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Last active April 22, 2021 09:22
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# TODO add opcodes that are not allowed
# and translate them to "invalid"
# and then check that it is not present
# in the optimized code.
# "ovmCREATE(bytes)": "14aa2ff7",
# "ovmCREATE2(bytes,bytes32)": "99ccd98b",
# "ovmCREATEEOA(bytes32,uint8,bytes32,bytes32)": "741a33eb",
# "ovmEXTCODECOPY(address,uint256,uint256)": "746c32f1",
// This is "kall"
function ovm_callManager(arguments, arguments_size, output_area, output_area_size) {
function ovm_kopy(from, from_size, to, to_size) {
// Call a manager function with two arguments
function ovm_kall_2i(signature, x, y) {
let tmp_a := mload(0x00)
let tmp_b := mload(0x20)
let tmp_c := mload(0x40)
mstore(0, signature)
mstore(4, x)
mstore(0x24, y)
ovm_callManager(0, 0x44, 0, 0)
mstore(0x00, tmp_a)
mstore(0x20, tmp_b)
mstore(0x40, tmp_c)
// Call a manager function returning one value
function ovm_kall_1o(signature) -> r {
let tmp_a := mload(0x00)
mstore(0, signature)
ovm_callManager(0, 4, 0, 0x20)
r := mload(0)
mstore(0, tmp_a)
// Call a manager function without arguments
function ovm_kall(signature) {
let tmp_a := mload(0x00)
mstore(0, signature)
ovm_callManager(0, 4, 0, 0)
mstore(0, tmp_a)
// Call a manager function with one argument and one return value
function ovm_kall_1i_1o(signature, x) -> r {
let tmp_a := mload(0x00)
let tmp_b := mload(0x20)
mstore(0, signature)
mstore(4, x)
ovm_callManager(0, 0x24, 0, 0x20)
r := mload(0)
mstore(0x00, tmp_a)
mstore(0x20, tmp_b)
function ovm_kall_dyn(signature, gasIn, addr, argsOffset, argsLength, retOffset, retLength) -> success {
// TODO If the check fails, we have to use the MSIZE trick or move some
// memory contents around.
// Prepend data in front of the actual call data.
let prefixSize := 0x84
if iszero(argsLength) {
// TODO we could do other optimizations.
argsOffset := prefixSize
if lt(argsOffset, prefixSize) {
// TODO find another way
let callBytes := sub(argsOffset, prefixSize)
// save data in local variables before it is overwritten
let tmp_a := mload(add(callBytes, 0x00))
mstore(add(callBytes, 0), signature)
let tmp_b := mload(add(callBytes, 0x20))
let tmp_c := mload(add(callBytes, 0x40))
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x04), gasIn)
let tmp_d := mload(add(callBytes, 0x60))
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x24), addr)
let tmp_e := mload(add(callBytes, 0x80))
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x44), 0x60)
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x64), argsLength)
// kall, only grabbing 3 words of returndata (success & abi encoding params) and just throw on top of where we put it (successfull kall will awlays return >= 0x60 bytes)
// overpad calldata by a word (argsLen [raw data] + 0x84 [abi prefixing] + 0x20 [1 word max to pad] = argsLen + 0xa4) to ensure sufficient right 0-padding for abi encoding
// TODO Properly right-pad, this needs another local variable, I think.
ovm_callManager(callBytes, add(argsLength, prefixSize), callBytes, 0x60)
// restore prefix
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x80), tmp_e)
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x60), tmp_d)
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x20), tmp_b)
let innerReturndatasize := mload(add(callBytes, 0x40))
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x40), tmp_c)
success := mload(callBytes)
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x00), tmp_a)
// write actual returned data
returndatacopy(retOffset, 0x60, retLength)
// call identity precompile to fix returndatasize
ovm_kopy(0, innerReturndatasize, 0, innerReturndatasize)
function ovm_address() -> r {
r := ovm_kall_1o(hex"996d79a5")
function ovm_call(gasIn, addr, value, argsOffset, argsLength, retOffset, retLength) -> success {
success := ovm_kall_dyn("85979f76", gasIn, addr, argsOffset, argsLength, retOffset, retLength)
function ovm_staticcall(gasIn, addr, argsOffset, argsLength, retOffset, retLength) -> success {
success := ovm_kall_dyn("8540661f", gasIn, addr, argsOffset, argsLength, retOffset, retLength)
function ovm_delegatecall(gasIn, addr, argsOffset, argsLength, retOffset, retLength) -> success {
success := ovm_kall_dyn("ffe73914", gasIn, addr, argsOffset, argsLength, retOffset, retLength)
function ovm_caller() -> r {
r := ovm_kall_1o(hex"73509064")
function ovm_callvalue() -> v {
// we assume no Ether is sent
function ovm_chainid() -> r {
r := ovm_kall_1o(hex"73509064")
function ovm_extcodehash(a) -> r {
r := ovm_kall_1i_1o(hex"24749d5c", a)
function ovm_extcodesize(a) -> r {
r := ovm_kall_1i_1o(hex"8435035b", a)
function ovm_gaslimit() -> r {
r := ovm_kall_1o(hex"20160f3a")
// TODO where is this used?
function ovm_getnonce() -> r {
r := ovm_kall_1o(hex"c1fb2ea2")
// TODO where is this used?
function ovm_incrementnonce() {
function ovm_number() -> r {
r := ovm_kall_1o(hex"5a98c361")
function ovm_revert(data, length) {
let prefixSize := 0x64
if iszero(length) {
// TODO optimize further?
data := prefixSize
let signature := hex"2a2a7adb"
// TODO If the check fails, we have to use the MSIZE trick or move some
// memory contents around.
// Prepend data in front of the actual call data.
if lt(data, prefixSize) {
// TODO find another way
let callBytes := sub(data, prefixSize)
mstore(add(callBytes, 0), signature)
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x04), 0x20)
mstore(add(callBytes, 0x24), length)
ovm_callManager(callBytes, add(length, prefixSize), 0, 0)
// the verbatim bytecode should revert.
function ovm_sload(s) -> r {
r := ovm_kall_1i_1o(hex"03daa959", s)
function ovm_sstore(x, y) {
ovm_kall_2i(hex"22bd64c0", x, y)
function ovm_timestamp() -> r {
r := ovm_kall_1o(hex"bdbf8c36")
CODE=$(solc --ir-optimized --optimize "$1")
CODE=${CODE/Optimized IR:/}
for opcode in address call staticcall delegatecall caller callvalue chainid extcodesize extcodehash gaslimit number revert sload sstore timestamp
CODE=${CODE//[ \t]$opcode(/ ovm_$opcode(}
CODE=${CODE//code {/code {$HELPERS}
echo "$CODE"
echo "$CODE" | solc --strict-assembly --optimize --bin -
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