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Last active May 13, 2019 12:40
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import Foundation
Talking points
- It's hard for Node to conform to Codable, because of references
- This is a problem in both directions. For encoding, we need to keep track of what we've already seen. For decoding, we need two-phase initialization.
- But we can convert to sparsegraph, and then we get conformance for free
- to do this, an iterator over all reachable nodes really helps!
- We can also go back from sparsegraph to node
- There's no "natural" element (nor order) when we view Node as a sequence. Neither is there for SparseGraph.
- ObjectIdentifier can be used when you have objects that don't conform to Hashable
- Writing an iterator for SparseGraph's edges is interesting, because the efficient implementation has a complicated type. But in Swift 5.1 we can use some Iterator!
- We could talk about information hiding (e.g. Identifier only has fileprivate props, so is an opaque struct).
- Writing BFS is interesting: it uses AnyIterator, and it has closures that capture `queue` and `discovered` (and writing `discovered` as a Set is more efficient than doing an Array).
- Maybe interesting: talk about wrapping Node in another type (e.g. NodeGraph) which maintains a list of all nodes that were created. This could allow for graphs with more than one [component](, as well as help with cleanup (currently, once you have a cycle in your nodes, they'll never be released).
- For the future: it'd be nice to come up with some kind of graph protocol and implement common methods on top of it. However, I find it hard to imagine what this protocol would look like...
// Here's a reference-based graph. There's no "Graph" datatype, just `Node`s. A node contains an array of outgoing edges (the other nodes).
final class Node<Value> {
var value: Value
var edges: [Node<Value>] = []
init(value: Value, edges: [Node<Value>] = []) {
self.value = value
self.edges = edges
func addEdge(to other: Node<Value>) {
// This compiles but doesn't work unless we have an acyclic graph.
extension Node: Codable where Value: Codable { }
extension Node {
// This returns all reachable nodes in a BFS order. Each node is returned exactly once.
var breadFirstSearch: AnyIterator<Node<Value>> {
var queue = [self]
var discovered: Set<ObjectIdentifier> = [] // should be set of object identifiers
return AnyIterator {
guard let element = queue.popLast() else { return nil }
for n in element.edges {
guard !queue.contains{ $0 === n }, !discovered.contains(ObjectIdentifier(n)) else { continue }
return element
// Problem 1: encoding recursive graphs results in an infinite loop.
func sample1() {
let one = Node(value: 1)
let two = Node(value: 2, edges: [one])
one.addEdge(to: two) // cycle
try! JSONEncoder().encode(one) // infinite loop
// Problem 2: encoding shared objects (e.g. a Node has two outgoing edges to the same object).
func sample2() {
let one = Node(value: 1)
let two = Node(value: 2, edges: [one, one])
assert(two.edges[0] === two.edges[1])
let data = try! JSONEncoder().encode(two)
let result = try! JSONDecoder().decode(Node<Int>.self, from: data)
assert(result.edges[0] === result.edges[1]) // assertion failure
// We can come up with an alternative representation.
// First: identifiers.
struct Identifier: Hashable, Codable {
fileprivate var id: Int
fileprivate init(_ id: Int) { = id
// A sparse graph contains a list of vertex values, and a list of edges between vertices.
struct SparseGraph<Value> {
private var freshIdentifier: Int = 0
var vertices: [Identifier:Value] = [:]
var edges: [Identifier:[Identifier]] = [:]
extension SparseGraph {
mutating fileprivate func fresh() -> Identifier {
defer { freshIdentifier += 1 }
return Identifier(freshIdentifier)
mutating func insert(_ value: Value, edges: [Identifier] = []) -> Identifier {
let id = fresh()
vertices[id] = value
self.edges[id] = edges
return id
mutating func addEdge(from: Identifier, to: Identifier) {
edges[from, default: []].append(to)
extension SparseGraph {
// This would be nicer in Swift 5.1: some Iterator
var allEdges: FlattenSequence<LazyMapSequence<[Identifier : [Identifier]], [(Identifier, Identifier)]>>.Iterator {
return edges.lazy.flatMap { (source, targets) in { (source, $0) } }.makeIterator()
extension SparseGraph: Codable where Value: Codable { }
extension SparseGraph: Equatable where Value: Equatable { }
func sample3() {
var sample = SparseGraph<Int>()
let one = sample.insert(1)
let two = sample.insert(2, edges: [one])
sample.addEdge(from: one, to: two)
print(try! JSONEncoder().encode(sample))
func sample4() {
var sample = SparseGraph<Int>()
let one = sample.insert(1)
let two = sample.insert(2, edges: [one, one])
sample.addEdge(from: one, to: two)
let data = try! JSONEncoder().encode(sample)
let decoded = try! JSONDecoder().decode(SparseGraph<Int>.self, from: data)
assert(sample == decoded)
// We can even go from a Node to a SparseGraph
extension SparseGraph {
// Given breadFirstSearch, we can initialize a graph very easily:
init(rootNode: Node<Value>) {
let all = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: { (ObjectIdentifier($0), (identifier: fresh(), node: $0)) })
for (identifier: id, node: node) in all.values {
vertices[id] = node.value
edges[id] = { all[ObjectIdentifier($0)]!.identifier }
extension SparseGraph {
subscript(identifier: Identifier) -> Value {
return vertices[identifier]!
// And from a SparseGraph back to a Node
extension Node {
convenience init(graph: SparseGraph<Value>, rootNode: Identifier) {
self.init(value: graph[rootNode])
var existing: [Identifier:Node<Value>] = [rootNode: self]
for (id, value) in graph.vertices {
guard id != rootNode else { continue }
existing[id] = Node(value: value)
for (source, targets) in graph.edges {
existing[source]!.edges = { existing[$0]! }
func sample5() {
let one = Node(value: 1)
let two = Node(value: 2, edges: [one])
one.addEdge(to: two) // cycle
let graph = SparseGraph(rootNode: one)
let node = Node(graph: graph, rootNode: Identifier(0))
assert(node.edges[0].edges[0] === node)
print( { $0.value })
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