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Last active November 28, 2023 04:08
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Purity checker
// Some elementary helpers ---------------------------------------
function memptr() -> addr
addr := 0x40
function allocate(size) -> addr
addr := mload(memptr())
mstore(memptr(), add(size, mload(memptr())))
function init()
mstore(memptr(), add(memptr(), 0x20))
function ge(a, b) -> r
r := iszero(lt(a, b))
function inside(x, lower, upper) -> r
r := iszero(lt(upper, sub(x, lower)))
// Code access ---------------------------------------
function extcode(addr) -> code, size
size := extcodesize(addr)
code := allocate(size)
extcodecopy(addr, code, 0, size)
// Array stuff ---------------------------------------
function byteArrayElement(array, index) -> v
v := byte(mload(add(array, index)), 0)
function setByteArrayElement(array, index, v)
v := and(v, 0xff)
let tmp := mload(add(array, index))
tmp := div(mul(tmp, 256), 256)
tmp := add(tmp, mul(v, exp(2, 248)))
// Specific helpers ---------------------------------------
function matches_mask(opcode) -> matches
let mask := 57897811465722876096115075801844696845150819816717215668290421542284681019392
matches := iszero(iszero(and(exp(2, opcode), mask)))
function isPush(opcode) -> r
r := inside(opcode, 0x60, 0x7f)
function isCall(opcode) -> r
switch opcode
case 0xf1 { r := 1 }
case 0xf2 { r := 1 }
case 0xf4 { r := 1 }
funciton returnFalse()
mstore(0, 0)
return(0, 0x20)
/// Determine the opcode sequence number whether the call target address is
/// pushed.
function determineAddressOperation(opcodes, operation) -> addressOperation
// Pattern-match two ways of setting the gas parameter:
switch ge(operation, 2)
case 1
let prevOp := byteArrayElement(opcodes, sub(operation, 1))
// PUSH<value>
switch isPush(prevOp)
case 1
addressOperation := sub(operation, 2)
// sub(gas, PUSH<value>)
switch and(and(and(
ge(operations, 4),
eq(prevOp, 0x03)),
eq(byteArrayElement(opcodes, sub(operation, 2)), 0x5a)),
isPush(byteArrayElement(opcodes, sub(operation, 3))))
case 1
addressOperation := sub(operation, 4)
/// The actual purity checker.
function is_pure(addr) -> _pure
_pure := 1
let code, size := extcode(addr)
let opcodes := allocate(size)
let pushargs := allocate(size)
let operation := 0
for { let i := 0 } lt(i, size) { i := add(i, 1) operation := add(operation, 1) }
let opcode := byteArrayElement(code, i)
setByteArrayElement(opcodes, operation, opcode)
switch matches_mask(opcode)
case 1
_pure := 0
switch isPush(opcode)
case 1
let pusharg := div(mload(add(add(code, i), 1), exp(256, sub(0x7f, c))))
setByteArrayElement(pushargs, operation, pusharg)
i := add(i, sub(c, 0x5f))
switch isCall(opcode)
case 1
let addressOperation := determineAddressOperation(opcodes, operation)
// Operation before the gas parameter must satisfy one of two conditions:
// 1. It is the address itself through the ADDRESS opcode
// 2. It is a PUSH1, i.e. less than 256 (i.e. a present or future precompile)
switch byteArrayElement(opcodes, addressOperation)
case 0x30 {}
case 0x60 {}
default { returnFalse() }
let addr := calldataload(4)
let ret := is_pure(addr)
mstore(0, ret)
return(0, 0x20)
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