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Last active February 28, 2019 22:04
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// main.swift
// OptionParser
// Created by Chris Eidhof on 28.02.19.
// Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved.
import Foundation
print("Hello, World!")
typealias Path = String
enum Mode: Equatable {
case run(RunType, args: [String])
case eject(Path, force: Bool)
case edit(Path)
case help
enum RunType: Equatable {
case stdin
case file(Path)
struct ParseError: Error {
var message: String
init(_ message: String) {
self.message = message
struct Parse<Result> {
let description: String
let _run: (inout Substring) throws -> Result
init(_ desc: String, _ run: @escaping (inout Substring) throws -> Result) {
self.description = desc
self._run = run
static func constant(description: String = "", _ x: Result) -> Parse<Result> {
return Parse(description, { _ in x })
func run(_ input: String) throws -> Result {
var x = input[...]
let result = try _run(&x)
guard x.isEmpty else { throw ParseError("Non-empty remainder: \(x)") }
return result
extension Substring {
mutating func removePrefix<S>(_ prefix: S) -> Bool where S: StringProtocol {
guard hasPrefix(prefix) else { return false }
return true
extension Parse where Result == () {
static func flag(long: String, short: String) -> Parse<()> {
return Parse("\(long) or \(short)") { str in
if str.removePrefix(long) || str.removePrefix(short) {
str = str.drop(while: { $0 == " "})
return ()
} else {
throw ParseError("Expected \(long) or \(short)")
extension Parse {
func map<B>(_ f: @escaping (Result) -> B) -> Parse<B> {
return Parse<B>(description) { x in
return f(try self._run(&x))
func then<B>(_ f: Parse<B>, combine: (String, String) -> String = { "\($0) \($1)" }) -> Parse<(Result, B)> {
return Parse<(Result,B)>(combine(description, f.description)) { x in
let a = try self._run(&x)
let b = try f._run(&x)
return (a, b)
/// tries `self`, but if it fails, this tries `other`
func or(_ other: Parse<Result>, combine: (String, String) -> String = { "\($0) or \($1)" }) -> Parse<Result> {
return Parse(combine(description, other.description)) { x in
do {
return try self._run(&x)
} catch {
return try other._run(&x)
var optional: Parse<Result?> {
return { $0 }.or(.constant(nil), combine: { l, r in "[\(l)]" })
extension Parse where Result == String {
static let string = Parse<String>("<string>") { inp in
inp = inp.drop(while: { $0 == " " })
let x = inp.firstIndex(of: " ") ?? inp.endIndex // doesn't take quoted strings into account!
let result = inp[..<x]
return String(result)
extension Parse where Result == Bool {
static func optionalFlag(long: String, short: String) -> Parse<Bool> {
return Parse<()>.flag(long: long, short: short).map { _ in true }.or(.constant(false))
func oneOf<R>(_ options: [Parse<R>]) -> Parse<R> {
let desc = { $0.description }.joined(separator: "\n")
return Parse<R>(desc) { result in
for o in options {
if let x = try? o._run(&result) { return x }
throw ParseError("Couldn't parse")
let parser: Parse<Mode> =
Parse.flag(long: "--help", short: "-h").map { _ in .help },
Parse.flag(long: "--eject", short: "-e").then(Parse.optionalFlag(long: "--force", short: "-f")).then(.string).map { input in
let ((_, force), path) = input
return Mode.eject(path, force: force)
let expected: [(String, Mode?)] = [
("--help", .help),
("--eject foo", Mode.eject("foo", force: false)),
("--eject --force foo", Mode.eject("foo", force: true))
for e in expected {
assert(try! == e.1)
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