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Hey everyone!

Thanks once again for buying the pre-release version, we're very happy with the response so far. This week we'll release the (first part of) the model-view-controller chapter. Some bits are still missing, and some bits still under construction, but we hope you'll enjoy it.

We recorded our first Q&A video, thanks to everyone who asked questions. Recording between two continents is a bit hard, so sorry for the low quality — we're still trying to find the button to keep Matt's face visible in the corner. But we're working on it! If you have any questions for next week, please do ask, either by filing issues or sending us a tweet. We'd love to see some questions sent as videos.

You may have heard Chris on the Swift By Sundell podcast last week; he talked

Hi, I'll write a post about NSSpain on my blog when it finishes, but until then I want to go completing this gist with all the available stuff about the event (slides, videos, etc.).

If you are a speaker or want to add some material, don't hesitate to send me a pull request or ping me on Twitter :)

TV & another media

  • RTVE - Informativo Telerioja | Video.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell, EmptyDataDecls, TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Happstack.Server
import Web.Routes.Site
import Web.Routes.PathInfo (PathInfo (..), parseSegments)
import Web.Routes.Happstack
import Cocoa
enum CoroutineState {
case Fresh, Running, Blocked, Canceled, Done
struct CoroutineCancellation: ErrorType {}
class CoroutineImpl<InputType, YieldType> {
let body: (yield: YieldType throws -> InputType) throws -> Void
import Foundation
// A bunch of convenience things
func const <A, B> (b: B) -> A -> B {
return { _ in b }
func repeat <A> (n: Int) -> A -> [A] {
return { a in
return map(Array(1...n), const(a))
chriseidhof / :(
Created November 4, 2014 10:41 — forked from kostiakoval/:(
import Foundation
import ImageIO
infix operator >>= { associativity left }
func >>=<A,B>(l: A?, r: A -> B?) -> B? {
if let x = l {
return r(x)
return nil