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Created October 21, 2016 16:19
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import Foundation
protocol Monoid {
static var zero: Self { get }
func appending(_: Self) -> Self
struct AnyMonoid<Type> {
var zero: Type
let append: (Type, Type) -> Type
extension AnyMonoid where Type: Monoid {
init() {
zero =
append = Type.reducer
extension Monoid {
mutating func append(_ other: Self) {
self = self.appending(other)
static var reducer: (Self, Self) -> Self {
return { x, y in x.appending(y) }
extension Int: Monoid {
static let zero = 0
func appending(_ other: Int) -> Int {
return self + other
extension Sequence {
func reduced(_ monoid: AnyMonoid<Iterator.Element>) -> Iterator.Element {
return reduce(, monoid.append)
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element: Monoid {
func reduced() -> Iterator.Element {
var result =
for el in self {
result = result.appending(el)
return result
extension Array: Monoid {
static var zero: [Element] { return [] }
func appending(_ other: [Element]) -> [Element] {
var result = self
result += other
return result
extension Array {
func parallelReduced(_ m: AnyMonoid<Element>) -> Element {
guard count > 2 else { return reduced(m) }
let halfWay = count / 2
var results = Array<Element?>(repeating: nil, count: 2)
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: 2) { i in
let range = i == 0 ? startIndex..<halfWay : halfWay..<endIndex
results[i] = self[range].reduced(m)
return { $0! }.reduced(m)
extension Array where Element: Monoid {
func parallelReduced() -> Element {
return parallelReduced(AnyMonoid())
let min = AnyMonoid(zero: Int.max, append: Swift.min)
let max = AnyMonoid(zero: Int.min, append: Swift.max)
[[1,2], [3,4]].reduced()
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