {
return N(unN: Node.nvar(s).hashcons)
static func add(_ e1: N, _ e2: N) -> N {
return N(unN: State { (state: inout DAG) in
let h1 = e1.unN.modify(&state)
let h2 = e2.unN.modify(&state)
return Node.nadd(h1, h2).hashcons.modify(&state)
dump((exp_mul4() as N).run)
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