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Last active May 15, 2021 23:55
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#! /usr/bin/env pwsh
Create a Postgres application database and roles for owner, application, and application_readonly
Create a Postgres application database and create roles for owner, application, and application_readonly.
- the owner role has no login. the user that runs this script will be assigned to that role
- the application and application_readonly roles will be login roles with password either specified by you
or generated by this script.
- If the passwords are generated by this script, they will be printed as the first
2 lines of output of this script.
- If the script exists in the path, the passwords will be scram encrypted.
- Optionally install common extensions UUID, plv8 and trigram
- Optionally create functions for view and drop database connections
For Scram encryption (requires python3):
function defaultLocaleForLocalhost{
$lc= if($IsWindows){
"ENCODING = 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'english_United Kingdom' LC_CTYPE = 'english_United Kingdom'" }
else {"ENCODING = 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'en_GB.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE = 'en_GB.UTF-8'" }
return $lc
if(-not $dbLocale){$dbLocale= defaultLocaleForLocalhost}
function runOrDryRun($command, $db){
if($dryRun){ "-d $db : $command"}
else{ $command | psql --host=$postgresHost -d $db -U $superuser -X --echo-all }
function New-Password([int]$length=12){
1..($length * 3) |
ForEach-Object{ Get-Random -Minimum 48 -Maximum 122 } |
Where-Object { $_ -lt 58 -or $_ -gt 64 } | Where-Object {$_ -lt 91 -or $_ -gt 96 } |
ForEach-Object{ [Char]$_ } | Select-Object -first $length |
ForEach-Object {$agg=""} {$agg += $_} {$agg}
if(-not $appAccountPassword){
$appAccountPassword= New-Password 20
if(-not $readonlyAppAccountPassword){
$readonlyAppAccountPassword= New-Password 20
write-warning "-----------------------------------------------------
You did not provide passwords, so passwords were created and shown above this line."
$appAccountPassword= $appAccount $appAccountPassword
$ $readonlyAppAccount $readonlyAppAccountPassword
elseif (Get-Command md5)
Will log in to Host=$postgresHost as User=$superuser to create:
Database= $databaseName
database Owner=$databaseOwner
application Login=$appAccount
application readonly login=$readonlyAppAccount
add UUID extension: $addUUID
add Trigram extension: $addTrigram
add plv8 extension: $addPlv8
Create Functions for View and Drop Connections: $createViewAndDropConnectionFunctions
$(if($canScramEncrypt){"Passwords will be stored as scram-hashes"})
starting ...
$requireds= ('$postgresHost','$databaseName','$dbLocale','$databaseOwner','$appAccount','$readonlyAppAccount',
$invalids= $requireds | Where-Object { -not $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($_) }
write-warning "dry running because you missed a parameter: $([string]::Join(", ", $invalids))"
runOrDryRun @"
Create Role $databaseOwner CreateDb CreateRole ;
Grant $databaseOwner to current_user ;
CREATE DATABASE $databaseName With Owner $databaseOwner TEMPLATE = template0 $dbLocale ;
Alter Database $databaseName set client_encoding='UTF8' ;
Create Role $appAccount Login Password `'$appAccountPassword`' ;
Create Role $readonlyAppAccount Login Password `'$readonlyAppAccountPassword`' ;
Grant Connect , Temporary on Database $databaseName TO $appAccount ;
Grant Connect , Temporary on Database $databaseName TO $readonlyAppAccount ;
Grant $readonlyAppAccount to $appAccount;
Grant $appAccount to $databaseOwner;
Revoke Connect On Database $databaseName From Public;
"@ 'postgres'
" Adding favourite Utilities to database postgres ..."
runOrDryRun @"
Create or Replace Function ps()
Returns Table (pid int, datname name, usename name, application_name text, client_addr inet)
Language SQL
As 'Select, a.datname, a.usename, a.application_name, a.client_addr from pg_stat_activity a' ;
Create or Replace Function DropConnections(id int, database name)
Returns Void
Language PlpgSQL
As `$`$
If (id is null and database is null ) Then Raise 'At least one of id or database must be not-null' ; End If;
Perform pg_terminate_backend(
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE ( pg_stat_activity.datname = database Or database is null)
AND ( pid = id or id is null);
End `$`$;
"@ 'postgres'
" Adding extension uuid-ossp to database lb ..."
runOrDryRun 'Create Extension If Not Exists "uuid-ossp" ;' $databaseName
" Adding extension pg_trgm to database lb ..."
runOrDryRun 'Create Extension If Not Exists "pg_trgm" ;' $databaseName
" Adding extension plv8 to database lb ..."
runOrDryRun 'Create Extension If Not Exists "plv8" ;' $databaseName
if(-not $?){
write-warning "Create Extension plv8 failed. Trying to first install to db=postgres"
'Create Extension If Not Exists "plv8" ;' | psql --host=$postgresHost -d postgres -U $superuser -X --echo-all
'Create Extension If Not Exists "plv8" ;' | psql --host=$postgresHost -d lb -U $superuser -X --echo-all
if(-not $?){
write-warning "Create Extension plv8 failed. Trying to install plv8 to your postgres instance"
start -verb runas powershell "$PSScriptRoot/install-postgres-plv8-extension.ps1"
write-error "rerun this script after the server has restarted."
exit 1
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