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Last active February 6, 2019 14:10
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Scanning Sequences
import Foundation
// Alternatives to `Scanner` (before: `NSScanner`).
// A scanner only needs a way to peek and to move to the next token.
protocol ScannerProtocol {
associatedtype Token: Equatable
var peek: Token? { get }
mutating func moveToNextToken()
// Scanning sequences is nice, but possibly inefficient (and destructive!)
struct SequenceScanner<S> where S: Sequence {
typealias Element = S.Element
var peek: Element?
var iterator: S.Iterator
init(_ s: S) {
iterator = s.makeIterator()
peek =
// Some scanners also allow you to read (and set!) the location.
// This is useful for "undoing" a scan, or moving to a different location.
protocol RandomAccessScannerProtocol: ScannerProtocol {
associatedtype Location
var location: Location { get set }
// Collection scanners are a little bit more interesting
struct CollectionScanner<C>: RandomAccessScannerProtocol where C: Collection, C.Element: Equatable {
var location: C.Index // note: clients are allowed to *set* this as well
let collection: C
init(_ c: C) {
location = c.startIndex
collection = c
mutating func moveToNextToken() {
collection.formIndex(after: &location)
var peek: C.Element? {
guard location < collection.endIndex else { return nil }
return collection[location]
// We can define a whole bunch of methods on `ScannerProtocol`
extension ScannerProtocol {
mutating func scan() -> Token? {
defer { moveToNextToken() }
return peek
mutating func scan(_ literal: Token) -> Bool {
guard peek == literal else {
return false
return true
mutating func scan(_ condition: (Token) -> Bool) -> Token? {
guard let p = peek, condition(p) else {
return nil
return p
mutating func scanMany<Result>(_ condition: (Token) -> Bool, initial: Result, _ combine: (inout Result, Token) -> ()) -> Result {
var result = initial
while let p = peek, condition(p) {
combine(&result, p)
return result
mutating func scanMany(_ condition: (Token) -> Bool) -> [Token] {
return scanMany(condition, initial: [], { $0.append($1) })
mutating func scan(count: Int) -> [Token] {
var result: [Token] = []
while result.count < count, let p = scan() {
return result
var eof: Bool {
return peek == nil
// We can also define methods for Character scanners.
extension ScannerProtocol where Token == Character {
mutating func scanInt() -> Int? {
let digits = ("0" as Character)..."9"
let arr = scanMany { digits.contains($0) }
guard !arr.isEmpty else { return nil }
return Int(String(arr))
// If we can "backtrack", we can also try scanning a prefix
extension RandomAccessScannerProtocol {
mutating func scan<S>(prefix: S) -> Bool where S: Sequence, S.Element == Token {
let startLocation = location
for token in prefix {
guard scan(token) else {
location = startLocation
return false
return true
// Scanning into a subsequence
extension CollectionScanner {
mutating func scan(count: C.IndexDistance) -> C.SubSequence? {
let endLocation: C.Index = collection.index(location, offsetBy: count)
guard endLocation <= collection.endIndex else { return nil }
defer { location = endLocation }
return collection[location..<endLocation]
// In the current version of Swift, data[i..j] is broken for i > 0.
extension CollectionScanner where C == Data {
mutating func scan(count: Int) -> Data? {
let endLocation: C.Index = collection.index(location, offsetBy: count)
guard endLocation <= collection.endIndex else { return nil }
defer { location = endLocation }
return collection.subdata(in: location..<endLocation)
// Scans two bytes into a little-endian encoded int16
mutating func scanUInt16() -> UInt16? {
let data: Data? = scan(count: 2)
// A convenience method
extension Character {
/// Only call this on UInt8's that you know are ASCII.
var asciiValue: UInt8 {
return UInt8(self.unicodeScalars.first!.value)
// Another convenience method
extension UInt16 {
init(littleEndian data: Data) {
assert(data.count == 2)
self = data.withUnsafeBytes {
return $0.pointee
// We can make `Byte` a random access collection!
struct Byte: RandomAccessCollection {
let value: UInt8
init(_ value: UInt8) { self.value = value }
var startIndex: UInt8 { return 0 }
var endIndex: UInt8 { return 8 }
subscript(_ index: UInt8) -> Bool {
let mask: UInt8 = 128 >> index
return (mask & value) > 0
// Now off to the real stuff: parsing a GIF header. First, we'll define the data structures
// From
struct GIFHeader {
var width: UInt16
var height: UInt16
var globalColorTable: Bool
var colorResolution: (Bool,Bool,Bool)
var sort: Bool
var globalColorTableSizeRaw: (Bool,Bool,Bool)
var pixelAspectRatio: UInt16
var globalColorTableSize: UInt8 {
var result: UInt8 = 0
if globalColorTableSizeRaw.0 {
result |= 1 << 2
if globalColorTableSizeRaw.1 {
result |= 1 << 1
if globalColorTableSizeRaw.2 {
result |= 1 << 0
return result
struct Color {
let r: UInt8
let g: UInt8
let b: UInt8
// A convenience extension
extension ScannerProtocol where Token == UInt8 {
mutating func scanColor() -> Color? {
guard let r = scan(),
let g = scan(),
let b = scan() else { return nil }
return Color(r: r, g: g, b: b)
// Here is the parser:
struct GifParser {
var scanner: CollectionScanner<Data>
init(_ data: Data) {
scanner = CollectionScanner(data)
private mutating func scanHeader() -> GIFHeader? {
guard scanner.scan(prefix: "GIF" { $0.asciiValue }) else { return nil }
let version = String(scanner.scan(count: 3).map { Character(UnicodeScalar($0)) })
guard version == "89a" else { return nil }
guard let width = scanner.scanUInt16(),
let height = scanner.scanUInt16(),
let packed = scanner.scan(),
let pixelAspectRatio = scanner.scanUInt16()
else { return nil }
let packedByte = Byte(packed)
return GIFHeader(width: width, height: height, globalColorTable: packedByte[0], colorResolution: (packedByte[1],packedByte[2],packedByte[3]), sort: packedByte[4], globalColorTableSizeRaw: (packedByte[5],packedByte[6],packedByte[7]), pixelAspectRatio: pixelAspectRatio)
private mutating func colorTable(globalColorTableSize: UInt8) -> [Color]? {
// numberOfColors = 2^(n+1)
let numberOfColors: UInt8 = 1 << (globalColorTableSize+1)
var result: [Color] = []
for _ in 0..<numberOfColors {
guard let color = scanner.scanColor() else { return nil }
return result
mutating func parse() -> (GIFHeader, [Color])? {
guard let header = scanHeader() else { return nil }
if header.globalColorTable {
guard let table = colorTable(globalColorTableSize: header.globalColorTableSize) else { return nil }
return (header, table)
} else {
return (header, [])
let file = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "sample_1", withExtension: "gif")!
let data = try! Data(contentsOf: file)
var parser = GifParser(data)
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